Please be careful, Xing'er~

The young god warned the crystal dragon who turned into a girl.

.... .... 0

The Savior Star Dragon is only a little weaker than Shiva, and coupled with the fact that the Savior Star Dragon itself is absolutely suppressive against beings whose strength is lower than his own, he knows the outcome of Emperor Shitian's battle without having to judge.

The Savior Dragon itself is a female dragon, and he also knows this.

However, at the beginning, Stardust Dragon did not have the ability to change its posture even if it evolved into Savior Star Dragon.

This ability was acquired after she obtained the Star Heart and evolved.

Ok, I know.

The Savior Star Dragon nodded slightly.

She would definitely listen to what the young god said.


Emperor Shitian smiled and stepped into the open space of the young god with Savior Xinglong.

Now this place is blocked by the Shifang Seal Formation, and even he does not have the ability to open it.

But even so, it doesn't matter. As long as he can fight, nothing else matters.

Although he estimated that he was no match for the God of the Bible, he was not someone who would lose his will to challenge because of this.

As long as this dragon is dealt with, the God of the Bible will lose face, and no matter what he wants to talk about in the future, it will be easier to talk about.

It's a pity that...the pre-judgment result of Emperor Shitian's matter was wrong.

It seems to have started over there~

After sending Emperor Shitian away, the young god looked towards the moon in the sky.

Today's moon is a little different than usual.

However, one side of the moon always faces the earth, and the changes on the moon cannot be seen by sight alone. knife.

Chapter 181

Beneath the Holy Cross.

One after another, powerful beings came to the Holy Cross.

Hey~ Isn't this an old country man from the Northern Gods? Why, are you working as a receptionist here?

Zeus asked Odin who was smiling at the school gate as he watched the gods enter one by one.

He also came here to watch the fun, but he didn't expect that he would now join in the fun.

Zeus of the Greek god system has a much better reputation among other gods than Hades, who likes to laugh Jie Jie Jie~.

He is also considered an acquaintance of Odin.

Miss Welcome? Don't you think you are like a jailor? They are specially designed to arrest you people~

Odin gave his own response.

He has a good relationship with the biblical theology. Those gods cannot come out after being asked to go in. At least he can come out and stroll around casually.

Haha~ I didn't expect that I would go from 440 to where I am today~

Faced with Odin's teasing, Zeus was not angry at all, because the facts were pretty much what he said. At most, it was just whether they were captured or came here by themselves.

Facing the resurrected God of the Bible, no God is willing to let him personally invite them over. Instead of doing this, it is better to come obediently.

After all, everyone is like this, and the shame will not go anywhere.

By the way, is this the first time that the God of the Bible reveals his gender in front of us?

Zeus said softly.

The God of the Bible before was wrapped in holy light just as he is now, and it is the same now.

But there are subtle differences.

This time the God of the Bible... seems to have revealed his voice in front of everyone for the first time? !

Hearing that the voice of the God of the Bible sounded like that of a teenager, he was a little disappointed... He thought she was a girl~

I think it's better not to discuss this issue casually, ahem~

Odin coughed.

Zeus also dared to say anything and gossip about other people on their territory. It seemed that Zeus was really on the same page as him.

After chatting for a while, Odin led Zeus into the real meeting site. The tripartite peace conference was decided in a small conference room.

This time the scale has become larger and the guests are much more powerful, so naturally a new conference venue must be prepared.

However... the largest meeting place should be the Ten Directions Seal Formation. It is the only one that can bind all the gods in it and neutralize all the gods' attacks. .

Walking into the meeting site, he finally saw the God of the Bible standing quietly in the air under the Holy Cross.

It’s still that familiar fluctuation, it’s still that familiar feeling~

Zeus sighed and sat down somewhere casually.

He was actually quite interested in what the God of the Bible was going to say. After all, after such a big battle, what exactly was he going to say to them?

Even the God of the Bible wants to use this kind of tactics to deal with it. It seems that something quite serious has indeed happened. could they not be aware of something quite serious?

“I’m glad that everyone can come here, but it’s a pity that I didn’t invite anyone.”

Such a will is conveyed in the light in the sky.

