‘In the original small bar of the neon Kamino stronghold of the Honkai Impact organization...

The people present at this time were the five people of Death Handle Mu Diao, Hei Wu, Feng Lin Huoshan, and Eight Million Hundred, who had his personality sealed.

As for the remaining members of the Development Action Team, they were being chased and beaten by sandbag men at a certain training ground.

After all, the level of these people is still too low and needs to be tempered.

That Awase Yoyuki was thrown directly into the hands of the doctor who returned to Neon.

This guy's personality is 'welding', which allows him to combine different objects that are touched at the same time with a density at the molecular level.

This kind of personality is not suitable for creating brainlessness. After all, it requires considerable skills to be effective.

What's more, after all, this 'Welding' is still a control skill and lacks destructiveness. It's okay as a hero, but it's a bit embarrassing on the enemy's side.

Therefore, the specific operation depends on what the doctor thinks.

As for Eight Million Hundred, after Nangong Yue sealed her personality while she was still unconscious, she left it to Du Wo to take care of her.

In fact, it is to randomly cut off part of the energy circuit in her body. If the circuit network is incomplete, just like the previous AFO's 'gravity field', the personality cannot be used at all.

At this time, a follow-up interview program about this incident was being played on the TV in the small bar.

However, after turning to several channels in a row, they all expressed the same meaning of 'not optimistic about heroes'.

After confirming that his goal was achieved, the dead man turned off the TV and looked back at the eight million people who were not bound by anything.

"I don’t know why, but all the recent plans have been going too smoothly.

It's really rare...I was actually expecting something unexpected to happen!

However, we are so grateful to the media for promoting us in such a grand way.

So, Miss Eight Million, is your family behind this?"

What caught the dead man's eyes was the eight million hundred who looked a little distracted but had not lost hope.......

Hospital, Midoriya Izuku's ward...

Nangong Yue was lying on the recliner that was taken out, with his eyes closed as if he was asleep.

Ye Yinteru stood beside the bed, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Suddenly, Midoriya Izuku woke up with his right hand in a bandage and plaster. When he turned his head, he saw Nangong Yue on the recliner and woke up instantly.

Turning around again, he saw Toru Hagakure standing by the window.

At this time, Toru Hagakure, who was already very sensitive to mental fluctuations, sensed the violent mental fluctuations of Midoriya Izuku, and turned around to look at Midoriya Izuku, and then looked at Nangong Yue.

At the same time, Nangong Yue also stopped collecting information from outside the world, opened his eyes, and looked at Izuku Midoriya.

"Nangong...Eight million, and what’s going on with Aoze-san from Class B?"

After a few seconds of silence, Nangong Yue replied naturally,

"Of course he was taken away...The enemy has a man who can compress objects into marbles.

He compressed the two people who were being chased by a brainless man and was taken away."(Nangong)

"Then why didn't you stop it?! Doesn't it come easily to you?!!!"(Green Valley)

Faced with Green Valley's question, Nangong Yue smiled.

"Hahahaha...That's right! I can indeed save them easily.

But why?

I am your monitor, teacher...No, I can’t be considered a teacher, I can only be said to be a guide.

I am only responsible for guiding you to become stronger and showing you a clear path.

However, this is just a guide. How you go is entirely up to you!

Let’s not talk about eight million. She has her own plans and I can’t interfere.

As for that guy from Class B, I don’t know him, I don’t have any friendship, he’s worthless, it doesn’t matter, why should I save him?"

Izuku Midoriya, who received Nangong Yue's reply, originally wanted to express his grievances for Aomaze Yoxue.

However, having been with Nangong Yue for nearly a year, he knew Nangong Yue's thinking mode very well, so he could only force his mouth. After swallowing his words

, Izuku Midoriya recalled the important information that"she has her own plan for eight million".

After thinking of this, Midoriya quickly sat up.

"Nangong, you just said that she had her own plans for eight million, what happened?"

Just when Nangong Yue was about to speak, Iida Tenya came with all the members of Class A to visit the patient.

Just when the students were about to start each other's speeches,


After Midoriya Izuku stopped the students, he continued to stare at Nangong Yue. After all, this matter is very important!

After receiving Midoriya's reminder, the students also waited for Nangong Yue's speech....

"Just when Ms. Sousaki, the Mandalay cat, had an open mental call with me, when Eight Million learned that she was a key target, she was ready to be arrested.

After all, you all know that compared to other key goals, the actual combat level of eight million is much lower.

