He knew that his daughter had left here now. Now... Akeno should be in that shrine.

But he was still not ready to see his daughter, so after hesitating for a long time, he returned to the old school building.

At least you can still see things and think about people here~

It's almost...time to go back.

Looking at the darkening sky, Baiqiu sighed.

Sigh...Should he do what Sekiryuutei said?

never mind.......

After thinking for a long time, he gave up thinking again.

It would be too difficult for him to say that he could reconcile if he apologized to his daughter today. If he had to put it into practice today.

Mr. Baiqiu?

Just as he was about to go to the base of Azazel and the fallen angel forces, he heard a voice.

He was extremely familiar with this voice. It was the voice of the boy who asked him to reconcile with his daughter today.

But how did he manage to come to his side without him noticing at all? He was one of the strongest among the fallen angels, yet he was unable to detect that boy's aura!

However, looking towards the place where the sound came from, Baiqiu saw something that shocked him even more.

The man held a black-haired boy in his left hand, a blond girl in his right hand, and followed behind him was a purple-haired girl.

What kind of battle is this?

etc! Why do the black-haired boy and the blonde girl look so familiar! ?

Bai Qiu finally noticed what he should pay attention to.

These two people should be on your side~ It seems they still need some training~ Mr. Baiqiu.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and then threw the two of them to Baiqiu.

There is no doubt that Toyo Ikase jumped during the trial. As for Lavinia, Kanzaki Yang knew that she still wanted to resist, so he knocked her out with a single strike of his sword after the live broadcast. fainted.

Tobito Ikase and Lavinia?

Did they... come to you about Wall-E?

Baiqiu looked at the two students he had thrown into the street, and he basically deduced what happened.

It could only be because of Wall-E's matter, otherwise they would have nothing to do with Kanzaki Yōpachi.

So, both Wall-E and them need to exercise~

Kanzaki Yang clapped his hands.

If they had taken action directly in the town, it would have been a moderate trouble for him.

Fortunately, they have the habit of self-reporting their family status, so Kanzaki Yang chose to directly move the fighting venue.

At least......... we can no longer stir up the quagmire of Kuou Town where depth charges have been buried.

Sorry, they were just too impulsive.

Baiqiu apologized directly now.

After all, there is no comparison between apologizing to Kanzaki Yo and apologizing to his daughter Akeno.

Tobio Ikose and Lavinia are also considered his students, and it is appropriate for him as a teacher to apologize to his students.

Moreover, he also saw that Kanzaki Yang probably didn't care, otherwise he wouldn't have thrown it back completely.

In this case, giving both parties a step down is the best option.

I know they are very impulsive, so they should have no intention of being impulsive towards me in a short period of time.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

Compared to the Blade Dog, Tobito Ikase is definitely a bit more fragile.

But the sword dog has been tortured by the Forbidden Curse Heaven to the extent that Kanzaki Yo can open the treasure chest, and you can see what Tobio Ikase has endured.

So... It is estimated that for a long time, and even in this life, Tobito Ikase has no idea of ​​​​taking action against Kanzaki Yang.

I...I know.

Baiqiu swallowed. He was actually very curious about what Kanzaki Yang had done to them, but it was not appropriate to ask.

I have a few things to do next, and I will leave them to you, Master Baiqiu, to take care of them.

After saying this, Kanzaki Yang and Ingvir left together.

See you at the meeting. I will definitely discipline them well.

Baiqiu could only respond in this way.

Looking at Kanzaki Yang and Ingvir beside him, Baiqiu let out a breath for some reason and became a little nervous.

It took him a long time to remember the reason why he was relieved and nervous.

He seemed to have the look of a girlfriend, which meant that he probably wouldn't attack Akeno, which made him relieved.

He is really too good. It is normal for Akeno to fall in love with such a good person of the opposite sex. How should he deal with it then? This made him nervous again. .

Chapter 164

But this has nothing to do with Yang Kanzaki for the time being.

After sending Ingvir back, Kanzaki Yang opened the previous treasure chest.

【Ding! 】

【Open the purple treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - advanced potential development! 】


Kanzaki Yang opened his eyes slightly.

