Cardinale said with a hint of madness.

The aura of chaos lingered on her body, easily raising her top demon's strength to the Demon King level, and... it seemed to be rising!

Although Ophis has left, she has indeed given many human snakes to the Disaster Group.

Now that Ophis has not returned, these people want to use these powers to regain their status as soon as possible. .

Chapter 169

After using Ophis' snake, the strength of the three weak chickens has been significantly improved.

Among them, Kadileiya and Cruzare, who have the highest level of demon fighting power, have gained the power of the Demon King.

Xiaruba is even more amazing. He has directly transformed from the original low-level demon king to a half-step transcendent!

In the original plot, Kadileya was killed by Azazel who used the Forbidden Hand.

Cruzare was defeated because Sajax used the power of destruction to destroy the [Snake] in his body.

Sharuba was killed by Hyoudou Issei using Tyrannosaurus in the later stage. Sharuba still ran away when he used Tyrannosaurus for the first time.

It can be said that although the three of them are rubbish in their own strength, they are not easy to chew after using Ophis's [Snake].

Seraful! You, the false demon king who stole the position of the real demon king, I want to challenge you for the position of demon king!

Cadileia, who was full of self-confidence, directly launched a challenge towards Serafall.

She is Cadilea Leviathan, the one who inherited the bloodline of the True Demon King! To regain the honor of our ancestors!

Although Cadilea only has the strength of a 13th-level demon, she should have Ophis's [Snake] in her body. After eating it, she will burst into the demon king's peak combat power, and Serafall may really fall over~~

According to the original plot line, Azazel should be preparing to take action.

And now... Asahir doesn't seem to have any intention of taking action.

Because the current situation is very different from the original one.

Azazel will not be a vanguard when Kanzaki Haru is around~

Originally, Azazel in the world line wanted to actively promote peace.

But now.........

Azazel just wants to fish, and leave everything to Kanzaki Yang. He is a quiet salted fish.

Um, Cardinala-chan, are you really a terrorist who wants to subvert the underworld? Serafall said with a sigh.

If the other party wanted to challenge, she would have no choice but to challenge him.

Even, for the sake of peace in the underworld, she will use freezing magic to seal Cardinale forever...

There is really no other way to do this. If she wasn't forced to be too hasty, she wouldn't want to do this.

Facing Serafall's doubts, Cardinale's attitude was quite firm.

Huh?! Terrorists? We are just taking back what we deserve. Is there anything wrong?

In the eyes of the old devil sect, it is obvious that there is no problem.

They are all right.............

This is... the arrogance that should be destroyed...

This is a very normal request for you, but your current understanding can no longer withstand your troubles, so...Cardilena-chan, come on~

Serafall took out the magic wand from her chest. As a demon king, she would not fail to fight when she should fight.

Hmph! I will let you see the power of the descendants of the true Demon King.

After saying this, Cardinale flew out from the window sill, followed closely by Serafall.

Haha~ It seems that there is something wrong here. Do you need me as a middleman to mediate?

Emperor Shitian smiled wantonly.

But he and the three parties knew very well that it was simply impossible for Emperor Shitian to come forward.

If it was really his turn to take action, all three parties would have been humiliated, and he would never take action at that time.

No need, Master Di Shitian, let us handle our own affairs~

Sajax said with a smile.

Of course he was dissatisfied with Shakti's attitude.

However, he also knew that with this god's attitude, it was impossible to give them any respect when he thought they were just demon king-level figures.

Then leave these two guys to me. After all, I am also the student council president of this school~

Kanzaki Yang stood up.

Well, he's going to pick a lucky noob at random and run away.

After saying this, before Sheruba and the two could react, Kanzaki Yang directly used transfer magic to take the descendants of Asmodeus out of the meeting.

It was reasonable and legal to escape, Kanzaki Yang was still very grateful to this rookie.

The one who stayed in place was Sheruba, the strongest among the three, who had the strength of a half-step transcender after using Ophis's snake.

He was a little confused.

How come I didn't realize what happened just now?

Is it possible that because my strength was forcibly raised, I feel a little uncomfortable?

He absolutely did not believe that the Sekiryuutei had the ability to easily take away Asmodeus in his eyes. Even if the Sekiryuutei easily killed the ten-winged fallen angel, he would not believe it.

Kokbol's strength has not yet reached the level of a demon king, so it is normal for him to be killed easily. He now has the confidence to easily kill Kokbol instantly. did the Sekiryuutei take Asmode away from him so easily?