Therefore, at that time, she cooperated with Awase Yoyuki, 8 million made many small transmitters, and asked Awase to weld them to the backs of all the students present.

Awase himself went even more ruthless and welded the transmitter to the aorta in his neck!

Even if the enemy discovers it, without adequate surgical skills, Aomase will definitely die and lose his role as a"hostage".

Even after the eight million was compressed, I asked her if I needed to save her.

As a result, she refused without hesitation."

Then, Nangong Yue took out a signal receiver from the storage space and showed it to the students

"A total of five were made for eight million, I took one, and the rest are in the hands of the police."

Then, Nangong Yue handed the transmitter in his hand to Lu Gu,

"Why...Some of you must want to save people.

Although, according to the law, you are not allowed to fight the enemy.

But I don’t advise you to give up. Anyway, I can’t persuade you, and I’m too lazy to do so.

This transmitter is the greatest help, you can play whatever you want~"

After saying that, Nangong Yue stood up, put away the recliner, walked towards Ye Yintou, and looked at the scenery outside the window.

"Now, you should be aware of it. usj, Baoxu, my island, stay together in the forest.

Yes, you are indeed growing, but the enemy seems to be growing faster.

Let’s review it, usj, Siobeng Mudiao dominated the crowd and was undefeated, and even disabled two heroes!

During the Bosu riot and the Hero Killer Incident, they learned to guide the fishing boats; on my island, the Fenglin volcano first appeared, and you know in your mind how far I am being transported.

What's more, they also received a personality-enhancing device, and Professor David Hilde was kidnapped!

God knows how many boosters they have now?!

Then came this sleepover, which could be said to be the hero's biggest failure.

Even this time, the other party is obviously issuing a challenge!"

Having said this, Nangong Yue turned around and glanced at the students present.

"Do you know what this means? Your time is running out!

In fact, in order to replenish combat power, the official may have to lower the assessment standards for"temporary licenses"!

Don't think this is a good thing, the official is just trying to harvest a lot of cannon fodder!

When the time comes, don’t think that just because you have obtained the license, you will be great."

Sensing that Green Valley's attending doctor was on his way over, Nangong Yue opened the space door.

"Tohru-chan, it’s time to go."(Nangong)

"Um! Then everyone, see you at school~" (Hagakure)

Then, the two disappeared into the ward.

And just after the two left, Izuku Midoriya's doctor also arrived.... in different space...

"We will leave Xiongying soon, right?"(Ye Yin)

After entering the different space, Ye Yin revealed her figure, a cute lolita with white hair and blue eyes.

It did not rely on her personality, but the"Apparition Technique", relying solely on her own personality, she wanted to It's still a little short of revealing itself, but it's almost there.

Faced with Ye Yintou's question, Nangong Yue didn't hide it from her.

"Almost, soon, I would have no free time left.

Some of the following actions were too inefficient based solely on clones and unreliable subordinates.

In our body, we have to take action in many matters ourselves, but we don’t have time to play house with these children.

Besides, I’ve given enough alms, let’s do the math....

The six forms of physical skills, the basics of mental strength training, and incomplete thought acceleration are already pretty good.

Although the audience is dispersed, they will definitely share it.

A hero~ must be selfless~

By the way, how are you doing with your Apparition training?"

"I can already use it. The maximum range is five kilometers and it takes half a second to cast. It can be used ten times for a single person to move within the maximum range.

The maximum volume of space that can be exchanged at one time is ten meters in length, width and height, and one thousand cubic meters, but it can only be exchanged once."(Ye Yin)


Half a second of casting time, too long...

From now on, you don’t have to worry about the volume of the moving space, the moving range, or the shape of the changing space.

��Focus on training my casting time, shorten it, and shorten it again!

This is a teleportation technique! Half a second of cast time? are you kidding me?!

If you don't lower it to less than 0.1 seconds, I won't worry about you!"

"Hehe~ I will try my best! Haven’t I just studied for less than ten days~

I’m looking for trouble~mua~"

Standing on tiptoes, he hugged Nangong Yue’s neck and kissed her affectionately....

A few minutes later, the red-faced white-haired Loli smiled sweetly at Nangong Yue and disappeared in front of Nangong Yue.

He looked at Toru Hagakure who was looking for bad reasons with a smile.

"Tooru-chan...Your qualifications are slightly inferior to Bad Li, so you need to work harder....

Now I don't have the means to improve my qualifications. All I can do for you is to provide enough training resources."......

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