‘Honkai's Kamino stronghold...

"Thank you so much for promoting us in such a grand way."

The dead man turned off the TV and looked at the eight million people sitting at the door of the bar.

At this time, in this slightly crowded bar,...

Feng, Lin, and Shan, the three former official agents, have now completely entered the house under Feng's leadership and are currently playing games online.

Duga, who replaced the 'Yin', sat at the bar, took out a mirror, and changed his face again and again.

The faces that appeared on Watari's face were all familiar to eight million people. They were all classmates and teachers from Classes A and B, and even All Might! This also made Eight Million Hundred's face even more ugly.

Kurogiri continued to work as a bartender with due diligence, and the tool man 'Lei' stood by the door on standby.

"So, Miss Eight Million, I would like to ask one more symbolic question, do you want to join us?"

Faced with the dead-end wooden hanging that invited him, Ba Million Bai did not reply. Instead, he began to talk nonsense that he knew was meaningless.

"What do you want to do?

If you do this, you will be surrounded by heroic elites!"

Eight million hundred did not respond to himself, but started asking questions, which made Shibengmudiao find it very interesting.

However, at this point, there is no point in hiding it, because all of this is a complete conspiracy!

"When you said that, it reminded me of...

Miss Eight Million, you are worthy of being a recommended student~

You really lived up to my expectations for you.... black mist..."

Seeing Shibeng Muhang reaching out, Heiwu handed him a tablet computer under the bar.

The dead handle wood crane took it, and after a few brief operations, he turned the screen to 8 million.

Two split screens were displayed on the screen, showing the movements of the two waves of heroes respectively.

As for how to monitor...In Nagano, a large number of Tuwais' clones were hidden in secret. After Tuwaisi's clones determined the locations of the heroes and police, they notified Kuroyukihime via radio.

After receiving the news, Black Mist will open the portal and stick out the camera.

Among them, the key locations for surveillance are the Naowu Factory and the surrounding areas of this stronghold.

"You must have secretly installed transmitters on yourself and on the 'welded' body.

No, that's not all. There may be many students who have not been captured, but you have installed transmitters.

The purpose is to allow those heroes who don’t know what’s going on to carry out precise strikes, right?

Hum hum hum hum......"

Speaking of this, Shibang Muziao felt a sense of pleasure, and Ba Million Bai's eyes widened! It's a bit unbelievable, and my mentality is a bit unbalanced!

"Huh hahaha!!!

That's right! It is precisely because you are good enough that you will follow our ideas!

If you hadn't done this, we would have had a headache!"

Speaking of this, Shibangmu Diao turned on the TV again, and the screen was broadcasting Xiongying's press conference.

The two head teachers of Class A and Class B, as well as Principal Nezu, appeared on the screen.

"Did you hold a press conference specifically on the day of the operation?

Okay~ In order to confuse us, let us mistakenly think that nothing will happen today, and then launch a surprise attack?

This must be the countermeasure that the highly intelligent guinea pig came up with!

However, no matter how good the countermeasures are, they are not as good as real real-time information!!!"

"How...how come..."

Seeing this, Eight Million Hundreds didn’t know where he was, and he completely became an accomplice of the enemy!

Yes, she did help the heroes a lot and provided them with real-time precise coordinates, but now it seems that she may lead them into the abyss!

Eight Million Hundred is a highly intelligent person, and he quickly understood the cause and effect. Because of this, Eight Million Hundred's mentality fluctuated greatly at this time.

Shibengmu Diao looked at the press conference on the screen, and at the same time paid attention to the hero's movements displayed on the tablet, and asked questions to himself,

"It’s incredible...Why are heroes blamed?

They just handled it a little bit wrong~ Because 'protection' is their duty?

You know, people will make mistakes to some extent, and heroes can't be perfect~ It's so rigid....

Let’s take a look at what modern professional heroes are. Who are most of them?

They simply 'see human life as an opportunity for money and self-expression'.

The same goes for this society. I won't say that"the rules and regulations are too rigid". After all, if there are no rules, development will be unsustainable, and there will be no such thing as"society".

However, the current rules of this society are too twisted!

Also, so do the citizens. In this heroic society, heroes are considered to be perfect beings, and people do not allow heroes to make mistakes.

But...You have to know that those who are perfect are not human beings! Even God may not be able to do it!

