The temporary contract refers to the contract that summoned her.

Cang Yue needs to obey Kanzaki Yang's instructions within the acceptable range. Kanzaki Yang has three absolute command rights for Cang Yue.

What Cang Yue can gain is the convenience of being able to move around in this world and the spiritual power provided by Kanzaki Yang.

A temporary contract is the basis for a formal contract.

What she wants to sign now is a formal contract.

Heroic spirits do not just respond to other people's calls casually, they must have corresponding holy relics.

443: Not most Yingying spirits are of high moral character, so they need to be restrained by command spells.

Of course, except for the heroic spirits of the Cross Religion like Jeanne d'Arc, she is willing to do anything for Kanzaki Yo without the need for a command spell or even any contract with Kanzaki Yo.

And Cang Yue is not a saint. She also has her own goals and wishes to achieve, and things she wants to protect.

It was precisely because of this...that she responded to this seemingly fantasy call.

After all - if the summoner is a god, then is it normal to be able to accomplish things that only gods can accomplish?

At this time, after hearing what Kanzaki Yang said that her wish would definitely come true, she was overly excited for a moment and released the breath of ice.

As long as we can bring back the lost people, nothing else is a problem.

Cang Yue gave her own answer.

To be honest, I don't really like the way you talk~

Kanzaki Yang looked at the powerful Ice Queen. Although it seemed interesting to shake her pussy, it was more about fun than a way to get along.


Kanzaki Yang snapped his fingers.

What's the meaning?

Cang Yue frowned, what did this person mean?

No...what does this god mean?

Soon she understood what Kanzaki Yang meant.

Because——she felt the alcohol dissipate from her body!

She relied on the Bacchus' Kiss in her hand to keep herself in a state similar to drunkenness to maintain the state of the Ice Queen.

The only result of disappearing from alcohol is to change into the posture of a child!

Well, it looks much better this way.

A few seconds later, Kanzaki Yang looked at Loli Cangyue in front of him and said with a smile.

I have officially changed my job from Ice Queen to Loli wet nurse, which is a joy to congratulate...ahem...

Xiao Cangyue does not have the seventh sense to control ice, but has a powerful healing ability instead.

Extreme healing energy wave: The ultimate healing technique remains. This energy can be used to treat any internal injuries. It can be completely healed in a non-dead state, and can even remove K's demonic poison. However, this energy wave cannot bring the dead back to life.

This is why Cang Yue answered the call.

No need to ask why you are like this, I just think it is easier for you to express yourself like this.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

No matter what kind of Cang Yue it is, it is undoubtedly gentle and lively. The only difference is whether these things are hidden or expressed.


Little Cangyue puffed up her cheeks slightly, looking very dissatisfied.

As stipulated in the contract, the lost life can indeed be returned, should know what the price is, right?

Kanzaki Yang resisted the urge to slap her bulging cheeks down in one breath and said.

Perhaps it was a habit developed on Hestia's side, wanting to poke someone's cheeks when they saw them puffing up.

The contract is equal to both parties. As long as a miracle can be achieved, everything will be worth it.

This is Cang Yue's belief, and both the Ice Queen and Loli Cang Yue have this belief.


The process of signing the contract was very smooth.

Anyway, Kanzaki Yang himself didn't feel anything. Anyway, for him, it was just using the power of the Ark's red ball.

That's all, it's almost like getting an ice queen for free, why not?

here it is.............

Cang Yue looked at the scene in front of her, even in the state of the Ice Queen, she couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

It turns out...does heaven really exist?

Of course it exists. There is a similar place in your world, but you don't know it. Just collect the souls back when the time comes.

As Kanzaki Yang spoke, a golden light flashed on his body like a light bulb being powered on.

He really didn't like the feeling of having a layer of holy light on his face, but there was nothing he could do about it, and the scene had to be complete...

This is what the God of the Bible used to do...

Lord Holy Son~ Everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared~

An angel with a golden ring on his head came from the side - Seraph Michael.

Michael did not express any opinion on the Ice Queen beside Kanzaki Yang, and this was not something he could control.

What he wants to the heaven.

Although the control lies with the Holy Son, he is also entrusted with the responsibility of managing the heaven by the Holy Son.

