That's nothing to the God of the Bible, but to him at this stage, it's still a constant high pressure.

I understand, Lord Holy Son. Let's just arrange a meeting between you, Lord Holy Son, and other Seraphs~ This should be the best thing to do now.

Michael nodded sternly.

That's really it. There are not spies in heaven.

He had vaguely noticed this some time ago, but what he didn't expect was that Kanzaki Yang would point it out so directly.

Should I say he is worthy of being the Holy Son?

The Holy Son also knows about the hidden dangers in the heaven, so when the Holy Son truly returns, it will be time to eliminate all shortcomings and clear all obstacles in front of him!

Michael didn't know that the so-called spies did exist, but it was just the reason for Yang Kanzaki not to go to heaven for the time being.

If you want to know who the spy is, Kanzaki Yang only needs to make a little judgment...

Then, Lord Holy Son, I will retire first and wish you good luck in martial arts~

After giving a final salute to Kanzaki Yang, Michael turned into a point of light and gradually disappeared into the shrine, leaving only Kanzaki Yang who was still drinking tea.


The rain is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building~

423 Kanzaki Yang looked into the distance.

It wasn't that he actively wanted to provoke anything, it was fate and the world's situation that pushed him to where he is today.

This point... ...may have been decided when the Ark's red ball arrived.


the next day.

Kanzaki Yang got up as usual.

Rias didn't spend the night at his house last night.

Because the teaching visit day was coming, Rias had to make up for her homework so that she would not look so embarrassed when her family compared her with her boyfriend.

Master, breakfast is ready~

Kanzaki Yang opened his eyes and saw the Dark Magician Girl Mana in a maid outfit.

She seems to have changed her job to a cook.

Because she discovered one thing - studying modern cuisine may be as endless and profound as studying ancient magic.

Well, thank you Mana~

Kanzaki Yang smiled, and then touched Mana's magic hat in her expectant eyes.

Well, that's right. Although she changed her job and became a cook, Mana's essence is still a magical girl. As a magician, how can she take off her magic hat?


Mana felt the breath of Kanzaki Yang and smiled with happiness and satisfaction.

Small happiness like this, which is ordinary but does exist every day, is enough for her~

Tiamat, could you be a little more polite?

As soon as he came downstairs, Kanzaki Yang saw Tiamat who had quickly finished her share.

Even the Dragon Clan doesn’t have to do this, right?

After all, Yo Kanzaki had educated Tiamat before, and this kind of thing was among them.

But it can't be said that it was fruitless. If it had been before, Tiamat might have chewed the plate as well.

Old... I... know, I will definitely do it next time.

Tiamat said subconsciously.

As a dragon, she naturally doesn't want anyone to point at her while eating.

But if it's Kanzaki Yang...


In Tiamat's mind, Kanzaki Yang is not a human being...but a humanoid tyrannosaurus, so there is no problem in pointing fingers.

Then, Mana, and Tiamat, I will leave first, and leave the house to you.

After finishing the meal and using magic to freshen up a little, Kanzaki Yang said to the two of them.


Tiamat, who was lying on the sofa like a dead dragon, responded weakly.

It was natural to go to bed after eating. If Kanzaki Yang hadn't been there, she might have been asleep for who knows how long.

Master, leave it to me!~

Magical girl Mana assured her.


Kanzaki Yang smiled and nodded.

Anyway, the security issue is left to Tiamat, and other issues are left to Mana.


When he reached the middle of the road, Kanzaki Yang met the kitten.

The kitten walked to Kanzaki Yang's side very naturally, silently pulling Kanzaki Yang's sleeve and walking towards the school.

Accompany the kitten to school.

Random events on the way to school every day - Complete...

However, today's journey to school seemed a little uneasy.

Senior Yang, what are you looking at?

The kitten asked very strangely.

She felt Yang Kanzaki looking in her direction, but there seemed to be no one there?

Looking for a new friend~

Kanzaki Yang smiled. In fact, he was mainly looking at a silver light flashing from a distance.

