"Lord Ma Ji, there are no traces of the enemy at this point."

Ma Ji's face was gloomy and his whole body was trembling slightly. He resisted the urge to kill this sensing ninja and remained silent for about ten seconds.

"Are you really sure? This is not the time to joke... You know, our Kazekage has been kidnapped this time!!!"

Then, Ma Ji looked at the group of annihilated ninjas lying on the ground,

"Also! The few teams guarding the exit of the village were completely wiped out without anyone noticing?!

Moreover, he had been dead for at least three hours! What do you do for food? ! ! !

Who is in charge here? ! ! !

By the way, where is Yura? ! Where has he been? ! "

"...Master Yura, he has never seen anyone...

Also, the reaction to the tracking technique does end here..."

After receiving the reply from his subordinate, Ma Ji was silent for a few seconds.

"The breath disappeared and then disappeared from the air...?"

wrong! Wasn't Gaara's sand armor shattered? During the flight, sand will fall!

How could the reaction to the tracking technique disappear here? !


Is it possible...that there are people in the Akatsuki organization who are proficient in time and space ninjutsu? ! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was silent and gritted their teeth.

Because, the conclusion that Marki finally deduced was really unfriendly to their Sand Ninja Village.

If they could move through space, they would not be able to find the enemy's location at all, and the clues would be completely cut off.

However, they still have hope...

"Kankuro, you immediately take people to Konoha to ask for help.

At the same time, Ninja Eagle was dispatched to inform Konoha of the news, emphasizing that it was an emergency. "



Chapter 178


In the morning, Konoha mission reception point...

"This is incredible! Lord Godaime Hokage!!!"

Just when Kakashi's class was accepting the mission, a member of Konoha's code class handed the newly translated document to Tsunade.


Nani? ! ! ! ..."

"What happened? I was so shocked..."

This Naruto is probably a small one. The urgent notification from Sand Ninja Village is not a trivial matter no matter how you think about it, nor is it a good thing.

"...Sunagakure's Kazekage was taken away by someone named Akatsuki last night." (Tsunade)


"We have more information about Akatsuki, so Sunagakure Village sent us a formal request for help.

Also, based on their speculation from the tracking results last night, the Akatsuki organization may have someone who is good at time and space ninjutsu!

This is the real trouble.

Probably because the Yondaime is good at time and space ninjutsu, they think we have more or less the means to deal with time and space ninjutsu. "

Seeing Tsunade staring closely at Kakashi and the others, Kato Shizune beside her immediately became anxious.

"Tsunade-sama! Do you want Kakashi to ban them..."

“This is an emergency and there is no time to slowly select people.

Moreover, some of you have faced off against the Akatsuki organization.

Now give Kakashi Ban a new mission, and immediately go to Sand Hidden Village, master the information, and send it back to Konoha!

Then follow Sunagakure's command and protect them!

Also, ask the Flying Thunder God Team to go to the Sand Ninja Village together.

At the place where the enemy 01 disappeared, there may have been spatial fluctuations. Maybe they can use this to lock the coordinates of the enemy and send you there. "


One day later, in the cave where Shukaku was sealed, Nangong Yue, who was originally studying the techniques he read from Suna Ninja Village, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction outside the cave.

After locking the visitor, he activated the past view and saw the specific progress of the matter.

"Oh? Three people cast spells at the same time to construct a teleportation array.

However, only one outsider can be teleported at a time, and the casting time and charging time are not short. "

After hearing Nangong Yue's inexplicable comment, Tiandao Payne, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed to rest, opened his eyes and looked at Nangong Yue.

"What's wrong? Have any pursuers found this place?"

"Well, indeed.

In short, Konoha has a team that can cast three people at the same time to form a teleportation array that can teleport one person.

About ten kilometers outside the cave, a person was teleported just now. Based on his appearance, he should be Konoha's Hatake Kakashi.

It seems that the sealing technique at the entrance of the cave interfered with their calculation of spatial coordinates, which caused such an outrageous deviation...

However, it seemed that they were not all ready to leave yet. "


The seal cannot be broken, so Nangong, can I leave the task of blocking them to you? "

Nangong Yue was quite satisfied with Payne's tone of level communication.

If it was the tone of ordering subordinates, Nangong Yue might have to deal with this chuunibyou patient severely.

However, since Nagato, who claims to be a god, is giving him such face, Nangong Yue can't refuse. After all, he still needs other people's organizations to help him run errands.

After thinking about it clearly, Nangong Yue agreed, since he had nothing to do anyway.


So, is blocking enough, or is it better to kill them all? "

Looking at Nangong Yue's relaxed and leisurely posture, Nagato did not doubt Nangong Yue's strength, but Kakashi Hatake was an important figure in Konoha, so...

