Now...Dad, he's...dead?

Obviously... we just met each other! ! !

no no! No! ! ! No! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I will never accept this reality! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Unforgivable! Unforgivable! ! !

absolute! ! ! unforgivable! ! ! ! ! ’


In an instant, Naruto completely lost his mind, skipped the one to three-tailed state, and directly entered the four-tailed state! ! !

Moreover, the fifth tail is growing rapidly! ! !


Chapter 217

"Oh? You've lost your mind~

So, before dealing with Kyuubi, let's deal with those minions first.

Existential erasure..."

The first time he wiped out Minato, Nangong Yue lifted the space blockade and "energy is above, space is below."

Under the space blockade, the energy consumption of performing space spells gave Nangong Yue a bit of a toothache, but now he is finally relaxed.

First, Nangong Yue found Akimichi Dingzao who was seriously injured by the repulsion force.

At this time, Nangong Yue had no interest in ridiculing him. He just slapped him, turned it into a pile of scraps, and took away the soul.

The next one is Kakashi, the young boy with the least strength. With his obvious soul, it is absolutely impossible to misread him. He flashes behind Kakashi and hits him with a knife.

Because he wanted to kill someone, Nangong Yue did not hold back and directly cut off his slightly immature cervical vertebrae. Although he did not die immediately, his body was no longer under control.

Without saying a word, the first attack was a collapse. Because he did not deliberately suppress his speed, Kakashi was reduced to dust in less than half a second.



boom! ! ! ! !

Just after Nangong Yue dealt with the two of them, Naruto, who was about to turn into the Six-Tails, had completely destroyed the high tower near the central tower.

And Yamato originally wanted to seal the Nine Tails when Naruto transformed into the Four Tails, but...

"Isn't this the only surviving 01 test subject in the experiment on phagocytosis of Hashirama's cells?

Apparently, you didn’t inherit Hashirama’s physical abilities~”

At this time, Yamato had been seriously injured by Naruto. His ribs were all broken, and the broken ribs pierced the lungs. His left forearm was comminutedly fractured, his right forearm was broken, and his spine was completely dislocated. Only his legs were damaged. intact.

Not only that, Yamato's whole body was penetrated by a large number of irregular wooden thorns. The most fatal thing was his liver, which was pierced by a wooden thorn as thick as an arm...

"No...that's not right. If it weren't for the activity of Hashirama's cells, you would have died long ago~"

"Let me understand...are you the leader of the Akatsuki organization?!"

Looking at Yamato who was already dying and could die at any time, Nangong Yue squatted down and put the palm of his left hand on the top of his head.

"The leader on the surface is not me, but a psychopath with the eye of reincarnation. As for behind the scenes, it is indeed me."

"Ahem...that's it...then I'm really honored!

Wood escape! Buried forever in a tree! ! ! "

Suddenly, a large number of vines quickly grew from under Yamato's body, trying to strangle Nangong Yue and Yamato himself! ! !

At the same time, even Yamato's own body turned into a tree!

Moreover, in Nangong Yue's view, it is obviously an irreversible transformation!

Yamato, in order to bury Nangong Yue, is sacrificing his life! ! !

"Hey~ why bother?

I don’t even know how many specific ways I can use to deal with your technique~

Not to mention, even if you try your best at your best, you still can't break through the basic defense of my body~"


In fact, Yamato just wanted to give it a try. After all, he knew in his heart that he would definitely not survive due to his own physical condition.

Therefore, it is better to die without regrets than to die worthless.

That Nangong Yue also said that there is an 'underworld' in the world. At this moment, he is willing to believe this, which can at least make his life in the underworld more comfortable.

Sure enough, these trees completely penetrated Nangong Yue's body and had no effect at all...

'Sure enough... I failed... Hehehehe... My life... has been really...'

At this point, Yamato's body has completely turned into the nourishment of the tree, his mental fluctuations have completely stopped, and his soul has fallen into a deep sleep due to the loss of his body.

At the same time, the trees that grew due to Yamato's ninjutsu also stopped growing completely and turned into a giant tree that stood still.

There is even no clear evidence that a living person ever existed here! ! !

Looking at the soul in mid-air, Nangong Yue casually threw a restoration package, and then a spirit crystal the size of a table tennis ball was recovered by Nangong Yue.

Nangong Yue did not allow his information to be known by Yuyi in this life, and he did not want to make enemies everywhere.

What's more, if multiple Hagoromo and even Princess Kaguya meet and then perform the fusion of the same body, Nangong Yue may be in big trouble.

Therefore, these high-level beings cannot be allowed to learn information about other worlds, let alone find ways to go to parallel worlds! ! !

Exactly like this, not only for his own promotion, Nangong Yue must devour the unstable space-time node of 'Dragon Vein'! ! !

"The next one...Aburame Zhiwei...has been found~"

At the same time, Nangong Yue opened a space door in front of him and stepped in leisurely.

"Where do you want to go? The future Aburame matriarch~"


Just in front of Aburame Zhiwei, a space door as tall as one person opened, and Nangong Yue, wearing a brand-new Akatsuki uniform, strolled out.