Well, let's set off~

Kanzaki Yang nodded, he wanted to reshape the reincarnation pool!

After losing the support of the power of the God of the Bible, there are no more reincarnated angels.

If it weren't for Kanzaki Yang, maybe the angels would ask the demons for the demon's reincarnation technology to reincarnate angels.

But now that we have the genuine version, who wants to pirate it? Or do you piracy in front of your own god? Isn’t that seeking death?

By the way, if you want to reincarnate, you can. After reincarnation, you will definitely be stronger than before, but it will not be as efficient.

Kanzaki Yang reminded.

Eh? Can we do that too?

Michael asked slightly embarrassed.

To be honest, he was a little worried before. If the Holy Son said that he wanted to reincarnate a new type of angels, would he create new Seraphs and then no longer want them.

Now that he heard these words from the Holy Son, he finally felt relieved.

From the beginning to the end, the Holy Son had no intention of abandoning them~

Okay, okay, you don't have to do this in 2.2.

Kanzaki Yang smiled helplessly, and then threw two things into the reincarnation pool.

The True Holy Cross and the Fallen Sacred Heart.

Although the effect of the fallen Sacred Heart has expired for three days, it only no longer has the effect of providing the power of the God of the Bible.

In a sense, there is no problem in thinking of it as a kind of holy relic that is the source of the power of the God of the Bible.

Michael, remember, although the newly reincarnated angels are not as fast as before, they are certainly strong. Even if they are worse, they are still at the current high-level angel level. They must train well.

Kanzaki Yang reminded.

Oh, by the way, these angels will not fall into heaven.

He told another piece of news that was extremely exciting for Michael.


[Note: Chitong should be killed, but it’s just a transitional world, so it shouldn’t take long].

Chapter 194

No.........won't fall to heaven?!

Really? Lord Holy Son?

Michael's voice trembled a little.

Won't fall into heaven? !

Although it has a certain impact on the purity of angels, it is obviously much greater than the impact on fallen angels.

That is to say - if all the angels in heaven have been reincarnated for the second time, there will be no chance for new members on the side of fallen angels!

Although the tripartite alliance is now formed, and it is indeed led by the Holy Son, Michael definitely does not want his children to degenerate into fallen angels.

If one's faith is slightly shaky, one will become a fallen angel. Michael feels that at least those children should be given a chance.

of course not.

According to the evolutionary data of Flügel used by Kanzaki Yo, angels in this world will fall, but there is no such thing as fall of Flügel.

Being born for fighting is inherently destructive, and there is no such thing as degeneration.

After all, angels are the followers of the God of Mercy, and the Flügel are the followers of the God of War.

13. Okay, those under the Ten-Winged Fallen Angels only need to enter here to be reincarnated successfully for the second time.

After calling up the Ark Red Ball and making a series of parameter adjustments, Kanzaki Yang said.

As for you, I have collected your information before, but further testing and adjustments are needed, so we can only do it one by one.

With one stroke of his hand, Kanzaki Yang imprinted all the determined parameters into the reincarnation pool.

Yes, it's our pleasure.

Michael bowed slightly and said.

He definitely wouldn't have any grudges about the fact that he might be reincarnated later than some angels.

After all...compared to ordinary angels, the Holy Son is specifically responsible for their reincarnation work, so he doesn't get more expensive treatment at all, okay?

Okay, I'll leave my affairs in heaven to you, and I'll finish what I should finish first.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

I wish your Lord the Holy Son a prosperous military fortune.

Michael smiled and gave his blessing.

He knew what Yang Kanzaki was going to do, but he had no intention of stopping it.

After all, this is the will of the gods~


This is the last stop before we leave.

In the depths of the underworld, Kanzaki Yang said to Cang Yue.

After all, there is still a contract to be completed with Cang Yue, so it would be better to show the effect in front of her first.

Of course, the most important reason is to eliminate potential threats.

The Gates of does it look?

Kanzaki Yang looked at the gate of Hades in front of him and asked with a smile.

Gate of Hades Gate of Hades.

Hades and Hades are not the same place.

To be precise, the underworld where the devil is located is in the upper level of Hades, so when Hades complained, he would say that some crows and bats were jumping around above his head in boredom.

I have to say, it looks a little boring.

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