Unlike Naruto, who was somewhat unreliable, Sasuke's reaction was extremely quick. He looked at the sky with his samsara eye, his face extremely solemn, and the kaleidoscope pattern in his right eye turned, and the dark eternal flame suddenly ignited on the surface of the magma.


The dark flames mixed with high-level Yin Escape reappeared, and changed their forms under the influence of the pupil technique 'Additional Earth Life'. A shield made of Amaterasu stood in front of the two of them. With a roar, countless molten slurries fell down. On top of it, everything was burned to the ground, as if it had been swallowed up by a big mouth.

However, as the endless lava fell, Amaterasu's flame shield fluctuated violently, and it might not be able to hold up at any time.

When Naruto saw this, he quickly closed his hands to form a seal, and the seeking jade separated from his back and merged into Sasuke's Amaterasu, finally stabilizing the 'shield'.

Within the space of magma, Sasuke and Naruto were struggling to support themselves, and Amaterasu's flames were constantly rotating in the process of 'Sasuke's addition' and 'lava consumption'.

Amaterasu kept building new shields to protect the two of them, but despite this, their situation was still not optimistic.

"Naruto, we must find a way. If we continue like this, our chakra will not be as good as that of the ancestor, and we will eventually be swallowed by the magma."

Naruto looked around, but all he could see was endless lava. The entire world had turned into an absolute realm of 'fire'.

"I know!

I was thinking of a way. Itachi once told me that any ninjutsu will have flaws, and truly perfect things do not exist.

Therefore, even if she is the ancestor of the ninja world, I am sure that she must have weaknesses that we are not aware of yet. "

Naruto's eyes kept observing, and suddenly he had an idea.

"Sasuke, I have an idea.

From what I can tell, Kaguya hasn't moved since she used this move!

The power of this technique is so powerful, and it mobilizes the power of the entire space. It is natural that it cannot move easily. As long as we can directly attack Kaguya's body, we may be able to solve the current dilemma. "

Sasuke thought briefly and nodded slightly.

"We can give it a try, but in this environment, how are we going to attack?"

Naruto crossed his hands and said in a deep voice,

"Leave it to me, but Sasuke, I need your Rinnegan Eye Technique to help me.

Also...if this move really stops, I want to use 'that move' to create a sealing opportunity. "

"That move?"

Sasuke was puzzled. As Naruto explained, his face became a little weird, and his forehead was covered with black lines...

"I mean...are you serious?

This is already the case, I don’t have time to joke with you."

Responding to Sasuke's doubts, a confident smile appeared on Naruto's face.

"Of course, to be honest, I have practiced this move in private more times than the Rasengan~"

"Uh...well...if you...

Forget it, just try, it’s much better than ‘no way’. "

Sasuke's eyes moved outward slightly, but listening to his tone, he always felt a little unsure...

"At this time, how can you be a mother-in-law? Be decisive!

Ready to go! ! ! "

With a loud shout, Naruto's chakra burned fiercely.

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

Hundreds of Narutos suddenly appeared in mid-air, roaring and rushing towards Princess Kaguya. Magma rained down from the sky, and an unknown number of Naruto's shadow clones turned into white smoke and disappeared as soon as they appeared.

"Immortal magic! Water Release Spiral Multi-Ren Pill!!!"

Naruto's shadow clone raised his hand at the same time, and the blue chakra condensed in his hand, which he formed with the chakra of the three tails.

Suddenly, a large number of water-escaping rasengan collided with the magma rain in the sky. The hissing sounds mixed with the explosions kept stimulating the hearing of the two people. Many more shadow clones of Naruto disappeared, but there were also hundreds of them that slipped through the net. 'Naruto rushed towards Kaguya.

Facing the 'Naruto Legion', Kaguya looked calm and flipped her palms. Suddenly the magma under her feet spewed out like a volcano erupting, forming a fiery red wall to protect her.

However, due to her sudden change of moves, the magma rain that hit Sasuke and Naruto was partially reduced due to the redistribution of mental power. Taking this opportunity, Naruto shouted,

"Sasuke! Take advantage of now!!!"


Amaterasu dispersed, Sasuke's figure instantly faced upwards, and the Samsara Eye looked directly at Kaguya. At this time, the magma defense network had not yet been fully formed, and she was still within Sasuke's field of vision.

