After he walked out of the space door, he saw a wooden giant with his hands locked and his palms facing up.

Then, he discovered that on the giant's right thumb, a black shadow with a pair of lavender-rimmed eyes was staring at him.

Nangong Yue estimated that if he were here, this guy would definitely take action.

At the same time, from the space crack behind Nangong Yue, Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion dragged the unconscious Gaara out.

(I, the Red Sand Scorpion! Even if I die in this desert! Even if I fall from a high altitude and die! I won’t give you a ride!!!


0 ·Asking for flowers·· ·······

It smells so good...)

Nangong Yue can probably simulate the general mental process of the old man whose mind he read...

At this time, Payne looked at this strange figure and felt a little confused.

With the Samsara Eye, he can roughly judge the quality of a person's chakra, and thus initially judge a person's strength level.

However, the guy in front of him didn't seem to have any chakra in his body, which was a bit strange.

However, the space door before could only be this young man's technique.

In addition, judging from the damage on the Red Sand Scorpion's uniform, the sand on Deidara's uniform, and the extent of their injuries, it seemed that the two sides had fought before.

However, it is obvious that both of his subordinates, although it was a bit ridiculous, were all killed instantly? ! ! !

In this case, he would have to treat it carefully.

It's best to make friends with characters of this level. Once they are opposed, it will be great fun! so...

"Jade sent me a message just now, saying that someone is looking for me, and it must be you.

So, Sir, what's the matter? "

. . . . . . . . . .

Nangong Yue did not hesitate,

“Of course it’s cooperation.

As far as I know, aren't you going to capture the tailed beast?

It just so happens that I need part of the chakra of each tailed beast, and you seem to want to capture all the tailed beasts.

Come to think of it, our goals are not conflicting.

I still have some idea of ​​my strength and the two behind me.

We don't want to make enemies with an organization that has ten shadow-level masters, and you also don't want to provoke an unknown master, right? "

Hearing this, the Red Sand Scorpion had no expression on his face because he was a puppet, but Deidara's face was full of displeasure.

However, due to the weird situation before, it was difficult to attack. In addition, this was the sealing location of Yiwei, so we couldn't take action first.

Payne thought for a while. Come to think of it, it is a dream for the organization to have a master.

Coincidentally, due to Orochimaru's defection, one of the core members of the organization was missing.

But if you become enemies with them, the problem will be big, and it is very likely that these two men will not be able to come back.

Now is the most important moment of the tailed beast capture plan, and it is not appropriate to cause unnecessary complications.

Besides, a tailed beast has so much chakra, if you give it to him casually, you won't lose anything at all, it's basically like a white wolf with nothing.

After figuring it out, the circle-eyed young man agreed to Nangong Yue's proposal.

"Well, nice to work with.

Also, would you like to join our organization?

Our Xiao organization is still very free. Except for major tasks, everyone is free and can completely arrange their own time.

However, what you need is probably the location information of the tailed beasts, and we can definitely provide you with this information. "

After receiving the invitation from Uzumaki Nagato, Nangong Yue thought about it and agreed.

After all, it was a bit troublesome for him to have no identity as he had just arrived, and the resources of the Akatsuki organization were also good.

Moreover, he became a core member of the organization as soon as he joined, which meant that there would be a large number of subordinates to follow orders, which also saved him from creating a large number of clones, although his own clones were more reliable...

Nangong Yue raised his head and looked at the pair of reincarnation eyes,

“A pleasure to work with...”


Chapter 177


Seeing that Nangong Yue agreed to join Akatsuki, Uzumaki Nagato was still very happy even though he was the type to listen to orders but not announcements.

Although this guy's origins and true purpose are unknown, it doesn't matter, as long as he is strong enough.

After all, in his opinion, he who holds the samsara eye is the savior of this world and a god!

So, of course he is the strongest in this world, but from the perspective of an organizational leader, let him value every person of considerable value.

Shortly after Nangong Yue agreed to Nagato, members of the Akatsuki organization who had been notified of the gathering a few days in advance appeared one after another in the form of phantoms on the fingers of the outside demon.

Nangong Yue is still somewhat interested in this technique.

Because, with the help of this technique, he might be able to talk to his lovers across the world!

Although it is difficult to teleport oneself back, that would consume too much energy!

If there is no more reliable energy source, it will take more than half a year to recharge it by himself and teleport to other worlds, whether randomly or directionally.

However, if you just open an opening and don't go through it yourself, but only transfer energy, the consumption will be much less!

Just before these shadows, especially the chatty religious figure Fei Duan, spoke, Nangong Yue commented first,

"Oh? Is it the next best thing to do?

Yes, although the strength of the space wall in this world is not high, the difficulty of casting space spells is much lower.

But, as expected, with the mysterious degree of space, is it difficult to understand... "Then, regardless of some members of the Akatsuki organization who were confused, he looked at the leader Nagato,

"Zero Zang, through these phantoms, I have read their current coordinates, do I need to teleport their real bodies over?"

"? ! ! "

Except for Nagato, Deidara, and Sasori who were mentally prepared, the hearts of others were confused.

But there were two people, no, one of them was not even a person, who were particularly afraid of this newcomer.

Listening to the tone and the attitude of the three people who had been present for a long time, it was clear that they were ruthless characters who could easily teleport targets over long distances!

