It was precisely because he knew Yang Kanzaki's identity that he was so nervous.

After all, he is the god he has always believed in~

In fact, the top angels basically know the news that the god has passed away, but they have not lost their faith.

Rather, they want to continue to carry forward the original ideas and beliefs of the God of the Bible.

They have not forgotten the gods, but they want to achieve the gods' goals and continue to work hard.

But now, the goal he had been working hard for suddenly appeared in front of him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

It seems...that this place is covered with magic?

Diorio noticed the surrounding situation. He found that he could only vaguely detect the existence of formations, but he had no way of knowing what effects and power these formations had.

But it's quite normal... After all, it's normal for him to be very different from the gods, right?


Just as he approached Yang Kanzaki's villa, a ray of light shot out from the front!

The extremely powerful fire attribute energy turned into a thin line, instantly piercing through everything in front of him.

What 2.2!

Diorio subconsciously stretched out his hand in the direction of the fire to form an ice shield for defense.

However, there was no intention of stopping, and the line of fire easily penetrated the ice shield, leaving a shallow bloodstain on Diorio's face.


Gulefiya shook her head.

She felt that she was able to use the transfer circle to transfer here last time because something had gone wrong. How could that person easily let her go with his strength?

Sure enough, joker has been tricked now...

I think it would be better if we wait for him here?

Gulefia suggested.

It seems like this is the only way~

Diorio gave a wry smile.

He was sure that if the line of fire had fallen on his body instead of his face, he would have had a hole shot through him by now. .

Chapter 165

However... Because the concentration of the fire line is too high, it should not cause too much damage. At most, it will only penetrate a small hole, but it will not be serious.

Even this is amazing enough.

Diorio knew very well that it was definitely a power that could easily defeat all demon kings!

Moreover, it seems that this is just the power of one of the small formations?

Diorio felt that he had to leave more time to paddle, so he said he had no intention of committing suicide.

The sun sets.

After finishing educating Tiamat, Kanzaki Yang stretched and was finally ready to go out for the meeting.

Although Tiamat is generally obedient, she still doesn't do well in some small aspects.

So... ahem... Yang Kanzaki, who has found an excuse, will not hold back.


As soon as he opened the door, Kanzaki Yang saw Diorio and Gurefia.

You...are you waiting for me?

Kanzaki Yang could only think of this possibility.

13 It’s impossible for these two people to meet here by chance, right? This possibility is too small.

Yes, Lord Kanzaki, we are here to take you to the meeting. Diorio finally saw Yang Kanzaki and bowed slightly.

Although Lord Kami's face is different from what he imagined, it is indeed Lord Kami's face~

After just taking a peek, he had no intention of looking again. He only needed to see the glory of the Lord once.

Ah~ I know, I'm about to go there too.

Kanzaki Yang looked in the direction of Kuoh Town.

At this stage, he has at least felt the existence of dozens of demon kings in Juwang Town. If they really want to fight, I don't know if there will be any scum left in Juwang Town.

However, at least he still has the strength to shelter a mere small town.

By the way, the scars on your face...

Kanzaki Yang felt familiar energy from the scars on Diorio's face.

That seems to be a toy he randomly arranged yesterday?

Because he wanted to study the application methods of new abilities, Kanzaki Yang expanded in all aspects.

This line of fire is the product of compressing the fire element to the limit.

At that time, he stored a few rounds in the magic circle and prepared to continue studying after he was done. He did not expect that he would severely trap someone in just a short time.

It was just accidental.

Diorio smiled and shook his head. What else could he say?

Is it possible that Yang Kanzaki should be asked to pay for his medical expenses?

Kanzaki-sama, let me take you to the venue~

Gulefiya looked at the time, it was almost time~

Okay, it's almost done~

Kanzaki Yang squinted his eyes, and golden light shone in his character-like eyes.

Under the leadership of Gurefia, Kanzaki Yang arrived at the meeting site of the three major forces.