For those professional heroes who make mistakes, the citizens not only do not encourage them, but do their best to blame them.

However, we can't blame them. After all, if the hero makes a mistake, it means the people suffer losses.

In this case, even if they have nothing to do with the victim, they will still fight against the hero who made the mistake.

They don't want this to happen to them either.

But why do they all pin their hopes on the 'hero'?

Don’t they all have the ability to save themselves and resist?

Hahahaha...This is the most interesting thing in this society!

The enemies all commit crimes based on their personalities! This means that if you want to fight against personality, most people can only rely on personality!!!

However! This society! Personality is a must! want! Hold on! According to! of!!!

Any idea what this is? This is equivalent! To hold things with your hands, you need permission!

Walking on two legs requires permission!

Seeing with your eyes requires permission!

Breathing with your lungs requires a permit!!! look! This is the origin of social distortion!!!

So, our battle is 'cross-examination'!

We need everyone to start thinking about what is a hero, what is justice, whether this society is correct, and what is wrong?

For this, we must win."

After finishing his speech, Xiangmu Diao looked at the tablet in his hand again to confirm the movements of the heroes.


Is All Might actually on my side?...

This is not possible, he is the opponent appointed by the teacher.

Hei Wu, let’s go to the Naowu Factory.

Lei, I’ll leave this to you, keep an eye on this coordinate point.

However, if the hero arrives, it doesn't matter if this guy dies or is taken away as you wish.

Please remember, when the hero arrives, target all your attacks at this heroic student!

Don’t heroes want to save people? Well...I'll help them!!!"

"What?! you!!!"


As soon as Ba Baibai stood up and was about to question Shibeng Muxiao, he was stabbed by an anesthesia needle carried by Du My Shadow and passed out.

"Hee hee hee~ I have said before that whether it is a hostage or an enemy's wounded, only those who cannot move by themselves are of the highest quality!"

Duga, who has accomplished all this, said very proudly.

But Shibengmu Diao himself ignored all this, because in his opinion, as long as he can attract the heroes through eight million, it is enough.

The most important thing is not the running transmitter! What

’s more, because of the circuit network provided by Nangong Yue, his teacher has already He has studied it.

In other words, this eldest lady is completely useless.

So, it doesn't matter to him whether Eight Million Hundred is rescued or dies here.

"The black mist is gone..."

After receiving the instructions from Shibengmudiao, Heiwu immediately took away Shibengmudiao, Feng Linshan, and Duwo, leaving behind 'Lei' and the unconscious Eight Million Hundred.

At the same time that the rest of the team arrived at the underground laboratory of Naowu Factory, several uninvited guests arrived in the alley outside the factory.

Izuku Midoriya looked at the screen of the signal receiver in his hand and analyzed...

"The coordinates of the transmitter are located here, not sure if it is their stronghold.

Or, this is one of their strongholds, but it's unclear whether the person is there or not.

Judging from the positioning of the transmitter, Eight Million, or Awase-san, has been here all day without moving.

Nangong only gave one receiver, so we could only come one by one in order."

After saying that, he looked back at Todoroki Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Katsuki Bakugo, and Eijiro Kirishima who were following him.

"Among us, there is no perceptive character like Erlang-san, and there is no character like Hagakure-san who is good at stealth actions.

As long as I think there is any danger, I will organize you immediately.

We are prep heroes and must abide by the rules.

Just because we are friends, I will not hesitate to call the police if it is absolutely necessary!"

Tenya Yata, who spontaneously followed as a restraint, warned in advance to save the four classmates present.

You must know that everyone present, except for him, is not a person who makes people worry.

Midoriya appeared Ku is a person whose body takes precedence over thinking and action; as for Kirishima, his thinking is just like his personality, he is very stubborn and will not consider the rules as long as he can save people;

Bakugou Katsuki, although the angrier he gets, the more stubborn he is. He will be calmer, but this person is obviously not a person who pays attention to rules, and is a complete problem child; Todoroki

Jiaodong, although he is always so calm, he has never been soft when he thinks it is time to take action.

Iida Tenya said so, but he was still ready to join the war.

If his friends were really in danger, he would not hesitate to break the rules, and at worst, they would both be punished afterwards.

"Thank you...Iida-san..."(Green Valley)

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