Sherupa was very confused.


The thing spreading on the ground is the ultimate mist. The terrorists are very well prepared~

It seems like things are going to change~ Can you devils come over and deal with it?

Emperor Shitian analyzed seriously.

He directly beat the heroic faction he was secretly supporting into terrorists. Cao Cao would have been deeply moved when he heard that~

But Cao Cao probably wouldn't care too much.

If there is a backstage, there is a backstage. He doesn't care who the backstage is. Even... Emperor Shitian is also the god he wants to defeat or even kill after he becomes stronger.

Lending Juewu can be regarded as aid to the old Demon King Faction. Cao Cao wants to use the hands of the Old Demon King Faction to stir up the forces of all parties.

Even if it doesn't work, he can also use this to test Yang Kanzaki, a person who holds a very important position in his heart.

After all, except for Ophis, he had never thought that anyone could take over his [Bahui] so easily.


Looking at the last remaining Shaluba, Sajax gave his own response.

Of course there is no problem. Let me ask again, Sheruba Beelzebub, are you sure you want to challenge the current Demon King as the old Demon King?

Sajax looked at Shaluba with awe. his final announcement.

If it were the original world line, he might have let these people go, at least giving them a chance to change.

But now.........This is no longer his final decision~

Sajax, what do you think we are here for today?!

Shaluba had something to say.

There must be a purpose for coming today.

Today is the day when the three parties signed a peace treaty, and he came with the idea of ​​destroying peace and starting a war!

His face has obviously been torn, but Sajax is still here talking about some scenes. This is why he looks down on these new generation demon kings!

weak! It's so weak!

Well, if that's what you think...

Sajax sighed.

Then... on behalf of my friend Achuka, I will eliminate those who challenge his throne!

Randomly, Sajax's eyes turned red, symbolizing the power of destruction. .

Chapter 170

Obviously in the name of Lucifer, but using the destructive power of the Barr family, this is the existence we want to eliminate!

Sharuba said righteously.

He is obviously an outsider who has borrowed Baal's power, but he wants to arrogantly transform himself from a superior demon into a demon king? ! This is something he absolutely cannot accept as he sticks to the rules.

Differences in ideas are the most irreconcilable, and this is also the source of their conflicts.

This time they jumped out together to completely change this phenomenon!

Originally, Sheruba, as a reasonably scheming person, would not jump out now.

But after the disappearance of Ophis, he clearly understood that if he didn't jump out, it would be over.

Without Orpheus as a symbol of strength, those who do not have the confidence to follow them in rebellion may simply collapse.

Even if there is no exposure, after the snakes are exhausted, the result will be the same if Orpheus cannot be found by then.

Jumping out together will definitely have a much higher success rate. At least if you kill Sajax and Serafall first, it will be much easier to face the next two demon kings.

Maybe giving them away one by one like the original plot line is the real stupidity~

The descendants of Leviathan jumped out of the tripartite meeting and were killed by the Governor of the Fallen Angels.

The descendants of Asmodeus came to the door when Theodora made a comeback and were killed by Sajax.

Sharuba, the descendant of Beelzebub, suffered the worst. He teleported away Aisha thinking he had cleared a minion, but was directly disabled by Tyrannosaurus.

This was not completely dead yet. When the fallen angel Samael appeared, he was finally killed.

Only the Hip Dragon Emperor Walli is still alive, because he knows that these people are idiots who have no strength and incorrect ideas. He chose to act on his own, and in the end nothing happened.

You can even use your relationship with Azazel and your good relationship with the future Hyoudou Issei from the underworld to clear your name.

This...maybe it's the gap~

Sajax looked at Sheruba who obviously couldn't listen to anything, and shook his head slightly.

Since he is unwilling to be eliminated by the times and unwilling to change himself, then let him help them~

This is an idea from the old era. If we face the new era with this idea, we will definitely be eliminated.

I'm sorry~ Sherupa, as the Demon King, I have to exclude you.

Sirzechs said something that was considered taboo for the old Demon King sect.

The most disgusting thing is this. In their opinion, the person who usurped their position said in front of them that they became the devil for the future of the underworld.

Disappear! Sirzechs! I will punish you with the blood of the true demon king!

Shaluba's hands were condensed with terrifying magic power.

This is already a strength comparable to that of the first generation Demon King Beelzebub!

In his opinion, it should be easy to solve things.

Unfortunately... things were really far from what he imagined.


The red power of destruction surged through Sajax's body, slowly devouring his body.

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