So, what does this have to do with the scene you showed?

Odin asked very directly.

As a god who is close to the three major forces, he also has the obligation to ask questions for other gods.

Because... Before we noticed, the existence of another world has already come to us. The young god's voice was so gentle, but what he said made people feel uncomfortable. Countless gods were concerned.

Is the world where I and others have been targeted without knowing when?

Why isn't there any sense of reality?

I once met a girl...

When the gods all began to discuss randomly, Kanzaki Yang said slowly.

She is the witch of the devil...

She was already in a coma when I met her, and her first words after waking up were - her own existence may bring danger to people in this world.

Her name is Shefa Rasela Serbeth, she is the witch of the devil.

The Demon God and the Miko transferred to us through a formation that our planet does not have, and informed me of the Demon God's imminent arrival.

This kind of statement doesn't seem to have much credibility, does it?

A god stood up, indeed, just like what he said... words alone are not convincing.

If you make up such words, you can make them up at will, although the God of the Bible has no reason to deceive them.

But... he still couldn't believe it.

It does not sound credible, so... isn't the truth being revealed to everyone now?

The young god shook his head and gestured to the projection in the air.

Let Lord Shiva show you the reality of the world. Isn't this the best way?

The young god said so.

Well, let's take a look. The god who asked the question sat down.

Indeed, if the God of the Bible and Shiva both verified this fact, there would be nothing to doubt.

Let’s take a look again~ Let’s see what’s unique about the twelfth yin where Shiva is located.

There is no doubt that there are existences in endless dimensions that are stronger than our world.

Not all existences are kind to us. Next... what will be revealed in front of everyone will be the reality of the world.

The young god's tone was calm, and he did not have any mood swings because of the question just now.

To be honest, it wouldn't matter if it was an evil god. His maximum burst and Ophis' full assistance could barely kill one of the two evil gods who could not be reincarnated.

However, there are three evil gods~~

The evil god Regalzeva - the god of mechanical life forms from the E×E different world The Evil Ghost God.

A seven-meter-long mechanical giant with a purple-black body tone and five eyes. The elder brother of Melvazoa, his strength is not inferior to his younger brother. Created the two pillars of the family Jidu Tianhai.

He led the Evil Ghost Ship Group that has destroyed countless worlds and destroyed many planets to come to Earth.

If there are no accidents, the Great Red will be killed in the dimensional gap in the future and the flagship will be parked in the dimensional gap.

He named the earth Dragon×Deus - D×D. Ignoring the ship's original mission to conquer the F×F world, he ordered the suppression of the D×D world while searching for his escaped miko.

The escaping miko refers to the miko Kanzaki Yang located through his own abilities - Shefalasela Serbeth.

She is the witch of Sera Serbeth.

Sera Selbe—the god of mechanical lifeforms from the E×E world Demon God.

The younger sister of Melvazoa, her strength is not inferior to her elder brother. The exact number of dependents created is unknown, but five pillars have been confirmed.

But...the thing that troubles the young god the most is not the [ghost] or the [demon], but...the evil god.

The Evil God Melvazo—the Evil God in charge of mechanical life forms in the E×E alternate world.

The combat power far exceeds that of Orpheus or Great Red.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he has immortality!

In order to transcend death, he uses reincarnation techniques, manipulates the concept of existence, involves himself in parallel worlds, and manipulates time to enable himself to survive.

In a sense, as long as he is not completely eliminated in each parallel world, there is a possibility of his resurrection.

In addition to the troublesomeness of these evil gods themselves, their 440 attributes are also quite difficult to deal with.

The evil god created seven extremely vicious descendants Rahu Qiyao.

The first one surpasses the Great Red, and the rest of his followers are all powerful existences at the main god level!

If the three gods, brother and sister, lead their families to attack together, the earth will undoubtedly be destroyed.

And evil gods and ghosts... are scheduled to lead their armies to attack the earth thirty years later.

According to the original world line... it's like this.

But Kanzaki Yang discovered the Demon God's Miko in advance. In the original world line, the Demon God's Miko should have been discovered at least a year later in the timeline.

Ever since Kanzaki Yang came to this world...the shift of the world line has become inevitable.



