
Facing the charging All Might, Wataga laughed and turned into a shadow, instantly pouring out from the shadow of the wall behind the students!

"I’m not afraid to tell you, I have two tasks~"


"The first is the assessment to become a 'yin', and now I guess it has been exceeded!" boom!!!!!

"As for the most important thing, hehehe~ All Might~ My transformation is perfect!"


After a few punches in a state of near-rage, All Might's remaining physical strength was exhausted due to a large amount of blood loss.

Half-crouching on the ground, All Might was close to his limit. Special, finally regained some rationality

"Are you trying to plant seeds of suspicion in our hearts?!!!"

Just after All Might stopped attacking, the classmates who were still conscious gathered around All Might to prepare for another sneak attack by Watanabe!

However, this time, Watanabe was really ready to leave.

"That's right~

How about it? Once the students leave the school, logically speaking, they are not allowed to use their personalities~

So, everyone, please take care~"

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow passed me, poured into the shadow at her feet, and disappeared.

"All Might!!!"(Green Valley)......

A few seconds later, Watari returned to the storage room.

As soon as I emerged from the shadow, I heard the dead wood hanging complaining,

"That bastard Nangong, we don’t have storage capabilities!

No matter how many good things there are here, how much can we take?!"

"...The alien space in my body is too small, I'm really sorry.

However, didn’t I get the coordinates here?..."(black mist)

"Why...Let's go back...

Really, when I brought Feng Linshan here, I was the only one who was active....

Forget it, if everyone really mobilized, then something big would really happen."(Sei Bing Mu Diao)

After receiving Si Bing Mu Diao's instructions, Black Mist opened the portal to the nearest land. Five people from Fenglin Mountain and Lei Yin, plus Si Bing Mu Diao, walked in one after another....

There is no way, it is quite far away from Neon, and the black mist still needs to move around a few times before it can return to Neon's stronghold.

If you want real long-distance teleportation, you have to rely on Nangong Yue's"Tian Shift"’......

On the rooftop of the central tower that was riddled with holes, All Might returned here again after sending his classmates away safely, watching the sunrise on the horizon with mixed emotions.

"Come out...Nangong boy...I know you're looking at this."

About five seconds later, two meters to the right of All Might, Nangong Yue appeared here instantly.

"I really didn't expect that...Professor David was actually arrested a long time ago...

However, it is impossible for me to monitor your every move all the time....You have the right to privacy, and I have the right to rest.

Calculating the time the professor was kidnapped, I should still be having dinner with Toru-chan and Badori-chan...."(Nangong)


It's not your fault...If David had been saved by you beforehand, I might have been a little angry.

After all, confidential conversations between close friends don’t want outsiders to interfere."(Yagi)

After hearing this, Nangong Yue was silent for a few seconds....

"Also, that 'transformation' that transformed me was really amazing....Although the activation conditions are still a bit harsh if you think about it carefully.

She must obtain the blood of her original body and take it into her body before she can transform into the corresponding character. The time limit is unknown."(Nangong) got the personality information about me, and it was hard for All Might to laugh. But seeing Nangong Yue's hesitant expression,

"If there is anything else, just say it, no matter how bad it is, it’s not much worse..."(Yagi)

"...What should be said is that my personality has indeed planted the seeds of suspicion in the hearts of my classmates. You can tell by carefully observing their micro-expressions.

At present, it can be confirmed that the people whose blood was taken were all those who were present before.

Including you, All Might!"(Nangong)

"......That kid's last sneak attack actually didn't intend to kill me at all, right?...

She just wanted to take my blood, right?...Of course, if I really die, then the kid will hit the jackpot....Ah ha ha ha!!!"(Yagi)

‘Haha~ You had your blood collected a long time ago, just when you snatched her from the helicopter...’

Although Nangong Yue knew the specific process of the incident, but seeing All Might's state, he didn't plan to speak out and just expressed his acquiescence with silence.

"Why...After returning to Xiongying, I will try my best to find Professor David.

As long as he's still in Neon, I can find him quickly.

