However, the picture that Naruto imagined of Nangong Yue being swallowed up by lasers and then being blasted into powder did not appear.

Those lasers, in less than five seconds, were all absorbed by Nangong Yue as energy! ! !

Nangong Yue even used this light cannon as a medium, and in turn, began to extract a large amount of the nine-tailed chakra from Naruto's body! ! !

This sudden situation caused Naruto, who had only instinct, or in other words only the wisdom of a 'beast', to retreat quickly!

Just after Naruto took the initiative to bite off the light beam, the bones on his body were already cracked, his tail had been reduced to six, and the energy color on his body had become much lighter! ! !

At this time, Nangong Yue's state seemed a bit unstable, because Nangong Yue's body surface was covered with complex blood-red lines. This was obviously the energy circuit network of Nangong Yue's body!

This time, with the help of this huge energy flushing, Nangong Yue's energy circuit was once again violently broadened a little.

What's more, Nangong Yue also used this to open up many new energy circuits! ! !

"Well~ I think I have grown up a little bit... better than nothing~"

Soon, without the nine-tailed light cannon as the source of energy, the blood lines on Nangong Yue's body quickly disappeared, and he immediately returned to his original appearance.

At this time, Naruto seemed to realize that he might be in trouble.

Between 'hate' and 'survival', at this time, he was seriously lacking in intelligence and fell into a difficult struggle!

Just when the, who had reverted to the Seven-Tails, was in a dilemma, Nangong Yue in the sky flashed in front of Naruto again!

Seeing the sudden appearance of the enemy, Nanao Naruto reacted reflexively and rushed towards Nangong Yue, who was not far away.

"Oh, the blood is coming~

But sure enough, without reason, you are still too weak¨"."

This time, Nangong Yue did not activate 'virtualization' or 'penetration', but simply lowered himself and punched him.

Phew! ! ! ! ! ! (boom!!!!!!!)

Naruto, who was unable to adjust himself in mid-air, was punched through the abdomen by Nangong Yue. The shock wave from the punch opened a big hole in his abdomen! The body was almost blown into two pieces! ! !

Even the spine growing outside the body was smashed to pieces! ! !

At the same time, the strong shock wave also swept the rubble and rubble on the ground into the air, but these debris were never able to fall within the scope of the shock wave!

From Nangong Yue's perspective, it was like opening a passage in a large amount of rubble with an end that was difficult to see at a glance!

boom! ! !

Then, before Naruto could take any action, Nangong Yue quickly retracted his left fist that penetrated Naruto's abdomen, and at the same time hit Naruto in the face with an elbow from his right arm! ! !

Naruto, who was repulsed, drew a scratch on the ground at the bottom of the pit that was more than a kilometer long! ! !

When Naruto stopped, it was obvious that his neck was unnaturally twisted! ! !

What’s even worse is! Naruto's head is also irregularly deformed! Like a crushed persimmon! ! !

The next second, before Naruto could straighten his head and heal it on its own, Nangong Yue flashed in front of Naruto and put a hand on his mangled head!

"Definition, gravity is on top, energy is in the middle, and the human body is on the bottom."

In an instant, Naruto's body was suppressed to the point of being unable to move!


Before he could resist, Nangong Yue began to absorb the energy in his body.

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the exoskeleton on the outside of Naruto's body quickly turned into powder and scattered, and the tails behind him were reduced one by one.

Soon, all the chakra was absorbed by Nangong Yue. Even with Kyuubi's amazing chakra recovery speed, he would not be able to recover for a while.

Moreover, the current Naruto was in a coma due to severe injuries from the Kyuubi's chakra. Without Naruto's subjective will, the Kyuubi's chakra could not reach Naruto's body under the effect of the seal.

Of course, Nangong Yue also gave enough time for this kid to recover from his head injury, otherwise he would be dead, and Nangong Yue would be in trouble~

Now, Nangong Yue only left Naruto with the chakra that could barely sustain his life, and then sealed his soul firmly within his own mental space!

After doing all this, Nangong Yue could finally set up the space barrier. He could already see the dragon veins waving to him~

After shaking off the brains and blood on his hands and putting Naruto's remains into a different space, Nangong Yue began to arrange the space barrier himself.

It just so happened that the entire Loulan was scrapped, so Nangong Yue didn't need to set up a large barrier at all.

Arriving at the sealing place of Dragon Vein, sure enough, after being completely sealed by Nangong Yue, the so-called altar was no longer necessary.

Even now, the original altar has been smashed and buried, but Dragon Vein has still not gone berserk and is still in a peaceful state.

First, Nangong Yue controlled the entire desert to fill up the terrifying pit created by the battle.

After doing this, Loulan, which was originally lined with towers, had been completely swallowed up by the vast desert and no longer existed at all.

Next, Nangong Yue started to build a one-way spatial folding barrier with the original altar buried deep underground as the center point, spreading from the center point to the surroundings.

An hour later, the hemispherical barrier with a diameter of one kilometer has been completed. After sending several shadow clones to experiment, it was confirmed that there was no problem and the goal of crossing space was indeed achieved.

In addition to this space barrier, there is also a barrier similar to the one in Konoha Village, but with a variety of blocking effects added.

After spending nearly another hour, Nangong Yue plunged into the dragon veins and began to greedily absorb all the energy! ! !

This time, because the energy came from outside and was not refined by the clone, it was not the energy that best suited Nangong Yue's own energy.

Therefore, it needs to be refined before being absorbed.

But fortunately, they are called dragon veins, but they are actually earth veins. The energy of the earth veins is the purest 'natural' attribute energy, which is closer to the 'chaos' attribute. It is also very convenient for Nangong Yue to refine it.