As Shiva's perspective progressed, all the gods also saw things they had never seen before.

It was a spaceship full of cyberspace and weirdness. It was obviously made of machinery, but it had no sense of solemnity and was full of distortion and chaos.

It's like...the technology tree is crooked.

Although technology should not have a clear development direction, judging by the technology of Kanzaki Yang's world.

For mechanical life forms like the Evil God, it is obvious that the technology tree is crooked.


Shiva looked at the ship from another world displayed in front of him and nodded slightly. .

Chapter 183

Not long ago, he communicated with the existence that he once thought was gone and learned about the existence of another world.

Of course, he was dubious at first.

However, the other party understood it very well and knew that he would have this attitude, so he proposed a plan for him to verify by himself.

Now... Shiva looked at the strange ship in front of him and the faint aura coming from it, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

keep going? Still not moving forward?

There seems to be no room left.......

A powerful aura came from it.

That's...the breath of a powerful mechanical evil god from another world!

It seems that the other party has been prepared for a long time~

Shiva shook his head without joy or sorrow, and threw out a formation disk.

This is what the God of the Bible gave him.

The God of the Bible once told him that if the evil god resurrected in front of him and both he and the evil god had the will to fight, he would use this thing to seal the scene.

The moment the array disk was thrown out, it had already expanded into a complete form, completely covering the entire area.

That's right, the conditions for throwing the formation disk have now been met...

He... also has the will to fight!

The unknown enemy made his heart, which had been quiet for a long time, become turbulent again.

meeting venue.

After seeing this unknown spaceship, all the gods became concerned?

It seems that Lord Shiva intends to challenge the other party? Then you have to take a good look~

Your Majesty the Holy Spirit, it seems that this is the proof of what you call a different world~

As expected of you, you know the enemy first. You must have come back this time to solve this problem, right?

After combining Shiva's choice to explore the road, Emperor Shakten's beating, and the complete blockade of Juwang Town by the God of the Bible,

After coming, most of the gods realized the importance of this matter.

The God of the Bible has been gone for so long, and now it seems that his previous passing was just a smoke bomb.

So... the God of the Bible chooses to appear in front of the world again, it must be because of something very important.

Most of the gods were shaken and basically believed 80%.

Of course, the main reason is actually that the top players in the world have appeared.

Emperor Shitian is almost the same type as the top 5. The original second biblical god stated that there is a powerful alien evil god who covets this world.

Shiva, who was ranked second in the world not long ago and should now be ranked third in strength, chose to explore the way.

Tianlongs who could barely squeeze into the top 10 in the world were also surrounding him, and there were three of them all at once!

Now it seems that it is time for them, the masters of the Lord God level and the Demon King level, to take a stand?

That's probably it~

Faced with the god's flattery, the young god said softly.

The time for change has arrived. The world order needs to be changed by everyone here.

However, let's wait until Lord Shiva's side of things is settled before we talk about what to say~

The young god showed no signs of being anxious.

The godhead of the Bible God can be used for three days, and he can maintain this posture during these three days.

That's right~ a god agreed.

As expected of that person, he is so calm~ Another god quickly took the photo.


There are many similar words. After witnessing the real thing, how many people will choose not to believe it?

Shiva's side.

In front of him, the mechanical evil god from another world showed his appearance.

It's not a huge body, but it shows an inexplicable courage.


Shiva narrated the name of this being which he had received from the God of the Bible.

Lugadim - the King of Heaven belonging to Regalzeva's Jidu Tianhai.

The body is about five meters tall and in the shape of a robot.

Of course, none of this matters.

The important thing is... He has the strength of the Great Red level!

Lugadim created his own followers, the Five Evils, who are powerful from the main god to the demon king level.

(bdcc) Park the ship on the far side of the moon. In order to pursue the devil, a miko sends her family and subordinates to investigate the earth.

After sensing the aura of the intruder, Lugatim chose to come out to greet him.

Because he knew that the intruder's strength was extraordinary. If he just sent his family members, it would be no different from sending food.

Is this a powerful existence in this world? Since you have found me, then...even if it is used as research material, you don't have any complaints, right?

Lugardim said something that was taboo in every sense of the word.

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