In an instant, the two figures turned around, and Kaguya appeared strangely within the group of Naruto's shadow clones, and where she was originally floating, a Naruto's clone appeared strangely.

As the position was changed, magma suddenly fell like rain, and no new magma rose within Wang Yang. All Naruto's shadow clones changed the direction of attack, and the Water Release Rasengan in their hands attacked Kaguya from all directions.

The moment the Rasengan hit, Kaguya's face remained calm, chakra surged up, and the long snow-white hair on her back automatically broke without any wind. Suddenly, countless hairs broke on their own and shot out in all directions like steel needles.

In line with the Byakugan's characteristic of "no blind spots", all Naruto clones beside her were not missed and simultaneously turned into white smoke and dissipated.


With a loud roar, Naruto's body flashed towards Kaguya. The Taoist Jade behind him circled around him crazily, knocking all the hardened white 'hair pins' away with a clanking sound, and he quickly flashed in front of Kaguya.

The next moment, he formed seals with both hands, and an unexpected ninjutsu was already in use.

"Hehe~ Reverse Harem Technique!"


Chapter 402



With a roar, Naruto's body flashed towards Kaguya, and the Seeking Dao Jade behind him spun wildly around him, knocking all the hardened white 'hair pins' away with a clang, and soon flashed in front of Kaguya.

The next moment, he formed seals with both hands, and an unexpected ninjutsu was already in use.

"Hehe~ Reverse Harem Technique!"

Naruto's famous skills during his school years appeared again. In the smoke, more than a dozen perfect male figures that only appeared in dreams appeared. In the haze, their perfect bodies were not real because of the effect of the white smoke.

Kaguya's expression became extremely strange, and in that instant, she did appear a little sluggish.

That was the opportunity, Naruto had recovered his body, punched out, and Kaguya was directly knocked away by him.

Sasuke's eyebrows trembled uncontrollably, and he almost launched the "Heavenly Power Hand" at the same time, but his face was also full of weirdness, as well as a trace of helplessness and disbelief, and at the same time, a rare shyness...

A kunai was thrown in front of him, and the Samsara Eye moved slightly, looking at Kaguya who was flying backwards.

In an instant, Kaguya's figure and kunai were swapped, Naruto turned around, and the palm with the Yang Release Mark appeared on it and attacked Kaguya who suddenly appeared. On the other side, Sasuke also made a completely symmetrical move with Naruto.

But Kaguya, as the ancestor of the ninja world, could not be sealed so easily. At the moment when Naruto and Sasuke were about to touch her, the Samsara Sharingan Magatama on her forehead turned, and the space suddenly changed. For a while, the cold wind was biting.

"Ice Room of Heaven."

The ice spread, and Sasuke and Naruto were instantly trapped in the ice. 01 Their palms were only an inch away from Kaguya's body.

The dark space crack opened up out of thin air, swallowing Kaguya into it. In the cold ice space, only Sasuke and Naruto were left.

Almost at the same time, in the distant air, the dark space crack appeared again, and Kaguya's figure slowly floated out, looking coldly at Naruto and Sasuke at this time, and raised her hands again.

Similar to the lava space just now, Kaguya's attack mode is completely the same, still overwhelming ice, rushing towards the two surrounded boys from all directions.


Mobilizing a lot of pupil power, a ball of dark flames ignited out of thin air in front of her, followed by the shape of 'Kagutsuchi no Mikoto'.

The black flame mixed with Yin escape suddenly condensed into a sharp blade, and the ice was cut into several pieces in an instant. Naruto and Sasuke hurriedly saw the gap and rushed out of the blockade.

"Ahahaha... Sorry... It seems that it still failed~"

"Humph! I didn't think your tactics would succeed from the beginning!

This time, follow my way and you cooperate with me."

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Kaguya looked at the two people who were discussing tactics in silence, and her thoughts had not yet completely calmed down.

It must be said that the moment just now was indeed beyond her expectations. She was just a little bit away from being sealed again.

'These two people must unite to perform the sealing technique given by the feather robe. In other words...'

With a plan in mind, Kaguya suddenly stretched out her hand, and the dark space gap suddenly opened. Her arm appeared behind Sasuke without warning, and directly grabbed his collar and dragged him into the space gap!