Also, this breakthrough did not cause a large-scale celestial phenomenon like in the Hero Academia world. Everything was calm.

Firstly, Nangong Yue did not absorb energy so fast this time. Secondly, before absorbing it, he had already made complete preparations. The aftermath was not considered strong in the first place and could not be leaked at all.

Nangong Yue's job at this time is to absorb the energy of the 'natural' attribute of the dragon vein, fill up the circuit network in the body, and convert it into the 'chaos' attribute.

Then, let these energies circulate in the energy circuit network in the body, constantly refining these energies while broadening the nourishing circuits and meridians.

Yes, the energy circuit of the human body is not completely consistent with the meridians of the human body. A large part of it exists in the subspace based on the human body.

(Excellent) Furthermore, it is to expand new circuits and move closer to the more complex and sophisticated circuit network of the spirit body.

After this energy can no longer be purified, this energy is input through microscopic circuits into every cell in Nangong Yue's body that is close to the energy body, and continues to strengthen them.

After the body has absorbed all the energy, it will absorb new 'natural' energy from the dragon veins again, and the cycle repeats.

But first, Nangong Yue tested the energy recovery speed of the earth veins here to avoid things going wrong in the future. He also needed to adjust his absorption speed accordingly to achieve the best effect possible.

According to Nangong Yue's calculations, with this gentle method, he would need to stay in the center of the dragon vein for up to five years to devour the dragon vein to a state of exhaustion.

After the end, in order to recharge the world teleportation, it will take almost half a year for the energy of this leyline to recover to a sufficient level.

‘Well... In the past five years, let’s digest the information read from this world~

As for the six months after leaving the country...

Thinking is accelerated, a thousand times...handsome’

At this point, the Dragon Vein Land fell into complete silence.


Chapter 219

...Konoha in this world...

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo were sitting here talking...

"It's been two months now. Minato and the others should have been back long ago. Did the mission encounter any problems?"

The Sandaime picked up his pipe and took a puff, saying worriedly.

Hearing this, a flash of light flashed in Danzo's eyes, but it was well hidden and was not seen by Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was not entirely focused on himself.

"Didn't you say that ninjas came from the future? Maybe they were some incredible people who were difficult for Minato and the others to deal with, and now they are in a stalemate?

Is this possible?

(Hmph! It’s best to die!)”

"That's not right. If there was a stalemate, Minato would have asked the village for help. He is not the kind of person who insists on having his own way.

In other words, the information cannot be transmitted, or the information cannot be transmitted at all.

The former is fine, but the latter will be in big trouble. "(Three generations)

"How about sending some ANBU to investigate?" (Danzo)

"Yes, yes, but the problem is, it is the Kingdom of Wind after all, and it will be difficult to deal with Sunagakure.

Moreover, it is now during the war, Tsunade has left, and Orochimaru and Jiraiya need to be stationed outside, unable to spare their hands.

If Minato can't be solved, we won't be able to send any decent combat force. If Kushina can't be sent, there's no way I can go there myself, right? "

As Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke, he glanced meaningfully at Danzo opposite him, and quickly picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"(Tch! Do you want to consume my roots again...

Anyway, if I can master the Dragon Vein, the position of Hokage...)

Hey... I'd better take some people over to check it out. "

Hearing this, the corners of the Sandaime's mouth raised slightly, and his serious face instantly returned. His sincere (?) eyes were fixed on Danzo, and he solemnly entrusted,

"Danzo, it's up to you."

"( can it be so easy to consume my foundation?)

Leave it to me. "

After agreeing, Danzo picked up his crutches and walked out of the Hokage's office. month later...

"Lord Danzo, Loulan, still not found..."

Danzo's ears almost went numb when he heard these words. Although at the beginning, he killed one of his subordinates out of anger, he is no longer angry.

"It's strange... How could Loulan City, a great city in Nuozhou, be gone?

Could it be that he was completely transferred by Minato?

No, he doesn't have that much chakra. Could it be that the energy of the dragon vein resonated with Minato's time and space ninjutsu, and that's why he disappeared? "

Haha... Of course they couldn't find Loulan's whereabouts.

Not to mention that Loulan had already been destroyed due to the war, even now Nangong Yue, in order to absorb energy more efficiently, has sunk the entire barrier and buried it two thousand meters deep in the desert! ! !

At this time, Danzo was holding a map and looking at the surrounding situation.

"Yes, it's right here, but it's completely a desert...

Sigh... Then there's nothing we can do about it. It's probably due to the Dragon Veins rioting, and then due to Minato's technique, space-time fluctuations occurred...

As for the evidence, the spatial fluctuations here are still not very stable, and even the four-dimensional seal cannot be activated.

Then, there is no hope for Dragon Vein... Damn it! ! ! "

Although he was extremely unwilling to do so, but without the means of time and space, Danzo had no choice but to take back the map with an ugly expression.

"Sir, then we..."

"Collect the team, don't waste too much time, follow me directly to the front line."

Whoosh! ! !

As soon as the words fell, Danzo left immediately, and after the other roots reacted, they had to quickly follow.

At the same time, an ANBU did not forget to release a ninja eagle.


Five years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the Third Ninja War has long ended.

It is worth mentioning that Kushina, who learned that Minato might never come back due to the turbulence of time and space, was completely ignited...

With his own considerable strength and the complete Nine-Tails, Konoha couldn't stop him with that kind of power.

There was no way, under the personal supervision of the Sandaime, he smashed through the Sunagakure battlefield alone, including Fenfuku, the Shukaku jinchūriki.

By the way, Shukaku who broke out of the seal was given a severe beating.

As for Sunagakure, even releasing the tailed beasts couldn't work, so he had no choice but to surrender.

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