Gulefiya opened the door for Kanzaki Yang, and Kanzaki Yang walked in without being polite.

As soon as he walked in, Kanzaki Yang saw an acquaintance.

His eyes met Serafall's, and he could clearly feel the provocation in Serafall's eyes.

It seems that she has indeed reached the stage where she is unreasonable and wants to use her strength to speak for herself.

But that’s okay, it’ll be better to cook this way~

Speaking of being reasonable, Kanzaki Yang would definitely be able to fool her. If he used his strength... it would be much easier than being reasonable.

Kanzaki Yang looked around and found that they were indeed the core of the three major forces.

Every force has two top figures.

On the demon side are Sajax and Serafall.

One of Serafall's main responsibilities is diplomacy, and Sajax is the number one demon king.

On the side of the fallen angels are Baiqiu and Azazel. Azazel is the governor of the fallen angels, and Baiqiu is known as the most aggressive being among the fallen angels.

As for the angels, there are Michael and Gabriel.

Because of Kanzaki Yang's needs, both the fallen angels and the angels brought many more people than before.

Except for the two top figures, in fact...the other top figures are already on standby, but now is not the time for them to appear.

In addition to these people, the guards of each force also have good strength.

On the demon side is Grafia, and on the fallen angel side are Lavinia and Tobito Ikase.

Lavinia is the holder of the [Eternal Ice Princess], and Tobito Ikase is the holder of the [Black Blade Dog God], both of which are among the thirteen existing God-killing Gears.

The angels' side was not inferior either. Standing behind them were Diorio and Irina Wisteria.

Among them, Diorio is the user of the God-killing tool [Glory Sky Thunder Prison], which is the second-ranked God-killing tool.

He is also very powerful. If he fights Wall-E, he will undoubtedly win.

In fact, it is not impossible to fight with Lavinia and Ikose Toshio.


Yang Jun, you are finally here, I thought something happened to you~~

Sajax said with a smile.

Now Kanzaki Yang has arrived just in time, the meeting will start in ten minutes.

Lord Sirzechs, why am I late?

Kanzaki Yang smiled. Can he say that he already knew that Sajax asked Gurefia to deceive Serafall?

Everyone had no objections when they saw Kanzaki Yang sitting on the seat that only the leaders of the three major forces could sit on, and in a separate seat.

After all, it seems that all the leaders of the three forces in Chengdu have communicated with him, and it seems that the guards have all been beaten by him?

Then, let's start the meeting on this issue, no problem?

Sajax asked with a smile.

No problem. Michael said with a smile.

No problem~ Azazel put away his crossed legs.

Maybe it was out of the rebellious psychology in his heart~ He wanted to cross his legs when he saw Yang Kanzaki.

Even though he has lived for thousands of years, Azazel still behaves like an old naughty child in some places.

Then, first of all, the matter of Kirkbol.

According to the rules and regulations, the meeting began.

I know everything. It's indeed our side that's wrong this time.

Azazel admitted his mistake very directly.

However, Kirkbol on this side was also killed by people on that side. There is nothing to pursue against him personally.

I will compensate both parties for the mistakes I made in dereliction of duty. Is that okay?

Azazel asked, spreading his hands.

Well, that's what he looks like, I believe everyone else knows it.

Hahaha~~ The little devil of the fallen angel is still the same as before! I am very happy to see it~hahaha~

A voice with a rough laugh came from outside the door.

Hearing this voice, everyone narrowed their eyes, and Kanzaki Yang also laughed.

Although it doesn't matter much if he appears here or not, if he appears here it can also provide a little fun, no loss at all.


Being audited made my mentality explode.

I have changed it more than ten times and 151 has not come out yet.

Going out for exercise relieves stress, otherwise I worry that I will smash the keyboard.

There are only four updates today, sorry.

Chapter 166

The person Kanzaki Yang mentioned who provided them with fun was not... to be precise, it was a god named Emperor Shakten.

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