The surrounding environment changed again, and Kaguya acted too quickly. When Sasuke came to his senses, both Naruto and Kaguya were gone, and in front of him was an endless yellow sand.


Naruto shouted, everything happened too fast, even if he was close at hand, he couldn't stop it.

There is no way around it. Although Kaguya is now just a "body in possession", even if her soul is in control, she can only exert the combat power of the late stage of destroying a country at most.

However, the higher the "great realm", the greater the difference every breakthrough makes.

Just like the battle between Uchiha Madara and these two people just now, Madara was in the early stage of destroying a country, infinitely close to the middle stage, while Naruto and Sasuke had just crossed the threshold of "destroying a country". Even if the two stabilized to the early stage, they still could not defeat Uchiha Madara.

The reason why the two sides can hold a stalemate is that "both sides have superb space magic". Otherwise, with the output of Sasuke and Naruto, it would be difficult to even break through Madara's defense.

Let's talk about Kaguya again. She is still a "demigod-level" existence. Her basic reaction and casting speed are far beyond the current Naruto and Sasuke. If they take action seriously, the two will naturally be unable to resist.

Kaguya retracted her arm and looked at Naruto indifferently.

"Now, you are the only one left. If I am not mistaken, the seal just now must be performed by the two of you together.

I think there is no need for that ally to take action. I can deal with you two reincarnations by myself, even if my current state is not complete."


Nangong Yue was relieved for the time being after seeing Kaguya separate the two people.

After all, the only threat that the two people could pose to Kaguya was the "Six Paths. Chibaku Tensei" performed by them together. Now that they were separated, Kaguya was naturally not in danger.

Immediately, Nangong Yue general successfully locked onto Namikaze Minato, who was still blocked by the Yin-Yang Escape Short Spear, and expertly used his 'Transformation', and instantly flashed in front of the fourth-generation Hokage whose body was covered with cracks.

"Well...even though it's not the first time we've met, you're getting worse and worse~

When I first met 'Namikaze Minato', it was in a parallel time and space, and that 'you' had not yet become Hokage.

Although your current situation is not as good as that of a certain world line, and your hands have not been completely shattered by Yin Yang Dun, you have also lost the Kyuubi.

No... you're worse off than that now, and you can't even move at all. "

Determined that Namikaze Minato could not move at all, nor could he mobilize chakra, that is, he could not perform spells, Nangong Yue simply walked to Minato's side, leaned against the same stone wall and looked at the distant coalition battlefield.

The current coalition forces are not in trouble. Instead, they have encountered a very troublesome opponent, and that is Yamato!

No... It should be said that it was 'A Fei' who controlled Yamato, that is, the Uzumaki-headed White Zetsu.

Now A Fei is controlling a severely weakened version of the wooden Thousand-Armed Buddha that is only the size of a mature Susana, rampaging through the coalition formation.

Coincidentally, the few remaining Kage levels are now in a state of near depletion of chakra and cannot compete with it. The only ones who can block the offensive of the Great Buddha are the Third Hokage who was reincarnated in the dirt, and the newly arrived Orochimaru.

Back to Nangong Yue, Namikaze Minato, who knew his situation, was now more open-minded, and seemed to chat with Nangong Yue nonchalantly.

"Hey...seeing you, then looking at my son...that's all...

By the way, can you talk about that parallel time and space? what is going on? "

Nangong Yue habitually took out a fruit (the version that could only be used as food) and gnawed it.

"This is all thanks to you in this life. Do you still remember the 'Dragon Veins'?"

"Oh? That seal...

etc! ...I probably understand how you got there. I have to say that you are really brave and really lucky...

I have no idea what will happen if my time and space spells are combined with the huge energy of the dragon vein. If I am not careful, I will be torn apart by time and space! "

"Luck... That's not luck. I repeatedly deduced the changes in time and space before I decided to open that seal.

Also, my body was indeed shattered by time and space, and was even broken down into something smaller than an 'atom'.

However, that is a necessary step for this kind of ‘transmission’.

You may not have heard of it, but this phenomenon already exists in other worlds, and there are also excellent warlocks who have developed a more stable usage.

This kind of transmission method of "decomposing one's own existence in one time and space, and then reorganizing it in another time and space" is defined as "spiritual transfer" in that world.

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