That's right, I'm talking about your Chikamatsu Ten People, basically one punch at a time.


In short, Nangong Yue's side was completely strange and harmonious. Nangong Yue, who was leaning on the tree trunk, just relied on mind reading to chat with the eight ninjas present...

Chapter 180

In the cave, the space clone that replaced Nangong Yue's original body and continued to study the techniques with his mind accelerating a thousand times suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Tiandao Payne.

"The ninjas who came to save people have been trapped by the original body."

After saying that, he glanced at Deidara and smiled maliciously.

"...Is it possible..."

Just when Nangong Yue's space clone looked at him, Deidara recalled how he was subdued, and felt extremely unhappy.

"That's right~ It's the move I'm going to use to deal with you, the blasting genius~

It feels quite good to be pressed to the ground by the huge gravity and not move at all~"

"...You kid, just wait for me! Wait until the seal is over and see if I don't blow you up like a firework!!!"

Facing the somewhat crazy Deidara, the space clone closed his eyes and continued to study the newly read technique.

The Akatsuki organization's living treasure number two, the immortal Hidan, heard that Deidara had been punished by the newcomers after he escaped, and he immediately wanted to make fun of him.

However, Shukaku's seal has entered the final stage, and it is the time when no mistakes can be made. Tendou Pain quickly ordered Hidan to shut up...

The local protagonist team is here...

Just after Nangong Yue imprisoned these people for a few minutes, he inevitably felt bored.

"Hey~ This place is still more than ten kilometers away from the sealing location.

To be honest, even if I let you go now, when you arrive, you will only be able to harvest the body of a former Jinchuuriki.

So, those three combinations that serve as teleportation arrays are really unreliable. "


With a snap of his fingers, these ninjas immediately regained their freedom.

However, due to the invisible deterrent given by Nangong Yue in these few minutes, these people endured the severe pain in their bodies and retreated instantly, keeping distance from Nangong Yue.

Then, it’s time for everyone to show off their talents.

Kakashi directly revealed the Sharingan; Metkai directly opened the six doors, and Xiao Li opened the five doors; Naruto directly entered the three-tailed state; Chiyo immediately released the ten people from Konsomatsu.

Looking at the people who had distanced themselves, Nangong Yue couldn't help but smile.

"Hehehehe... Stop it! Why do you need to distance yourself?

If you want to really defeat me, shouldn't you charge forward? "

As the team leader, Kakashi was not aroused by Nangong Yue's words, but secretly analyzed,

“This strange boy has weird ninjutsu and unknown level of illusions, but from the fact that he can read minds, it seems that he is also very good at illusions.

The only thing unclear now is this guy's physical skills level.

Kai! ! ! "


After receiving the instructions, Metkai rushed in front of Nangong Yue in an instant with the six doors open, and then...

"Konoha's powerful whirlwind!!!"

An astonishingly powerful right leg roundhouse kick was about to hit Nangong Yue's side waist!

In Nangong Yue's eyes, this kind of speed was not much faster than a tortoise crawling. Nangong Yue moved his steps slightly, dodged the whip leg with a slight difference, and then immediately got closer!

At this time, Metkai was in mid-air, unable to use any force, and then his body was rotated due to his roundhouse kick, and his body and torso were facing Nangong Yue!

Seeing the gap, Nangong Yue approached Metkai closely, and made an uppercut with his left hand, preparing to stab him.

"In physical combat, when facing an unknown enemy, don't move too much, and don't jump into the air casually, unless you can use the force to move in the air."

boom! ! ! ! !

The punch from Nangong Yue's left hand was deeply imprinted on Metkai's abdomen!

Moreover, under this powerful force, Metkai was not knocked away!

However, Nangong Yue's punch penetrated Metkai's body and directly impacted the ninjas behind him, even knocking them back more than ten meters!

This means that Metkai received all the force of this punch! ! !

“Pah ha!!!

The that big..."

Metkai, whose body was wrapped with green energy, spat out a mouthful of blood with broken flesh.

Without giving Metkai time to react, after severely injuring Metkai with a left blow, Nangong Yue's right fist also accurately hit the Tanzhong point on his chest.

However, this punch was mainly to knock Metkai away and did not cause too serious damage to him.

"Kai (Teacher Kai)!!!"

Kakashi, Naruto, Rock Lee, and Hinata Neji worked together to catch Metkai who was flying back, and they all spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Yes, Nangong Yue's punch with his right hand was indeed intended to knock Metkai away, but the secondary purpose was to use Metkai as a medium to transmit the power of the punch, injecting damage into the person who received Metkai.

These people are lucky to have so many people sharing Nangong Yue's boxing power, otherwise, they would probably be attrited!

After repelling Metkai, Nangong Yue had no intention of stopping. Instead, he raised his left fist again and began to accumulate strength.

"Before, I used physical skills against people, and now I'm going to use physical skills for pure destruction!

Smash! ! ! "

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !


Facing the eight ninjas in front, Nangong Yue blasted a huge shock wave!

