There is no need to take it to heart about the White Dragon Emperor, Michael.

Kanzaki Yang took a sip of tea and said.


Michael smiled and said nothing, maybe it was really like this to the other party~ It was the first time for him to see such a powerful Sekiryuutei.

Compared to the White Dragon Emperor, we have more things to pay attention to, Michael.

Kanzaki Yang's eyes turned golden, and his body was filled with a completely different aura than before.

This breath is!

Michael stood up suddenly, this breath!

He will never feel wrong! .

Chapter 149

Michael, we should be focusing on other things than this, do you understand?

Kanzaki Yang's voice seemed to have an inexplicable charm, which made Michael feel the urge to listen to his teachings at his knees.

Excuse me........Who are you!......

At this time, Michael had no intention of listening to what Kanzaki Yang was saying.

All he knew was that he felt the Lord's breath from Kanzaki Yang's body!

That was the breath of the Lord who had disappeared for who knows how long.

He will never sense the breath of the Lord wrongly!

At the same time, he also knew one thing very clearly, that is, the breath of this Lord did not come from holy relics such as the Holy Spear or the Holy Grail and the Holy Cross.


It was genuine, as if the Lord himself was standing in front of him!

But...but...this is obviously impossible.

He and other Seraphs witnessed the passing of the Lord with their own eyes, and the gender was wrong, right?

Listen to me~

Yang Kanzaki raised his hand slightly and made a stop gesture to signal Michael not to panic.

He chose to have a showdown at this time, which naturally had a corresponding purpose.

Unlike before, Kanzaki Yang now has the capital for a showdown.

In the dungeon world, he was able to use the Convergence Resonance Method and some trump cards to kill Apollo, who was at the transcendent level. In addition, Apollo's power catalyzed his own strength. Now he can openly claim to be the God of the Bible. .

Of course, being the God of the Bible and dealing with some troublesome events is something he would never do, so he also has his own methods.

Michael, I know you must have a lot of doubts now, so how about you listen to me?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

This time he came to meet Michael with the intention of receiving the inheritance from the God of the Bible, which naturally made Michael believe that he was qualified to receive the inheritance.

Whether it is the belief system of the heaven, the large army of angels in the heaven, or the large formation that forms the heaven, they are all needed to form a top-level god system.

He felt that it was not impossible to integrate the entire heaven into the Forbidden Curse Heaven...

Of course, it should not be possible at this stage. The existing divine systems in the world may be confused by this, but it will definitely be possible in the future~

Looking at Kanzaki Yang who was filled with powerful light, Michael took a deep breath.

He was sure that he had never admitted his mistake!

You seem to have a lot of questions. You can ask them in a while, but this must be based on one premise.

What premise? Just hearing Kanzaki Yang's voice and feeling Kanzaki Yang's breath, Michael felt as if he had returned to the days when he was with the Lord.

The premise is... I am not her. You can regard me as her successor. Although I may not completely inherit her will and methods, at least I will still protect this world. ¨¨~”

Kanzaki Yang reminded.


After listening to Kanzaki Yang's words, Michael showed a look of understanding.

Yes, this seems to make sense. The Lord has truly passed away. This is the result of countless confirmations by him and other Seraphs.

Although the Lord's will or legacy still remains in the artifact, that little bit of residue cannot be used as evidence of the Lord's existence.

The Holy Spear, Holy Grail, and Holy Cross cannot maintain the operation of the Angel Reincarnation Pool, nor can they provide support for the operation of the system.

Excuse me...can I call you the Holy Son?

Michael thought for a while and felt that whether he used the title Mr. Kanzaki or Lord as the previous Sekiryuutei, he could not reflect Kanzaki Yo's identity and his respect for Kanzaki Yo.

To say that Sekiryuutei is belittling Kanzaki Yo, and to say lord is not appropriate. After all, Lord Seiko has clearly stated that he is not the original lord.

Then, it is very appropriate to use the title of Holy Son.

The Holy Son himself also said that he is the successor of the Lord, and will at least inherit part of the Lord's will. It is feasible to use the title of Holy Son!

If you like, just call it that~

Kanzaki Yang smiled, but he didn't expect that after such a long journey, he would actually get the title of Holy Son in this world.