Finally... finally got something that increases the source of it?

Use advanced potential development opportunities once.

Kanzaki Yang thinks this is one of the most useful things for him.

【Ding! ~]

[Advanced potential development begins! 】

With a clear feeling in his mind, Kanzaki Yang felt the changes in his body.

A conceptual perception was generated in his mind.

【Ding! ~]

[Advanced potential development is over! 】

[Congratulations to the host for extending the ability usage time to 10 minutes! 】

[Congratulations to host 430 for obtaining the development ability - Constant Probability·Elemental Energy]

[Constant Probability·Elemental Energy: The power to change the probability of elemental energy.

As we all know, all quanta have the same possibility of flowing in all directions, forming Brownian motion in various superpositions.

The constant probability element energy can constantly change the probability of the element energy of all attributes, making the flow of probability no longer random.


This thing seems a little interesting, doesn't it?

Kanzaki Yang feels that this thing seems to be able to produce a lot of flowers?

Let's try to see what the limit state is first~

Turning on this ability will consume the time of using Absolute Dualism every day, but relatively, the coverage is quite large.

If you want to increase the probability of change, then the coverage will be reduced.

Soon after, Kanzaki Yo tested the limits of this ability.

If it is applied to the wind element and all the wind elements are moved in the direction contrary to the earth's rotation, then theoretically the time for the earth to rotate once will become longer and longer.

In the end, it is not impossible that it will become a situation where there is extreme day and extreme night because it does not rotate.

But it always seems a little tasteless?

Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows. To operate his ability to this extent, he would definitely need to turn it on for a long time every day, but this is simply not possible now.

In the future, when it can be turned on all the time, the range will be unknown. By then, it will directly cover the solar system and the Milky Way without any problem.

It seems that the main application scenario is still small-scale use~

Kanzaki Yang sighed.

Usage that is too broad can basically be ruled out, and it may be feasible to go to the other extreme.

Condensing the range to the extreme will unleash a terrifying single-point explosive power.

If the magic is used itself and the surrounding elements are abundant, the power will be even more powerful!

It seems like there are quite a lot of interesting uses.

Yang Kanzaki narrowed his eyes and devoted himself to the study of this ability.


the next day.

Today is a day off, and there are a lot of things to do in the evening, so Kanzaki Yang has no intention of going out for the time being.

But he had no intention of going out, but someone came over to invite him.

At the door of Kanzaki Yang, two people met.

The blond boy looked at the silver-haired maid in front of him, a drop of cold sweat dripping from his head.

Although he is a joker in the heaven, he was still slightly shocked by the courage of the silver-haired maid in front of this person.

Ah~ Is the Queen of the Underworld also here to ask Mr. Kanzaki to take action? Amen~

Diorio asked Gulefia.

He is the strongest ace in the world and the holder of the second strongest divine annihilation tool Huangtian Thunder Prison.

The position is Joker, which does not belong to any Seraph, but exists as a special force.

So it is also called joker or ghost card.

However, what is not consistent with his strong strength is that he has a frivolous and lazy personality, loves food from all over the world, and is generally a loose and leisurely person.

The abbreviation.........A powerful bastard.

According to the original plot line, he was the strongest human exorcist and later reincarnated into an angel with 10 pure white wings and served as the captain of the terrorist organization's special countermeasures team DXD.

However, the three-party talks have not yet begun, and Heaven has no intention of asking the Devil's side for the Devil's chess piece technology to make Angel cards after Yang Kanzaki announced his identity.

So Diorio is still a human being now.

Joker, would you like to go in first?

Gurefia said calmly.

She knew Yang Kanzaki's strength, and she also knew that he was supposed to be a person with a bad taste.

So... let joker try the water first~

This is the most innocent idea of ​​Gurefiya...

Thank you, Queen of the Underworld, for giving in.

Diorio smiled politely.

As the second-ranked Divine Weapon User in the Heaven with the second-ranked Divine Destruction Gear, and perhaps the strongest one among all the Divine Weapon Users, he naturally has the qualifications to know the identity of Kanzaki Haru.

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