After waiting for dozens of seconds, after the smoke and dust dissipated, the few ninjas who fell in the distance got up with difficulty and looked around...

"Hey...are you kidding me?! Is this also a physical technique?!!!"

Hiding behind the severely damaged Chikamatsu Ten, Uzumaki Naruto looked back, and then looked into the distance. Nangong Yue, who looked about the same age as himself, sighed in disbelief.

The other ninjas also fell silent.

Among them, the ones who had the biggest reaction were none other than the taijutsu ninjas Haruno Sakura, Metkai, Rock Lee, and Hinata Neji.

Because this shock wave directly plowed the forest into a giant scratch that was five kilometers long and nearly a hundred meters wide! ! !

In order to resist Nangong Yue's attack, the ten puppets in Chiyo's hands finally died, which made Chiyo's mother-in-law very uncomfortable.

"Hey, old lady, that's all I can do...

Although the puppet passed down from the ancestor of Monzaemon was destroyed, our lives were saved.

Ha ha ha ha..."


While Granny Chiyo was laughing at herself, everyone heard the distinct sound of footsteps and quickly looked in the direction of the sound source, only to see Nangong Yue walking over slowly.

It didn't look like he was fighting at all! It’s basically like going out for an outing during the holidays!

"Oh? A pile of broken wood can still be of some use~

Originally, this blow was enough to seriously injure all of you~

However, it's a good thing that we have restrained our efforts. Otherwise, our organization would have to face the encirclement and suppression of the two major ninja villages~ That would be very troublesome... much power does the Sand Ninja Village still have now? This is a huge question~"

"You guy! You destroyed the Sand Ninja Village and took Gaara away!

Is this attitude the result? ! ! ! "


The prince, who almost lost his life and was stimulated by Nangong Yue, was already in a semi-violent state.

Just after seeing Nangong Yue clearly, Uzumaki Naruto, who was in the three-tailed state and had turned into a demon fox, lost part of his sanity, even used the Rasengan, and rushed towards Nangong Yue with his fists.

Faced with Naruto's reckless behavior, Nangong Yue looked at Kakashi with some sympathy.

However, he, Nangong Yue, couldn't fight back. Just as Naruto punched him with a right hand, Nangong Yue's right hand, palm upward, reached out with his left hand and directly grabbed Naruto's right wrist!

After grabbing Naruto's right hand, he directly swung Naruto's whole body over his head, and then slammed him to the ground in front of him! ! !

boom! ! ! (Crack!!!)

At this moment, Naruto's back smashed a large crater on the ground with a diameter of more than fifty meters!

Then, before Naruto could react, Nangong Yue used his foot to turn him over, and then stomped on his back as if to crush his bones! Let the ground sink a lot again! ! !

Anyway, this guy is the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi. He has strong vitality and a very impressive recovery speed. There is no need to worry about being killed directly.

After finishing all this, Nangong Yue looked up at Kakashi and others who were struggling at the edge of the pit, mainly looking at Kakashi.

"Kakashi...thank you for having such a student..."

Before Kakashi had time to reply, Naruto, who was under Nangong Yue's feet, made another move...

"Bring Gaara! Back!!!"

Feeling the resistance under his feet increasing, Nangong Yue lowered his head and looked at Naruto,

“It’s almost four tails...forget it, I’ll save you the trouble.

If it weren't for the order of sealing the tailed beasts, would you still be alive today? "

Nangong Yue stepped on Naruto's left foot, raised it slightly by a centimeter, and then smashed it down again!

Click! ! !


With this kick, Nangong Yue stomped it down according to the "moon step" force method, directly smashing several spinal segments below the child's neck!

After doing this, Nangong Yue jumped up, kicked Naruto back to Kakashi with his right foot, and then floated up.

"Naruto!!! What's wrong with you?!!!" (Sakura)

Before Sakura could examine Naruto, Nangong Yue described Naruto's injuries to them.

"This child's spine has been broken several times. Even with his tajūriki's recovery ability, he won't be able to fight again in a short time.

Unless he completely releases the Kyuubi.

But, you probably won’t allow it~”


After learning about Naruto's injury, Haruno Sakura originally wanted to rush forward and give Nangong Yue a strange punch.

However, recalling the punch not long ago and the moment that Metkai was seriously injured, he still refrained from stepping forward to die. .

Chapter 181

Just when Haruno Sakura pulled the seriously injured and unconscious Naruto to the back for treatment, Metkai and Kakashi stopped in front of everyone, guarding against Nangong Yue's surprise attack, although it was actually useless.

In fact, the past few battles between Kakashi and Metkai made it clear to them that the seemingly out-of-place young man in front of them was an out-and-out monster.

Nangong Yue has always controlled the energy fluctuations very well, basically not wasting any energy.

Moreover, the previous shock wave was also purely physical power and did not use energy amplification, so they did not sense Nangong Yue's energy fluctuation~.

However, judging from the damage caused by Nangong Yue and the weird technique before, this boy is probably a monster beyond the shadow level and comparable to the complete tailed beast! Just like the Third Raikage did decades ago! ! !

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