After hearing these words, Zeus's expression became subtle.

You have released three Tianlongs. If anyone doesn't come, let Tianlong or you personally invite them. Is there anyone who dares not to come?

I invite you all to come because it is indeed very important. But before that, there are some things I want to let you know.

A gentle voice came from the holy light.

After saying this, a magic circle appeared in the air.

As the magic circle circulates, phantoms are constructed from it.

This is not an offensive magic circle, it is just a magic circle that is usually used to play some images.


As soon as the projection was released, everyone heard a voice broadcast in real time.

That was the sound of the sacred light cannon hitting the mountain.

In the image, a crystal dragon casually threw a wave of light at a bald man who looked bruised and swollen, and then took on the appearance that everyone sees now.

Isn't this dragon the celestial dragon that was beside the God of the Bible before!?

Someone recognized the identity of the Savior Star Dragon. After all, the characteristics of the Savior Star Dragon are too obvious. The sacred star particles wrapped around its body and the crystal body can be easily recognized even if it is thrown into a pair of dragons. .

Wait! Why does that bald man with a bruised nose and swollen face look more and more familiar to me?!

Finally someone noticed that bald head...

Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, someone still recognized him.

Hey!~Xiao Bailong, look at that bald head, is it Emperor Shaktian?

A god grabbed the jade dragon next to him and asked.

That's right, it's Emperor Shitian. It seems that he was treated badly~ A monkey wearing sunglasses shook the pipe in his hand and said unhurriedly.

I'll go! It's really Emperor Shitian?! He was violently beaten by a heavenly dragon!?

That's Di Shitian?! It's impossible, right? That bald donkey was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen?

That's right! It's Emperor Shakti. I'll never forget those exaggerated beads and that iconic bald head!

Soon, the news that the being in the projection was Emperor Shitian spread all over the place, which opened the eyes of all the gods - can Tianlong also beat the top transcendent?

They were surprised for a reason.

Generally speaking, there is a consensus that the Dragon King is greater than the ordinary Demon King, and the Heavenly Dragon is greater than the ordinary Transcendent.

However, they felt that maybe it was because of the existence of Er Tianlong that they limited the Tianlong level to Er Tianlong's strength.

If there are only two Tianlongs, it is obvious that the number of Transcendents is much greater than that of Tianlongs. The power level determination seems to be unreliable?

So is it necessary to judge the strength of the new Tianlong? Or is this Crystal Dragon judged to be a higher-level existence?


Just when all the gods 2.2 had different ideas, the screen suddenly interrupted.

Sorry, that's not what I want to show you.

The young god said softly.

But most people didn't hear the apology in his tone.

In fact, it was exactly what they thought. It was impossible for something like this to go wrong. It was just out of the young god's personal intention that he temporarily released the projection of Emperor Shakten being beaten.

What everyone needs to see is this.

With the transmission of will, the projected magic circle started to operate again.

What appeared in front of all the gods this time was a very different scene from before.

Desolation, desolation.

In the desolation, a young man walked slowly forward.

It was a beautiful young man with slightly bluish black hair, about fourteen to fifteen years old, and regular facial features...

Chapter 182

This person is!

Compared with Emperor Shitian who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, the identity of this young man was still easy to see.

Isn't this Shiva? Where is he now?

A god couldn't help but exclaimed.

I didn't expect to be able to see two great figures, Shiva and Shakti, at the same time today.

However, considering that the legendary God of the Bible also made an appearance today, everyone is no longer surprised.

Look at the desolation and special landforms there. Isn't that the Lunar Star?!

Lunar Star? What is Shiva doing there?

Finally someone recognized the so-called lunar landform.

Taiyin - that is, the moon.

As they saw, now Shiva was on the moon.

I wonder if any of you have heard of another world?

The young god asked.

His words caused a commotion among the pantheons.

Different world? Of course I have heard of it. Is there any connection between the different world and what we are talking about now?

Based on the records and observations of various pantheons, there is indeed a different world. Odin stroked his beard and said.

Yes, another world does exist, and it must exist with a completely different worldview from our world.

The young god said.

I don’t know if it’s everyone’s misunderstanding, but some people always feel that the God of the Bible sighed.

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