"When did Zero Zang recruit such a monster again? !"

A red-eyed patient who was willing to sacrifice his relatives for the sake of justice thought so.

However, a certain pitcher plant with a yin-yang face was different. Although he looked very calm on the outside, he was actually panicking inside!

"How is it possible? ! That's the breath of my mother! What's going on? ! "

That's right, it's our beloved classmate Otsutsuki Xiaohei.

Because Nangong Yue had just left Kaguya's sealed place not long ago, some of Kaguya's chakra was obviously left on his body.

Then, Nangong Yue deliberately saved these energies just to let Xiaohei come to him.

Uzumaki Nagato thought about it. Indeed, if the main body cast the spell here personally, the sealing speed would be much faster and safer.

"Can you send them back afterwards? They each have their own tasks."

"No problem, the coordinates are recorded, Lingzang, you can even reallocate the tasks on the spot. "

Nangong Yue's leisurely posture inexplicably gave people a sense of reliability, and Nagato immediately agreed to let Nangong Yue cast a spell.


With a snap of his fingers, four space gates appeared in this closed cave.

Through the gate, you can clearly see the combination other than Deidara and Scorpion, including Uzumaki Nagato (Tendo Pain) and Konan.

This move really shocked all the members of the Akatsuki organization, especially Xiaohei.

Because Nangong Yue's move is too similar to his mother Kaguya's "Yomi Hirasaka"!

Just after these space gates appeared, the phantoms standing on the fingers of the Outer Path Demon Statue were silent for a few seconds, and then dispersed.

Then, the main body gates at the other end of the space gate opened their eyes and stood up one after another, crossed the space gate, and jumped onto the fingers representing their respective titles.

After everyone was in place, Tendo Pain, standing at the position of "Zero", threw a scroll to Nangong Yue.

"There are several sets of uniforms sealed inside, as well as the sealing techniques that the core members need to learn to seal the tailed beasts. "

After saying this, Tiandao Pain ignored Nangong Yue and ordered the organization members to start the sealing work.

"Okay, we will seal it for two consecutive days. Pay attention to adjusting your status at all times and don't let down the team. ”

Before starting work, these restless and ruthless characters all took a veiled look at Nangong Yue who put on his uniform and began to study ninjutsu.

Everyone had a complex feeling about Nangong Yue, mostly fear and curiosity.

Among them, the bounty hunter Jiaodu noticed something, that is, the feeling that Nangong Yue gave him was seriously inconsistent with his appearance and age.

Nangong Yue himself didn't care about the feeling of these "familiar strangers" towards Nangong Yue, and was now studying the two spells on the scroll.

To be honest, if Nangong Yue hadn't read a lot of spell information in the Sand Village in advance, it might take a lot of effort just to seal this simple scroll.

"The Phantom Body Technique, the Phantom Nine Dragons Sealing, are all Yin-attributed spells~

Spiritual power transmission, positioning, energy shaping, thought body...

Energy shaping, extraction, absorption, storage. ”

After learning quickly with his mind accelerated ten thousand times, Nangong Yue exited the research state and began to observe the energy flow of these people to further verify his learning results.

At the same time, thinking about the future, Uchiha Madara completed the equivalent of nearly a month's work in less than ten seconds.

"Although he is not the original owner of the Samsara Eye, he is really embarrassing your ancestors..."


Just as Shukaku began to be sealed, the Sand Village was in chaos.

Because of Nangong Yue's technique, the large amount of yellow sand that Gaara originally used to protect the Sand Village instead caused damage to the Sand Village Became the biggest damage!

You should know that the area with the greatest harm from Deidara's bomb is only a part of the explosion center.

As long as it is beyond the radius of 500 meters from the explosion center, neither the high temperature nor the shock wave intensity is enough to kill people directly, at most it is a serious injury.

However, Gaara's giant sand shield has become the most perfect "shrapnel"!

Many villagers who survived the explosion died from these "shrapnel"!

Of course, not many villagers in the Sand Village died, because Nangong Yue targeted "sand" and "energy". Except for the explosion center, the damage to the houses in the Sand Village was not serious. 0.

In other words, as long as you hide indoors in time, although you may be injured, you will basically not die.

However, those ninjas who were ready to support Gaara, below the rank of Jonin, were basically killed! ! !

Just after Gaara's giant sand shield was blown apart, many incredible ninjas were blown to pieces without even moving.

All that's left is to hastily use earth escape or puppets to defend.

Those who did not know how to use defensive ninjutsu were either killed or seriously injured.

It can be said that the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village who died in this man-made disaster basically exceeded the number of victims in the previous ninja world war!

Therefore, in this battle alone, Deidara's personal bounty, fueled by the hype of the remaining Suna ninjas headed by Granny Chiyo, even surpassed that of Tsunade Senju, the Hokage! ! !

It seems that after the seal is over and Kakuzu learns that Deidara has a bounty on his head, he will basically have to keep an eye on our blasting genius every day... It's really gratifying~

However, this is all a matter later.

Just after the aftermath of Deidara's bomb subsided, Gaara's teacher, the senior executive of Suna Ninja Village, Jonin Maki, followed Gaara's brothers and sisters to the entrance of Suna Ninja Village.

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