Maybe... Only bugs like the Great Red or the Beast King rushing out of this space after it is broken will surprise him~

Although he and Emperor Shitian, Fenrir, Typhon, Light God Luger, etc. are known as the top ten masters in the world.

However, other strong people are basically in the top ten. obviously the second best.

Although there is almost a one-dimensional gap between him and the number one Ophis, he can't compare to Ophis, but he can still fight much better than the people below him.

Within the original plot line.

Azazel and others considered that if the worst case scenario happened - the Beast King was resurrected and defeated the Great Red, then even if they fought with all their strength, it would be slightly insufficient.

At this time......... foreign aid is needed.

So Azazel and others decided to find the person who could stop all this - Shiva, the God of Destruction.

(bdcc) Shiva, in the eyes of Azazel, is the person who clearly has the power to stop the Beast King.

After Azazel provided all the information and conditions he had to Shiva, Shiva finally agreed and promised that if 666 escaped to another world, Shiva would hinder or even knock him down.

This... is Shiva's status and strength.

For a long time, Shakti, who is also among the top ten masters in the world, seemed to be very dedicated to Shiva.

Of course, Shiva himself was not too interested in Shakti.

He can easily see things that the former Governor of the Fallen Angels, Azazel, cannot.

Its aura can make Azazel feel something immeasurable. When Ophis's strength was still at its peak, he was the second strongest person in the world.

When Orpheus lost most of his power, Shiva expressed that he had lost interest in Orpheus in this posture.

You know, Ophis at this time is still far more than twice as powerful as Er Tianlong at his peak. Maybe Shiva at this time can be regarded as the strongest person in the world.

In addition to this, he is believed to be a powerful being capable of restraining the Tree of Evil.

Suppressing the Evil Tree does not refer to suppressing Rizevim who acts like a madman, but suppressing the Beast King.

Azazel believes that when 666 defeats the Great Red, Shiva has the ability to hinder or even defeat 666.

Even if defeating the Great Red of the same level may cause huge consumption to 666, Shiva who is qualified to do this must have extremely terrifying strength.

At the same time, Shiva had expressed that he had lost interest in Ophis, who was still twice as powerful as Ertenryu at his peak.

In other words, Shiva's strength is probably twice as powerful as Ertianlong's peak strength, and Ertianlong at his peak is basically comparable to the top ten strongest men in the world.

With such strength, the things he cares about are different from ordinary people.

Maybe if he really had Ophis's strength, he would become something very similar to Ophis, right?

Are you fishing?

Such a sound came from the broken space.

Ah~ There are good fish here, but they seem to be temporarily unhooked because of your arrival.

Shiva raised his eyebrows and focused his gaze on the mouth of the broken space.

He really didn't feel the other person's aura. At this time, the other party finally released his own aura, which was why he paid attention.

This breath, this gesture... He is so familiar!

That was the aura and posture of a person who should have passed away!

Did he not die at all at that time, or did he return in reincarnation? This intrigued him.

Under Shiva's gaze, a young god walked out of the space.

There is neither joy nor sorrow in the golden pupils...

Shiva could not see his face, but could only feel his figure and presence.

These are the same as the one who passed away before. .

Chapter 168

I seem to have disturbed the fish here~

The voice of the young god is so penetrating, as if it can directly penetrate the soul through the power of words.

This is something Shiva can clearly feel.

Perhaps it seems a bit ridiculous to ordinary people, because from ordinary people's perspective, there must be no fish here.

However, in the perception of Shiva and the young god, there are indeed fish here.

Shiva was still fishing when Azazel found Shiva, and in front of Azazel he fished a big fish with divine radiance from its scales from a stream that he thought had no live fish.

But you don't care if the fish takes the bait, right?

The young god said softly.

Just like what he said, Shiva really didn't care much about this kind of thing.

Are you a deceased person or a new person?

he asked.

“What about the deceased, what about the new four, three, and three?”

The young god did not answer directly.


Shiva nodded.

There didn't seem to be much need to care about this problem. It was enough that he could feel that the existence in front of him was very strong and was stronger than him.

So, what did you come to see me for?

Shiva asked calmly.

He was attracted here by the fluctuations that transcend time and space and the power of dragons. Is the other party the same?


