Of course, the seal of the Sage of Six Paths is very powerful. Even if I break the seal violently, it will take a lot of effort, so I have delayed it until now.

And because the reward I received was seriously inconsistent with the difficulty and workload of this 'task', she agreed to give me the fruit that contained all the human chakra in this world.

Anyway, with her higher basic level, she doesn't need this huge 'dregs'. "

Speaking of this, Nangong Yue threw the jade bead in his left hand upwards, and it was swallowed by a small space crack.

“As for the art of preserving the spirit body, it was thanks to a junior named ‘Uchiha Itachi’ that he was able to eliminate the previous reincarnation of the filthy earth.

My original spiritual body preservation technique was a combination of the inherent technique of the Samsara Eye's human world, 'spiritual body extraction', and combined with my space technique, the extracted spiritual body was preserved in a compressed space.

However, this method cannot be preserved for a long time. It is estimated that it can be up to five years. Without my continuous care, the soul will definitely be destroyed. After all, the interior of the space does not conform to the environment of the underworld.

Just because the reincarnation of the dirty earth was lifted, a huge number of souls collectively ascended to heaven, and the space passage between the human world and the underworld in this world was opened to an extremely conspicuous level for me.

Seizing the time, I accelerated my thinking to the extreme, and my soul almost collapsed. Before the passage was closed, I successfully analyzed a large number of the rules of the underworld, especially 'death'.

Just before you were reincarnated by that Orochimaru, I was able to adjust the internal environment of the compressed space to the state of the underworld, and the extracted souls were naturally preserved for a long time.

Then, not long after I arrived in Konoha, that outstanding junior actually found me and wanted to stop me from destroying Konoha. I didn't have such an idea in the first place, it was all his own conjecture.

Then, the result is obvious. I will not let such an outstanding combat individual go. He is honored to be put on my display cabinet.

I don't understand, what other meaning does a group like 'village', 'ethnic group' or 'country' have besides 'gathering people into one' and using all individuals as nutrients to provide for the growth of a few people? and function?


So, let me ask you, is the existence of ‘group’ really necessary? "

At this time, Nangong Yue's right hand was already on the top of Qianju Zhujian's head, ready to pull out his soul at any time.


Chapter 400


I don't understand, what other meaning does a group like 'village', 'ethnic group' or 'country' have besides 'gathering people into one' and using all individuals as nutrients to provide for the growth of a few people? and function?

What surprises me is that I have explored many worlds, but there is only one world with an outstanding king. Although he himself did not realize it, he successfully implemented the concept of "individual supremacy" and combined the people, land, mountains, and rivers. , even the starry sky, all belong to 'oneself'.

But it is a pity that after he ruled the world for more than two thousand years and maintained the "eternal peace" for two thousand years, he was judged by the will of the world because he was not strong enough, and the whole world was restarted.

The course of the world was modified to continue running for two thousand years on the premise that the emperor failed to obtain eternal life. ’ The reason for this world line is actually ‘humanity has lost the possibility of moving forward’...

So, First Hokage, let me ask you, is the existence of a 'group' really necessary? "

At this time, Nangong Yue's right hand was already on the top of Qianju Zhujian's head, ready to pull out his soul at any time.

Senju Hashirama originally wanted to use the 'mouth escape' that he inherited from Asura, and tell the young man in front of him, 'companions are necessary', 'one's shortcomings can be made up for by relying on the strengths of companions' and so on...

But when he saw Nangong Yue's golden eyes that looked gentle but were actually full of 'indifferent', in addition, Nangong Yue was the absolute dominant party now. As the 'weak' party, he did not have the right to speak. I had no choice but to rationally give up the lengthy persuasion.

Because Senju Hashirama knows that people like Nangong Yue can only realize the necessity of 'companions' when they really encounter things that cannot be solved by themselves.

However, how easy is it for this 'supernormal individual' who is apparently close to 'omnipotence' to encounter truly unsolvable things?

"Young man... A being like you who has been "strong enough from the beginning" cannot understand how the "weak" people who make up the vast majority of mankind can live in an ignoble existence.

The most basic desire of human beings is ‘survival’, and for the weak, who make up the vast majority, they cannot survive without uniting. This is the necessity of the existence of ‘groups’.

Of course, for you, it may not be necessary...

You are strong enough, and your abilities are diverse and nearly omnipotent. You don’t need to be bothered by ‘survival’, and naturally you don’t need to join forces with others.

Moreover, I also feel that your specific age is definitely not as young as your appearance. I can still see the traces of time..."

Hearing this, although Nangong Yue was still staring at Senju Hashirama's somewhat cracked eyes, a glimmer of light flashed on the surface of his golden pupils. Senju Hashirama's words reminded him of the shattered world.


Ah...I was born as a 'human', but I also know now that since I was a child, since I awakened the ability to 'read' in a world where 'superpowers' do not exist, my thoughts have become the same as that of a 'human being'. 'Contrary.

