"Everyone... if we want to break through this monster's defense, we will probably all die here...

However, this guy doesn't seem to have any motivation.

Except for the first shot, he basically counterattacked.

In other words, this guy arrogantly gave up the right to take the initiative, and this is our opportunity! "

At this point, Kakashi's three magatama sharingan transformed into a kaleidoscope! Then he stared at Nangong Yue, who was not far away.

"Huh? Let me take a look...

Thought acceleration at small magnification, incomplete perspective, and...oh? It's actually a space-type technique.

how? Want to play space with me? "

'cut! With this analytical ability, how many spells can he use? ! ’

Although he read Kakashi's thoughts, Nangong Yue had no intention of replying. Instead, he looked at Kakashi with interest, looking forward to his performance.

I saw Kakashi staring at Nangong Yue's Sharingan pattern and spinning it in a circle, and then the space around Nangong Yue also distorted!

"Mangekyo Sharingan! Kamui!!!"

"We got it!!!" (Neji, Li, Tenten, Sakura)

Nangong Yue didn't pay attention to the distortion of the space around him. Instead, he started to accelerate his thinking ten thousand times and began to analyze this technique.

In less than a second, Nangong Yue completed the analysis, because this technique is basically included in the 'space modeling'!

"Shenwei? Shenweiyue... This way of naming is really simple and easy to understand... So..."

Facing the distortion of space around him, the moment a space hole appeared in the void, Nangong Yue directly drove the 'space shape' and straightened the distorted space with ease!


Although I was somewhat mentally prepared, I saw that Nangong Yue could easily erase even the kaleidoscope technique! Kakashi's psychology is still very unfair!

'Hehehehe... Obito's coordinates in another space are obtained...'

"Ha...ha...ha...this monster..."

There is no way, Kakashi's original energy is relatively scarce, and Mangekyou's pupil technique is also a big one. Just one shot of 'divine power' swallowed up most of Kakashi's energy!

If Kakashi casts a spell again, his foundation will probably be damaged...

Just when Nangong Yue was about to continue playing with them, suddenly, Nangong Yue received a message from his space clone.

Kakashi and the others on the opposite side also noticed the change in Nangong Yue's expression and thought that Nangong Yue was ready to take action again. These people decisively struck first and threw a large number of ninja tools at Nangong Yue!

Mainly because Tiantian opened the scroll and unsealed it, and all kinds of ninja tools were overwhelmingly stabbing Nangong Yue, who seemed to be distracted!

It's not that they don't want to rush forward to fight with Taijutsu, but the first two people who fought with Nangong Yue in Taijutsu ended badly, so they could only settle for the second best, Diudiu Kunai or something like that.

As for ninjutsu, I'm sorry, but Kakashi is the only one present who can use long-range attack ninjutsu.

However, Kakashi's current chakra could not release a few powerful ninjutsu, so he continued to throw kunai and shuriken desperately every day.

Also, facing a strong taijutsu player like Nangong Yue, using ninjutsu to cover one's sight is just looking for death! ! !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! !

Nangong Yue, who was communicating with the space clone, looked at the pile of toys flying towards him and opened a space door directly in front of him. At the same time, he also opened a space door diagonally behind the heads of the people on the opposite side.

Kakashi and others, their alertness as ninjas saved their lives. After they dodged the blades coming from behind and above to the side, they also saw clearly Nangong Yue's method.

These two space gates also made Kakashi and the others completely autistic.

At the same time, looking at Nangong Yue, I found that he had no intention of taking action at all, but seemed to be talking to someone on the phone.

Okay... Four jounin, three chuunin, and one kage-level genin almost died by suicide!

At this time, Nangong Yue also quickly finished reading the message from the clone, looked up at Kakashi and the others, shook his head, sighed, and then slowly floated up into the sky,

"Okay, now that Shukaku's sealing work has been completed, our mission here is also completed.

Now, you can go wherever you like, I don't care about you.

When you arrive at the sealing location, you will probably be able to recover the body of that person.

However, it depends on your luck how many members of the Akatsuki organization you will meet~


After saying that, Nangong Yue instantly disappeared in front of Kakashi and others.


Is it teleportation this time...What a troublesome kid..."

After a moment of silence, Granny Chiyo said sadly, and then quickly ran towards the coordinate point given by the Flying Thunder God Team. Apparently she wanted to see her grandson...

As for Kakashi and the others, they couldn't let Granny Chiyo face the members of the Akatsuki organization alone. After all, those people were all Kage-level rebellious ninjas!

The few people who were still awake looked at each other, sighed, and Kakashi followed with Neji, Tenten, and Xiao Li.

After waiting for a few minutes, Haruno Sakura roughly treated Metkai's injuries to a level that did not affect the battle. Haruno Sakura carried Naruto on her back and followed Metkai, also chasing after him.

...Inside the cave...

After the space clone here learned that the main body had left, it also opened the portal for everyone in the Akatsuki organization.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

"The main body has gone far, and then...

Now, Kakashi of Konoha has arrived with a small team of ninjas.

Those who want to stay, stay, and those who want to leave, leave quickly.

Ten kilometers away, they will arrive soon, although there is still a sealing technique at the entrance of the cave..."