Was that movement actually caused by him?

Shiva became interested for the first time in a long time...


The scene of the tripartite meeting.

The above is my opinion on this Fallen Angel activity.

Kanzaki Yang ended his speech.

He downplayed the fact that he easily beat Kirkbol to death.

Of course, ahem... He was forced to take action when his life and that of his friends were threatened by the other party.

Ah~ So, when you say this, don't you just want to say that we fallen angels are all causing trouble?

Actually, it's all my fault~ It's because I didn't supervise my subordinates well, so that's okay, right?

Azazel looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

He's already lying down, can't you just show some mercy?

Azazel is now acting like a bad student who was criticized by the class teacher, but no one at the scene paid much attention to it.

Anyway, I just talked about Azazel while doing a formality.

After all, Azazel knew Kanzaki Yo's identity, so it was normal for him to act like a bad student when dealing with his teacher.

I think we can all be honest, don't we just want to conclude a peace treaty?

In order to show our sincerity, how about we, the fallen angels, be the first to agree?

Azazel said like a salted fish.

I definitely have no objection. Isn't that what you guys are discussing together today? I'm OK~

Emperor Shitian spread his hands and said.

Other than wanting the Governor of the Fallen Angels to sell vegetables to make money to compensate me, of course I have no objection.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

It was okay that he didn't reveal his identity at first. After he revealed his identity, Azazel acted like an old naughty boy. This may represent the perseverance in Azazel's heart~

There is no problem on our side~

Michael said with a smile.

Ever since he learned about Kanzaki Yang's existence, he has been in a good mood.

Not even the presence of demons, fallen angels, or even war with the world could affect his good mood.

Then the devil's side also agrees to sign a peace treaty.

Just after Sajax said these words, a burst of light from the purple magic circle emerged from the ground!

Wait!~We don't agree!

Such a sound came out from the space first.

Being able to teleport on-site where the three major forces are negotiating seems to be unbelievable to ordinary people, but the people present feel the same as Ming Jing.

Three so-called descendants of the true demon king stood in front of everyone.

Katerea Leviathan, the descendant of the true demon king Leviathan.

Shaluba Beelzebub, a descendant of Beelzebub, the true demon king.

Kruzere Asmode, the descendant of the true demon king Asmode.

If you add the descendants of Lucifer, they will all be alive.

It's a pity that Lizevim Lucifer despises them as rubbish who join the group to keep warm, and the same goes for Walli Lucifer.

Oh? The old Demon King sect? It's really an interesting development~

Emperor Shitian said with a smile.

His words directly separated himself from these old demon kings.

In fact, basically everyone knows that the loopholes are caused by him...

Of course, it was actually deliberately created by Kanzaki Yang, otherwise how could he let the weaklings of the old Demon King sect come in?

These people were released just to avoid future trouble~

Even though Sajax was a pacifist, he had no intention of making things too difficult for them in the beginning.

But when they reach this level... colluding with gods from other pantheons to regain their status, then there is really nothing to say.

Seraful, I swear to take back Leviathan's reputation and status from your hands! Cadilea looked at Seraful fiercely.

In her eyes, this woman took away her status and honor.

Little did they know... With her level of strength, she was simply not qualified to protect the honor and status of the old Demon King Sect.

Well, Cadilena-chan, I didn't mean that.

Serafall wanted to explain.

In fact, it was not because of her subjective will that she took the position of Leviathan. After all...the positions of the four major demon kings of the new generation, except Lucifer, were all randomly arranged~

Moreover, if the old Demon King sect is eliminated, there will be a new Demon King. The underworld will definitely need the leadership of the Demon King. This is something that cannot be changed.

A benevolent group like the new demon king led by Sajax basically no longer exists in this world.

Obviously they only eliminated the leader of the old Demon King Faction and spared the blood of the old Demon King Faction, but there are still people who unrealistically want to restore the glory before 2.2.

Is it normal for people who fly like moths to the flame to turn into ashes in the light?

Whether you mean it or not, it is an indisputable fact that you took away Leviathan's position! Cadilena has come to this point, and she is basically at the end of her rope.

In order to get back what we deserve from you, we got help from the Infinite Dragon God.

That is a power that even gods would fear!

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