Since I was a child, I have believed that 'everything can be done by myself' and that 'people don't need to be classified or grouped'. What's more, I am not a 'human being' now. Short-lived species.

When my real age was eighteen, my spiritual body was already extraordinary, and I was half-stepped into the category of 'immortal species'. My thinking mode was the same, but after all, my body was still an ordinary human being, and I could only be regarded as 'immortal species'. The semi-remnants of the species.

Therefore, I am dissatisfied with this body and I must try my best to make up for any "deficiencies" I find in myself.

Eighteen years of experience as a 'human' has made me understand that all innate shortcomings and defects can be acquired through acquired means. Now, I am even more convinced of this idea that was firmly established when I was still a 'human'. .

No...it's not just that. In my opinion, it's not just 'flaws', it's anything you don't have innately, such as blood, spiritual roots, understanding, various fitness levels, even if it's an illusory 'fate',' Fate' and 'luck' can all be obtained through acquired 'means'!

But just when I was about to leave my planet and began to explore the stars to "supplement myself", the starry forces in that world, similar to the "Otsutsuki Clan" in this world, provoked powerful powers from outside the world. In the end, I The world was shattered and I became a 'fugitive'.

At that time, my original body had been shattered along with the world, but just because I 'read' this powerful 'origin', I successfully obtained a large amount of information left by those powerful powers.

Just like this, with the help of 'teleportation', I escaped from the erosion of the void tide and started my first world tour.

Over the years, I have been continuously modifying my current body through magic, but it is still a little bit worse. Although the basic level has touched the peak of 'nation-destroying level', it is still far from being 'eternal life'. '.

If you need to rely solely on the 'basic realm' to achieve 'eternal life', it is not enough to destroy the country. You have to continue to break through to a higher level and become a 'demigod' enough to destroy stars alone. Only then can you completely fade away. Commonplace'.

Finally, in this life, I traveled to a parallel time and space, captured all the tailed beasts on my own, summoned the Ten-Tails, and fully formed the sacred tree.

It's a pity that because of the rejection of that world, I didn't have time in that world to let the sacred tree bear the fruit that condensed the chakra of humans all over the world. I could only hastily swallow the sacred tree itself and complete the evolution of my body.

But it’s okay, because after swallowing and analyzing the sacred tree, I gained the concept of ‘nature’, and this body also completed its final sublimation. I also bid farewell to ‘human beings’ completely and officially became an ‘immortal species’.

Because of the experience in that world, after I returned to this world, I completely overturned my original plan of 'complete the reappearance of the sacred tree by myself' and changed it to let Kaguya execute it on my behalf.

After all, I don’t want to face the will of the world so early. I can’t bear it now. If my actions are too big and seriously interfere with the progress of the world line in this world and completely piss off the will of the world, then I will I had to leave early, which is why I rarely do anything.

But it doesn't matter now, everything has progressed to the final moment, and I can free up my combat power.

As for the sacred tree, the infinite moon reading, the fruit condensed, and it was enough to give it to Kaguya, a local god.

Also, after I leave this world, I will not just walk away. This world has already been taken care of by me, and sooner or later it will become my private property.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

As for now, let’s collect some interest first..."

After the explanation, Nangong Yue did not wait for the Senju brothers to speak. While extracting the soul of Senju Hashirama, he completely crushed the Senju Tobirama behind Hashirama and also extracted his soul.

In the same way as he did with Madara, Nangong Yue sealed the two of them in an emerald jade bead. After using the 'Requiem Technique' to put their souls to sleep, they put them into the 'combat power display area' of the storage space. .


Within the space of the lava, Sasuke controlled the giant eagle to fly "outside". There were inverted stalactites above their heads, but there was an extremely vast sky in the distance, which would be more suitable for fighting.

Naruto jumped up in one step and flew into the distant sky. After obtaining the six chakras, 'floating' was only the most basic ability.

Kaguya's face was expressionless, her white eyes opened, and with a simple finger of one hand, chakra condensed into a fine needle and fired out. The giant eagle under Sasuke's feet suddenly let out a scream, and fell rapidly downwards stiffly.

... ... 0

‘Have you been tapped? ’

As soon as the thought flashed, Sasuke jumped up quickly, and the chakra that framed Susanoo surged out of his body. The perfect purple Susan like a god appeared again, slashing out with a sword, setting off a huge wave (magma).

Naruto also took the opportunity to let the Qiudao Jade float into his hand, and the high-quality chakra rotated rapidly. After adding the Yang Release chakra, the power of the spiral shuriken increased by more than one level.

"Immortal Technique! Yang Release Spiral Shuriken!!!"

Together with Susana's sword energy, two kinds of vast chakra attacked Kaguya, and the magma below suddenly started churning.

Kaguya's expression remained unchanged, her hands suddenly clenched into fists, chakra poured into them, Byakugan's perspective locked onto Naruto, and suddenly countless huge translucent fist shadows blasted out, and the terrifying power made him break out in cold sweat.

