Beside a viewing platform...

At this time, Nangong Yue looked at the two heroines dressed as Catwomen who were playing tricks on themselves after putting the little boy aside....

Then he turned to look at Midoriya Izuku with pity, and as usual, he began to describe his experience as a professional hero. Sure enough,...

"I feel eighteen years old in my heart!!!"

A blond beauty immediately rushed up and grabbed Midoriya Izuku's head with one claw!

"In your heart? ? ?"

The fingertips of the gloves have five sharp claws....

"ten...Eighteen years old!!!"

After the interlude, another heroine who was not so paranoid began to introduce their own station in this area, and then pointed into the distance,

"Your accommodation is at the foot of the mountain over there.~"

"So far!!!"(Students)

When they got here, the students had an ominous premonition and wanted to get back in the car. As a result, the students' feeling was correct....

"It's half past nine in the morning now, if you hurry up...Can you be there at half past twelve?..."

Hearing this, some of the more energetic people in the class quickly turned around and rushed to the bus, but the blonde heroine was already in place.

"Sorry everyone...Staying together has already begun..."(Xiang Ze)

Facing many students running back, the blond catwoman just held the ground with one hand, and then the soil under her feet surged violently, pushing all the students off the cliff!

What the students faced was a large forest with unusually lush trees....

Just when the heroes on the observation deck were about to start discussing, a space crack opened next to Shota Aizawa.

After Nangong Yue walked out of the portal, he looked at Tsuchikawa Ryuko (North American Shorthair Cat), who had his back turned to him and was observing the movements of his classmates through imaging glasses.

"Earth flow...What?...To be honest, does this guy have anything to do with Fenglin Shanshan?"

"Um?! Why are you back?"

Aizawa Shota looked back at Nangong Yue beside him, and at the same time attracted the attention of the two catwomen.

"Don't ask that~ After all, we are also one of the instructors....Otherwise, why do you think I came running?

Don’t forget, you are also someone who needs to be trained! Have you practiced the six postures?!"

At this time, Nobuno Fuzaki (the Mandalay cat), who was originally going to complain to Shota Aizawa about his schedule, activated his personality (telepathy) towards Nangong Yue, which also attracted Nangong Yue's attention, and he turned to look she

"oh? He’s also a spiritual ability user....This kind of mental fluctuation is probably for communication.

By the way, what do you want to say? Wouldn't it be better to speak directly?"

Nobuno Fuzaki frowned and worked hard for a long time, but still couldn't break through Nangong Yue's 'heart wall'. He was a little frustrated and looked at Nangong Yue with a look of resentment....

"Shota Aizawa told me before that there is a hero who can purely use spiritual power to reproduce various spiritual personalities, but I still don't believe it.

I never thought there was such a monster...

According to Xiongying's arrangement, you should also be our instructor, right?..."(Send Qi)

"oh? Let this student become our instructor? Are you sure you're not seeing a joke?!"

Suddenly, Doryukawako flashed in front of Nangong Yue, stared at Nangong Yue carefully, then looked back at Nobuno Fuzaki,

"Not so good either?..."

"You're a little jumpy..."(Nangong)


Nangong Yue snapped his fingers. The blonde beauty's expression was dull for a moment, obviously being manipulated. Then Nangong Yue looked at Nobuno Fuzaki who was also stunned.

"Hmm~ This is the simplest and crudest way to use mental power."

The next second, the sluggish North American short-haired cat jumped to the open space, and then imitated Kaminari Denki's idiotic state and began to walk around....

"(holding forehead) Hey....."(Aizawa)

"(eyes widened) This!!!"(Send Qi)

"!!!!!"(Euta Izumi)

Faced with the funny and weird scene, everyone present had different reactions, especially Nobuno Fuzaki, who looked at his partner who was being forced to act foolishly, and then stared at Nangong Yue expectantly, apparently for verification. What...

"That's right~ This is one of the simplest and crudest ways to use mental power.

As long as your mental power can be released, and your mental power is stronger than the opponent's, you can subdue the opponent in this way.

If the operation is more precise, you can further control the opponent's body like now.

Of course, ordinary people don't have too strong mental power. Even if they learn to use it, they can't control people as simply and crudely as this.