“Forget it, just stop them.

Our tailed beast capture plan is at a critical moment, and we should not make enemies with too many great ninja villages too early. "

Nagato's request was as expected by Nangong Yue. After accepting it, Nangong Yue created a somewhat translucent space clone.

"The subsequent teleportation matters will be left to our clone.

Afterwards, I will wander around the ninja world and use the ring to notify me if anything happens. "

After saying that, Nangong Yue teleported away from the cave, leaving behind his own space clone.

These people in the Xiao organization are no strangers to the clone technique. After seeing Nangong Yue's true body leaving, they all entered a semi-dormant state one after another.


Thousands of meters above the forest outside the cave, Nangong Yue appeared here, looking at Kakashi, who was alone in the square shape below.

The next moment, the Flying Thunder God trio brought another person over. After waiting for more than ten seconds, the three disappeared again.

The person who was teleported this time was an old woman who seemed to have one foot in the coffin. This was probably Chiyo from Suna Ninja Village.

"Scorpion's grandma is still alive... By the way, these ninjas' cultivation methods that overdraw their vitality are short-lived. What's going on with this one?

Forget it...it's none of my business. Let's have some fun after everyone arrives~

Also, doesn’t Fei Lei Myth require marks as coordinates? These people obviously locked the coordinates here directly and then moved here out of thin air! "

Tens of seconds later, the Flying Thunder God Team teleported over with Uzumaki Naruto, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

"No, only the first time, when I sent Kakashi here, I didn't use the mark, so there was such a huge deviation.

Otherwise, they should have appeared directly in the cave. "

In the forest below, the moment Naruto appeared! Naruto's body was inexplicably controlled by Kyuubi!

But he didn't go crazy, his eyes just changed from blue human pupils to red fox pupils.


"Stop making noise, kid! Things are getting serious..."

The voice that came out of Naruto's mouth was not the voice of a boy like Naruto, but the voice of a middle-aged man!

And this voice also had an image on Kakashi, and it was a profound image!

"You are... Kyuubi?! What the hell is going on?!"

Seeing 'Naruto' raising his head and staring at the empty sky, Kakashi asked the senior with a solemn expression.

‘It can’t be wrong! That's the breath of the Ten-Tails! ! ! what happened? !

Haven't the Ten Tails been divided into our nine tailed beasts by the old man a long time ago? ! ’

The Nine-Tails seems to have mistook Kaguya's energy fluctuations for those of the Ten-Tails.

However, you can't blame him, after all, after Otsutsuki Hagoromo separated them, he only mentioned Kaguya's information.

The nine tailed beasts have not seen Kaguya, or it is impossible to see them, so they are not clear at all. To a certain extent, Kaguya is the Ten-Tails herself.

“Kids, you are going to chase Shukaku’s fat tanuki.

Save it, he will be sealed soon through the special communication channel between tailed beasts.

Then, the characters coming to stop you are not easy, so don’t lose your life for the mission.

That’s all, you can take care of yourself, hum! ! ! "

The forced control of Naruto's body this time consumed almost all the Nine-Tails' mental power, so he could only go back to sleep and return the sovereignty to Naruto.


Kakashi-sensei, Granny Chiyo, Kyuubi didn't hurt you, right? "

Chiyo and Kakashi were both very tired when they saw Naruto's unreliable appearance.

"Xuanjian, you should leave quickly, the combat power here is still insufficient.

Thank you for your hard work..."

Regardless of Naruto's unreliable appearance, Kakashi looked back at the trio of Flying Thunder Gods who were taking military food pills.

"Leave it to us..."

After finishing speaking, Shiranui Genma, Mingzu Raido, and Tie Iwashi arranged their formations and disappeared again.

Nangong Yue, who was invisible in the sky, had almost figured out the principle of Flying Thunder God through six spells cast by these three people.

This flying thunder god's space movement is not a relatively safe space transposition, but a 'coordinate movement', which is to move an object from one coordinate to another coordinate.

This method of movement will create a vacuum environment equivalent to the volume of the moving object at the location where the object disappears; at the location where the object appears, the object will be directly embedded in the environment and then squeeze the surrounding things away.

In this way, there are hidden dangers in casting spells.

If the hardness of the surrounding things in the place where it appears is smaller than that of the object being moved, such as moving a person in mid-air, then it is safe;

And if the hardness is greater than the object being moved, there will be a problem. The object will be directly stuck here, such as a person's body being directly stuck in the wall.

If the body is pulled out forcefully, a layer of skin will definitely be peeled off!

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