This is the 'Eighty Gods Air Strike', the most powerful ninjutsu used in combination with the Byakugan, and also the most powerful secret of the Hyuga lineage.

Of course, except for Hinata Hanabi, Otsutsuki Toneri, and Aito, who have opened the reincarnation eye, no one in the current Hyuga clan can use this technique.

Of course, there is an irreparable gap between these people and Kaguya when they are used. After all, the gap is there.

The three "prehistoric powers" bombarded together, and with the roar, the entire lava space seemed to be completely ignited.

The six-level battle has gone beyond the scope of 'ninjutsu', and the aftermath of the collision between the two sides has become increasingly powerful. Even now, the battle is enough to cause shocks in the entire space.

Of course, this is also related to "this space is not the main world". The strength of the space wall here is naturally not as good as the main world.

With a roar, the volcano erupted, and waves of magma surged. The powerful fist power, accompanied by the vast chakra, instantly defeated the attacks of Sasuke and Naruto, and then surged towards them.

Naruto put into a defensive and blocking posture, and the seeking jade behind him quickly changed its shape and spread, and the dark energy body immediately enveloped his entire body.

As for Sasuke, under Kaguya's powerful explosive power, ordinary Susan's armor shattered like rotten wood.


Chapter 401

(PS: Thanks to "Shen Jing? To Demon" and "83...504" for their monthly votes!!!)

For the first time, the complete body of Susan was shattered without resistance. In any previous battle, even when Uchiha Madara faced Nangong Yue, Nangong Yue only blasted a big hole and did not completely break Madara's complete body. Zuo.

Of course, this does not mean that Nangong Yue does not have that kind of power. His physical strength has already been demonstrated when he fought Kai who opened the Eight Gate Armor Formation, but it was not necessary at that time.

Susana shattered, Sasuke's figure plummeted down, and below, there was an endless ocean of magma.


Naruto roared. At this time, the seeking jade he used for defense had shrunk back behind him. The golden chakra behind him quickly turned into an arm and grabbed Sasuke.

However, judging by the speed at which his chakra arms were extended, he might not be able to catch up with Sasuke's fall.

Just when he was approaching the magma, Sasuke's pupils shrank, and the perspective of his samsara eye focused on a jade for seeking enlightenment behind Naruto. The two circles of magatama rotated half a circle regularly. In an instant, the figures exchanged, and Sasuke bumped into Naruto. .

Subconsciously supporting Sasuke, Naruto looked happy.

"Haha~ I even forgot, Sasuke, you have this kind of space technique, it scared me to death..."

Another Jade of Seeking the Way was separated. After it became larger, it floated at Sasuke's feet, allowing him to successfully float in the air. The Jade of Seeking the Way that had just been exchanged returned to behind him under Naruto's control. .

The two quickly rose towards the sky. During the battle just now, the entire cave collapsed and rose high into the sky. The entire space was an endless sea of ​​lava!

Sasuke looked around, unable to see the boundary even with the 'far vision' of his Rinnegan. Naruto looked back at the place where the two had just left, and whispered,

"I see, we were inside that volcano just now...

But, what about Kaguya? ? ? "

Sasuke was suddenly startled, and then realized that Princess Kaguya had disappeared.

Behind the two of them, the gap in the dark space opened silently, and Kaguya emerged from it, her hands moving towards the necks of the two of them silently.

The moment he approached the two people's necks, Naruto's 'malicious sense' reacted, and he turned around instantly, and Chakra stretched out and swept out.

There was a soft snap, and Kaguya's hands were bounced away. He and Sasuke quickly turned around to face Kaguya and hurriedly retreated towards the back.

Kaguya floated out of the dark space door, and the gap disappeared naturally. She looked at her pale hands,

"It's very similar. This kind of perception and eyes are very similar to Hagoromo."


"Ah, I know!"

Naruto nodded, and in the unclear conversation, the two of them had finished exchanging information.

Slowly closing her eyes, Kaguya whispered,

"For thousands of years, in the sealed silent space, I have always resented the two unfilial sons who did not understand their mother.

Do you understand the sorrow of a mother who is sealed by her own child?

Seeing you is like seeing the two of them, Hagoromo and Hamura.

So... please just go to hell! ! ! "

Turning her face without warning, Kaguya's face suddenly turned serious. Her cheeks on both sides of her white eyes were covered with blood vessels. She raised one hand and pointed at the two of them.

"The God of Misfortune..."

With the explosion of chakra, the entire lava space responds to it. This is Kaguya's own domain, and she can use the power of space to release her most terrifying attacks.

The magma rolled, and countless magma pillars rose into the sky under the guidance of Kaguya. The violent aura was accompanied by the monstrous magma, and she was the controller of the space here. It was at this time that Kaguya truly demonstrated the extraordinary power of the goddess. !

"This level of attack... is really not good..."

The corner of Naruto's mouth twitched reluctantly, a wry smile appeared on his face, and his forehead was already covered with beads of sweat.

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