Of course, if the professor is taken abroad, there is nothing I can do."(Nangong)


As ordinary people get older, they have less to lose.

However, these things are basically the entire sustenance of the parties concerned.

It can be said that I, Toshinori Yagi, now only have the 'Symbol of Peace', the disciple Midoriya Boy, Teacher Grantrino, Night Eye's former assistant with whom I have some conflicts, and David's family.

David is very important to me! so...please! Nangong boy!!!"(Yagi)

‘Why...For your sake, the professor's soul will not be modified. '

Using the modified 'mechanized mind', although you can forcibly modify other people's souls, I'm sorry, but it cannot be changed back.

Through 'renovation', his brain can be restored.

Different from self-casting, it is pure illusion and the use of mental power.

When casting spells on others, with Nangong Yue's improvements, it was no longer a simple illusion, but a serious soul-transforming spell.

This is mainly because when Nangong Yue improved this technique, he never thought about the proposal of 'restoring to the original state'...

"Relax and leave it to me...correct!"

After taking on this important job, Nangong Yue input a bunch of information into All Might's mind.

"This is the basic way to practice spiritual power. If you don’t understand anything, go find the principles.

To be honest, with your All Might's mental power, as long as you can use it, most of the time, you don't need to take action at all. You only need to use your mental power to scare most enemies.

There's nothing you can do about it. Although you're very powerful in combat, you're ridiculously strong....

However, your means are still too few after all."

After receiving this information, All Might was covered in cold sweat, a bit like the state he was in when facing Grantrino....

"...There is still homework...

Nangong boy! I haven't even mastered the six postures yet, you......!!!"

After seeing All Might temporarily no longer sad because of the task he assigned, Nangong Yue also chuckled a few times,

"Love to practice or not~ If you can’t learn, you will be the one who suffers...."

After saying that, Nangong Yue returned to the different space and prepared the morning for Ye Yintou and Badli....

After playing with the two lolita for two or three days on 'My Island', Nangong Yue took them back.

After all, the next step is the forest camp for the first-year Hero Department.

Including Nangong Yue, it can be said that everyone squeezed out time to visit 'My Island'.

Unlike Nangong Yue, who has the means to move in space, other students have already taken the plane back.

On the day of departure for the accommodation, before Nangong Yue boarded the bus, he looked vaguely at the AB students who were chatting and laughing, with a hint of pity.

As for the reason...The night after returning to Neon from 'My Island', AllForOne, who was far away in China, sent a message to Shibengmudiao, informing Nangong Yue that they had arrived at the new base of 'Hengkai' to discuss an action plan.

In short, he wanted to seize the dead wood and plan to use a big war to break through to the level of destroying the country.

Only in this way will he feel more confident in front of Nangong Yue.

Ever since he touched the edge of breakthrough, he could faintly sense the aura of Nangong Yue's spirit body.

This confirmed to him that Nangong Yue was definitely a ruthless character at the level of destroying a country! At the very least, the spirit body has already been reached.

And if he himself cannot reach that level, he will always be Nangong Yue's subordinate!

It just so happened that because he had already touched that level, it was only then that Death Handle Mu Yuduo understood how big the gap was between destroying a city and destroying a country!

As for who to fight?...No need to ask, of course he is the old enemy, All Might....

To be more specific, when we sleep together in the forest, we can capture random students. One is enough.

This was used to lure the heroes to round them up, including All Might of course.

By then, no one else would be able to get involved in his battle with All Might, and the remaining heroes, ranked in the top ten, would be left to their own devices as much as possible.

To be honest, Nangong Yue felt that this decision was a bit cruel....However, as a leader, Shibangmu Diao also needs to have the ability to defeat many enemies with one, although he may not be able to fight them....

Feng Linhuoshan, as well as other elites from the Honkai Organization, were responsible for holding back the remaining heroes to ensure that they would not interfere with the battle of the dead man.

At the same time, it is also used to officially announce the establishment of the"Honkai" organization and kick off the troubled times.......

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