After hearing the proposal of the space clone, the organization members who were still standing on the fingers of the golem were silent for a few seconds while looking at the several space doors under the golem...

"Kisame, let's go first.

Performing the surgery for two consecutive days took a lot of mental energy and I was tired. "(Uchiha Itachi)

"Oh? Colleagues? I understand..."

Jumping to the space door below, they recognized their original places and walked into a portal one after another. Then, the portal disappeared.

"Hidan! Let's make money!"

The lonely old man dropped his fingers and walked directly into a portal. Hidan was stunned for a few seconds before following him.

"Tch! Money... is my most annoying reason for fighting!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kid, your skills are pretty good, I’ll be counting on you from now on~"

The zombie duo also left, and Nepenthes Black Zetsu dived directly under the ground, and the space clone also wisely closed a space door.

Everyone had almost left, and the remaining four people thought for a while, and since they had a ride, it would be useless if they didn't take it, so they also walked into the portal one after another.

In the end, only Gaara's body and Nangong Yue's space clone were left.

Looking at the deserted cave where even the heretic demons had been recalled, the space clone smiled and took the initiative to escape into the space, seemingly disappearing completely.

Ten minutes later, the stone blocking the cave was kicked to pieces by Metkai, and then everyone saw Gaara's body lying on the ground...

At this time, Nangong Yue, who had completed a small task as a member of the Xiao organization, was a little confused about where to go.

After all, this new arrival is not familiar with the details of this world.

All the information about this world was obtained through unreliable comics and anime in a world that had long since been shattered into powder.

Originally, Nangong Yue wanted to wander around the world based on the information he got from the comics.

However, since seeing the Flying Thunder God trio successfully completing space teleportation today without the need for magic imprints as coordinates, Nangong Yue decisively gave up on the unreliable information, and it was better to find out on his own...

However, there is still a lot gained today. The development of the magic lantern body technique has already achieved certain results. It is still unclear whether it can be transmitted across the world.

Also, Obito's Kamui space coordinates have been recorded.

From now on, any changes in Obito's alien space cannot escape his spatial perception.

For example, just now, after Kakashi opened a space hole, less than five seconds later, Obito, that silly kid, entered a different space to confirm.

"Well now, our Otsutsuki Xiaohei will be here soon~"

Nangong Yue thought this as he leaned against a tree and looked at the moving humanoid energy group below the ground in the distance.


Chapter 182

Just after Nangong Yue waited for dozens of seconds, a giant pitcher plant grew from the trunk of a tree in front of him. When the grass blades opened, it revealed a funny body that was half black and half white.

Before this yin-yang escape creature who had been in the ninja world for more than a thousand years could speak, Nangong Yue started teasing,

"Sure enough, if you have Kaguya's energy fluctuations in your body, you will definitely find me.

So, are you the back-up plan that woman arranged thousands of years ago?

The efficiency is too low~"

At this point, Black and White Zetsu, wearing the uniform of the Akatsuki organization, fully appeared. Because of Nangong Yue's words, this guy's mood rarely changed at all.

"Well~ Who told you to just be a ball of energy~

Although basically no one can hurt you without your body, you can’t hurt others either~

In other words, you can only achieve your goals by guiding others.

However, it seems that your luck has finally come, someone has helped you capture the sealed tailed beast.

The previous statue also had Kaguya's energy fluctuations~ Is that the carrier of Kaguya's power? "

Hei Jue, who controlled this body, was silent for a few seconds...

"who are you?

Your battle scene, my clone has been sent back.

To be honest, there is no way that a strong person like you would not be on my list!

And you, it’s like you just appeared out of thin air!

Could it be..."

Sensing Hei Jue's mental fluctuations, Nangong Yue, who was leaning on the tree, stood up and slowly walked towards Hei Jue.

"That's right~ I'm from another world.

In fact, based on your thousands of years of experience, you should have made some assumptions after seeing my various techniques and methods of casting that are very different from ninjutsu.

How should I put it, I was wandering in the void, but suddenly received a distress signal from Princess Kaguya.

After finishing dealing with a world's affairs, I rushed over immediately.

However, the fluctuation of time is really a huge variable~

When I entered the sealed space and confirmed with Kaguya, I learned that thousands of years had passed? ! "

As he spoke, Nangong Yue opened the space door leading to his own space, and then walked in first, motioning Hei Bai Jue to follow.

'What is this?! My mother's Huangquan Biliangzaka? And Tian No Michu?!'

Hei Jue suppressed his inner shock and followed Nangong Yue into the space with a calm face.

After entering the space, Hei Jue did not see the space of different shapes and colors like her mother, but... how to say... too ordinary.

The first thing he saw was a mansion, and then there were large tracts of open space around it, and there was a huge light source in the sky, and there seemed to be a tall golden mountain in the distance...

"Any space-related spell, after some study and expansion, can do similar things.

In the sealed space, I also read the spell of 'Huangquan Biliangzaka'. To be honest, it is just a portal, although it can connect different spaces. "

Just when Black Zetsu was somewhat dazed, the scene in front of the two of them changed, and they came to a living room in a mansion.

"? ! ! "

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