That was the light of the treasure box, and he basically knew whose body the treasure box was in.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for triggering the treasure chest, the treasure chest level is silver! 】

[Conditions for opening the treasure chest - Listen to the legacy of the old gods: Feel the legacy of the God of the Bible head-on. 】

If this treasure box is to be found, it will only be in the possession of a limited number of (bdcc) people, right?

Only holy relics such as the Holy Grail, the Holy Spear, and the Holy Cross will bear the will of the God of the Bible.

as expected.

Not far from the school, Kanzaki Yang saw a man.

A man leaning silently against the wall.

Cao Cao.

Kanzaki Yang knew his name.

As if he finally met the person he wanted to wait for, Cao Cao opened his eyes and walked towards Kanzaki Yang.

Senior Yang, this person... is not simple.

The kitten squinted its eyes, and its white cat ears and tail popped out instantly.

She felt the faint hostility and faint aura of danger emitted from this person!

Under the guidance of Kanzaki Yang, her attainments in immortal arts are now quite profound, and she can clearly feel the danger of the man in front of her!

Don't worry, kitten~

Just when the kitten was on guard, a warm hand was placed on her head.

Following the caressing of that hand, the kitten subconsciously tightened its ears and tail.

She didn't know why.

It seems because the senior is touching her head?

I am Cao Cao. I am honored to have heard of your name from my friends and through various channels.

Cao Cao bowed slightly, curled his lips and said.

From partners, I mean Joan of Arc, and from various channels, you can get more information.

Jeanne had indeed made a promise not to reveal his identity in front of Cao Cao, but when Kanzaki Yo's information was in Cao Cao's hands, Jeanne had nothing to do.

But for now...Whether Cao Cao is interested in him or not, Kanzaki Yang doesn't care much anymore.

In fact, even Cao Cao did not appear in his plan.

Kanzaki Yo doesn't care much about Cao Cao, but Cao Cao cares about Kanzaki Yo very much.

After all.........he was the one who defeated Wall-E using Tyrannosaurus!

After using Ba Long's Wall-E, Cao Cao thought that although he was weaker than him using Ba Hui, he shouldn't be much weaker.

He had never heard of such a talented fellow human being before? !

That's right, Cao Cao directly judged Yang Kanzaki as a human.

Because according to the data, Kanzaki Yang should be the Sekiryu Emperor?

If he had a divine weapon, wouldn't he be a human being? At least he should have human blood. After a little research on Kanzaki Yo's family information, Cao Cao confidently determined that Kanzaki Yo was a human.

Cao Cao? Cao Cao, the hero sect, I have also heard of your name from some channels~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head.

Cao least is no longer in his eyes now.

Cao Cao mainly relied on his own wisdom and the powerful power of the Holy Spear.

But no matter what wisdom and fighting skills, all living beings are equal under the judgment of absolute dualism.

As for the Holy is even more useless.

In the final analysis, the holy spear is just a powerful holy attribute.

Now Kanzaki Yang has talents and origins that surpass the original God of the Bible. With the addition of the godhead of the God of the Bible, it can be said that almost the holy relics have no effect on him!

I heard that you have a small gun in your hand. Can you take it out and have a look?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Oh~~ This is the first time I heard someone evaluate the Holy Gun of Dusk as a broken gun. Do you want me to verify whether you have the capital to say such a thing!?

Cao Cao is in a very good mood~~better than ever! ~

Although he had an angry and angry tone, he was indeed in a good mood.

At least... Kanzaki Yang, who may be called a candidate for the strongest human being or even has a high possibility of becoming the strongest human being, has not lost his mind.

The problem of losing one's mind is still very serious in Cao Cao's opinion.

If he doesn't have the heart to be a hero and just has talent, he is not worthy of becoming a hero in his heart.


Cao Cao didn't know...

Kanzaki Yang has never been interested in so-called heroic names and heroic deeds. .

Chapter 151

When it comes to becoming a hero, he can easily become one if he wants to be in the dungeon world.

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