"Ninpo! Mushidama!!!"

The first time Nangong Yue appeared, the taciturn Aburame Zhiwei used ninjutsu without saying a word. The insect swarm... no... it should be a sea of ​​insects, swept towards Nangong Yue.

"Haha... I would like to see how many bugs you have.


Around Nangong Yue, the "collapse" technique was fully activated. All the insects that pounced on Nangong Yue were instantly turned into powder five meters away from Nangong Yue!

It is said to be 'Hengkai', but in fact Nangong Yue has integrated many techniques, such as: renovation, crushing, vibration, decomposition, distortion... It's just that Nangong Yue habitually names new techniques after 'Hengkai' That’s all.

And Aburame Zhiwei's attack this time was not to annihilate Nangong Yue, but just to block the monster's sight so that he could have the possibility of escaping!

Now that Minato has died, he must bring the information about Nangong Yue back to Konoha!

Because, judging from the combat effectiveness shown by Nangong Yue, it is really too dangerous!

If this monster from the future, or another world, targets Konoha, the consequences will be disastrous! ! !

Although resentment has filled his soul, he must live to send the information back to Konoha! Even inform the entire ninja world! ! !

In Nangong Yue's view, this kid's escape is meaningless. In front of him who is proficient in space magic and has strong perception ability, there is no possibility of his prey escaping!

Just as Aburame Zhiwei was moving forward, just as he jumped into the air, a space door appeared in front of him!


Facing Zhiwei is the palm that Nangong Yue has prepared!



Similarly, in less than half a second, Aburame Zhiwei's body was completely shattered, and then, not even his soul could escape.

"Huh~~ Now Naruto is the only one left.

In other words, Kyuubi is easy to handle, but the Asura Yang Chakra in his body is a bit difficult to handle...

Forget it, knock him out first, and then kill him after he dies. "

After making the decision, Nangong Yue released the 'Existence Erase', activated the 'Transformation', and teleported in front of Naruto!

On Naruto's side, even though he had lost his mind, his enemy still remembered it clearly and immediately rushed towards Nangong Yue! ! !

"Hey! This speed is even faster than Minato's teleportation technique!"

Without exception, Naruto's body overlapped with Nangong Yue's, obviously penetrating through it!

At the same time, Nangong Yue also turned around in mid-air and floated his body upwards. When Naruto's body completely penetrated to the other side, Nangong Yue was already directly above Naruto! ! !

“Gun bone, explosive power, air absorption, compression, impact reversal, highly elastic muscles, air extrusion, vibration, shock wave, explosion, repulsion.

Finally, a hundredfold increase! ! ! "

Just when Naruto was stunned because of the incomprehensible situation, Nangong Yue, who was directly above him, had already aimed his left hand at Naruto's back...

Click! ! ! boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Naruto, who had completed the six-tailed transformation, had begun to grow fox bones, and was about to complete the seven-tailed transformation, was blasted into the ground of Lou Lancheng by the impact that tore apart the space! ! !

With this blow, although Naruto was temporarily seriously injured but not dead, except for Naruto and Nangong Yue, there was no one alive in Loulan City! ! !

At this time, from Nangong Yue's perspective high in the sky, where is Loulan City? !

After the dust cleared, all that could be seen was a giant crater ten kilometers in diameter and more than a thousand meters deep! ! !

And all the towers in Loulan were destroyed by the powerful diffusion shock wave! ! !

Moreover, until now, Nangong Yue can still see the surrounding desert, due to the continuous earthquakes, the sky is filled with dust!

"Ah... Even if the output of those spells is not that high, the result still becomes like this...

It’s really troublesome, we shouldn’t have launched the ‘doubling’ in the end...”

Saying that it was troublesome, Nangong Yue collected all the souls in Loulan City. Looking at the basketball-sized soul crystal in his hand, it was a small comfort~

boom! ! !

Suddenly, at the bottom of the pit, a scarlet figure broke through the debris and reappeared in Nangong Yue's eyes.

Nanao Naruto finally recovered from his injuries, broke through the pressure of the boulder, shook his head, scattered the dust on the exoskeleton, raised his head and looked at Nangong Yue in the sky...



Chapter 218



Then, it seemed clear that close combat was useless. Naruto stopped roaring and opened his huge mouth in the direction of Nangong Yue. A large amount of energy began to merge in front of the big mouth!

Soon, a huge black energy ball as big as a hill was condensed. Then, the energy ball's volume was quickly compressed. Soon, it was compressed to only the size of a table tennis ball! ! !

Instinctively, Naruto swallowed the 'ping pong ball' into his belly. In less than a second, Naruto's entire body swelled into a ball, opened his mouth, barely aimed at Nangong Yue, and then...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A cone-shaped laser rushed towards Nangong Yue. Of course, the bottom was facing Nangong Yue...

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... This is such a waste... Super regeneration..."

Facing this seemingly scary red light, Nangong Yue just raised his right hand and greeted the laser with his palm. The next second, the laser arrived in front of Nangong Yue!

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