However, as long as you can manipulate your mental power carefully and understand or figure out the corresponding method of use, you can basically simulate any mental personality.

For example, Teacher Xiangze, I taught him how to use"Thinking Acceleration".

It's not just thought acceleration, but also your 'telepathy', brainwashing, memory reading, memory rewriting, five sense control, dream entry, dream rewriting, hypnosis, etc.

Not bad, what a wonderful future~"


Why do I feel like you are tempting me to commit a crime?..."(Farewell to Nobuno Saki)

"Hum ~ Love to learn or not, anyway, it is you who will suffer if you don't learn."

After retorting, Nangong Yue used 'Spiritual Recitation' to connect to Nobunano Fuzaki.

‘?!!! This is?! '(Send Qi)

‘That's right, this is simulating your 'telepathy'.

By the way, look at that child...’

Nangong Yue glanced at the little boy wearing a peaked cap and a gloomy face.

‘That's your relative's child. Judging from the way he looks, he's probably not easy to control.

When the time comes, you can control him and take a photo of him acting silly, and it will be much easier after that. '

After finishing the devil's whisper, Nangong Yuede stopped talking.

And when Nangong Yue mentioned Izuku Kotai, a touch of sadness instantly appeared on Fusaki Nobuno's face.

Seeing this, the sensible Aizawa Shota patted Nangong Yue's shoulder speechlessly,

"Hurry up and release the control of Tuliu, we are about to set off."

Nangong Yue nodded, then took out his mobile phone with a smirk, took a few photos of Doryukawako, then recorded a video, and then sent it to Aizawa Shota (after all, he only has his contact information now) )...

Seeing Nangong Yue's unexpected actions, Aizawa Shota could only hold his forehead and sigh.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that his head was covered with black lines, but he silently put the phone back into his pocket....


With another snap of his fingers, Tu Liuchuanzi, who was walking around, regained his consciousness. After being stunned for a few seconds, he pounced on Nangong Yue with his teeth and claws open!

"You bastard!!! How dare you do this to me!!!"

"Gravity is on top, soil is on the bottom...(iron block...)"

While Nangong Yue pressed a hand firmly against Tuchuan Liuzi's head, he used 'priority' to seal the child's personality and at the same time harden his body. jingle jingle.....

The sharp claws on Tsuchikawa Liuzi's gloves kept grabbing Nangong Yue's arms, and the sound of swords chopping was heard constantly.

At the same time, the soil beneath their feet also had a tendency to surge....But it’s just a trend.

After all, this guy can't control such heavy soil.

But fortunately, with Doryukawako's control, the soil underfoot did not collapse due to the huge gravity....


In the end, Shota Aizawa had to eliminate the personality of this grumpy cat.

Sensing the familiar energy fluctuations, Nangong Yue also took back the 'priority' in a timely manner to avoid a real collapse and a bad ending.

Shota Aizawa's personality barely made the berserk Doryukawako calm down, but she still glared at Nangong Yue and strode back to the edge of the stands.

Then, with a depressed look on his face, he controlled the soil in the forest with the equipment he was wearing, and dutifully created mud dolls as obstacles for his classmates....

Shota Aizawa and Nobuno Fusaki looked at each other with helpless expressions on their faces, then they pulled the unhappy-looking Kouta onto the bus and drove away.

Nangong Yue just smiled at Aizawa Shota and the others for not bringing him along. After all, he was still a student on the surface, so he still had to go through the process....

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It would take some time for the students to arrive at the camp, so Nangong Yue didn't rush and went there first. There was nothing to do anyway.

Nangong Yue, who was a little bored for a while, lowered his head and thought for a while, then changed his appearance and teleported to the sky above the forest. He began to observe the progress of these little guys' practice and plan how to deal with it in the future....Drill them.

When he noticed Nangong Yue hovering above the forest, Tu Liuchuanzi smiled"evilly".

"Hahahaha...If you tease me like this, I will accept it even if you train until you collapse!

You were not ready just now, are you now?...That's right, aren't you still a student?...

Ha ha ha ha ha....."

The next second, the pressure on the students in the forest increased dramatically....

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