Although it has a different meaning from the [Holy Son] in the dungeon world, I have to say that it is indeed a kind of fate~

Yes, Lord Holy Son, may I ask, Lord Holy Son, why are you showing up in front of me now? Why didn't you contact everyone in the heaven before?

Michael expressed the biggest doubt in his heart.

Indeed, just like what he said, can get better protection in the heaven~

Do you think that if the God of the Bible has a successor, what impact will this news have on the world?

Kanzaki Yang asked calmly.

That's true. So, Lord Holy Son, did you just awaken recently? Were you reincarnating in the human world before?

Michael frowned.

Indeed, let alone the entire world, just the three parties may start to develop again because of this news.

After all, the other two forces think that the most outstanding result is to take away the God of the Bible. Now that the God of the Bible still has a successor, how can they give up so easily?

So, Lord Holy Son, do you think that the situation between demons and fallen angels is stable now, so you choose to tell us the identity of the Holy Son at this time?

Michael asked again.

He did not doubt Kanzaki Yang's identity. Just like creating Seraph, why can't the Lord create a descendant of his own?

Asexual reproduction is something that is absolutely normal for angels.

This can also explain why the power of the Holy Son is almost exactly the same as that of the Lord!

Michael, the four major demon kings in the underworld are different from the old demon kings before. Azazel and the top fallen angels no longer have the fighting spirit before. Is this what you want to say?

Although this is also a reason, the real not this...

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

What is the real reason? Michael asked calmly and solemnly.

Is this the level between him and the Son? He felt that he couldn't figure out what the Holy Son was thinking.

Of course, he felt that he did not have much need to figure it out, because he only needed to follow the revelation of the Son.

The real reason...

Because now...the time has come for change.

The time for change has arrived, and the order that has been maintained for thousands of years is about to be rewritten... That's probably it~


Michael repeated these two words.

Change, what is the purpose of change? It’s impossible to change simply because you want to change, right?

Or is it that the purpose of Lord Holy Son's appearance is just to facilitate the smooth holding of the tripartite talks?

Michael now remembered that Kanzaki Yang instantly killed Kokobol who wanted to destroy the peace. Did he choose to take action because he wanted to maintain the current peaceful environment?

Although this sounds reasonable, Michael always feels that his knowledge and level cannot be compared with that of the Holy Son. The Holy Son should be talking about other things.

It turns out...

Michael had the right idea.

.々Change is not a change of the three major forces, but a change of the entire world.

Kanzaki Yang said calmly.

The transformation of the whole... world.

Michael narrowed his eyes, wondering what the Holy Son's words meant.

It's not a complicated thing to say.

So he easily understood what Kanzaki Yang meant, but it was just a little hard for him to believe it.

If what Lord Holy Son said is true, then it is really the same as what Lord Holy Son said, the time for change has come!


Is this what I need to do? Lord Holy Son, I will definitely be ready.

After assigning Michael the task, Michael gave his assurance to Kanzaki Harang.

In addition to this being what he should do, this is also something he (haha) feels he must do well.

Well, I believe you can handle it~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

The probability that Michael can get things done is more than 99.75%.

By the way, Lord Holy Son, if that's the case, will you go to the heaven with me soon? With the power of Lord Holy Son, the heaven should be able to resume operation.

Whether it is the reincarnation of angels or the operation of the system left by the Lord, everything depends on your power, Lord Son.

Michael suggested sincerely.

You can't go back now, at least not officially.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and said hypocritically.

Things so far have developed according to his plan.

The probability that Michael doesn't believe him is too small. His current strength and the things he has done have become a solid backing to prove his identity.

If he had gone directly to heaven to declare his family status when he was at a low level, there would be more than a fifty percent chance that he would be believed.

But compared to this time, there is no comparison at all.

Now Kanzaki Yang is believed to the extent that Michael can help him figure it out on his own.

Yes, if we go back openly, the world will definitely shake in advance.

Michael nodded matter-of-factly. .

Chapter 150

Since the possibility of spies in heaven cannot be ruled out, I may have to go and see the high-level Seraph.

Kanzaki Yang thought for a moment and said.

Yes, there are spies in heaven.

Although it is much more difficult to place spies in the heaven than to place spies among the forces of demons and fallen angels, they do exist.

Furthermore, Kanzaki Yang is actually unwilling to use part of his power to activate the reincarnation function of the heaven and maintain the system function.

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