Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3518: There are three of the five forces left!

The Xiao family, use the head of a saint as a meeting ceremony!

This one is not a big deal!

However, everyone saw the profound meaning of the Xiao family's move!

"It is clear that the Xiao family wants to shake hands and make peace!"

"Hey! This decision of the Xiao family is really unexpected! And the decisiveness and harshness of the action is terrifying!"

Yes, how to keep them from feeling scared?

The holy monarch of Huoyun Mountain, does that mean you can kill by killing?

Not to mention, he was still in retreat in the Huoyun Mountain sect for healing! Even if everyone didn't see how the Flame Saint was beheaded, they still imagined it!

"Huoyun Mountain must be a sea of ​​blood at this moment!"

"The emperor takes action, thunder forever! This time, Huoyun Mountain is really going to become history!"

"The great teacher of the party said that when it declines, it will decline."

Some people sigh, how to say it is the great teacher who has been handed down for hundreds of thousands of years, and the current fate has made the expressions of the other great teachers especially wonderful.

Today, Huoyun Mountain can be wiped out because of a trivial matter!

In the future, will they be the same for these great teachers?

However, all this is only because of the appearance of one person!

"Li Ye, this son, really is a lost star! It has nothing to do with him, there is no good result!"

A certain great ancestor whispered in a low voice. Compared with Li Ye's terrifying alchemy and strength, this mysterious and mysterious change and influence made their existence extremely jealous!

Today, Huoyun Mountain ended up like this because it got into Li Ye!

Several elders and ancestors of the Great Teachers even made up their minds directly.

Regardless of the great benefits, unless there is a chance to kill Li Ye this son with one blow! Erase it completely! Otherwise, you must not provoke!

Not to mention Dajiao, even certain imperial family traditions and great emperor families have similar thoughts at this moment.

Huoyun Mountain is a lesson from the past, and before Huoyun Mountain, did Qionghai Lan's family also fall a saint?

Of course, most of the people who have this idea are those of the great family of the great emperor and the emperor's orthodoxy where the great emperor is gone. After all, they are not much stronger than some great teachers.

Those great emperors who are still alive need to be somewhat calmer.

The emperor is alive, and has never seen a certain emperor family or family of emperors destroyed by his enemies!

For millions of years, if the emperor was there, no one would dare to mess with it.

No matter what everyone thinks, Emperor Dongyue looked at the golden core that slowly fell in front of him, and a strange color appeared on his face!

The Xiao family really didn't want to continue fighting with Li Ye!

It's not that the Xiao family is scared!

But to continue, the Xiao family does not have much to gain!

Although there are some arrogant and arrogant fools in the great family, there is no shortage of truly wise strong men.

Just like Emperor Dongyue, after seeing Li Ye with his own eyes, the original thoughts in his heart became clear.

This is an unfathomable young man, even he feels a little more jealous.

"Nine transformation **** pill."

The Emperor Dongyue naturally knew about the Nine Transformation God Pill.

To him, this Dan is like a chicken rib! Because he had already condensed his golden body, the Nine Transformation Divine Pill was just a candy pill in his eyes.

But he still took it away carefully!

He doesn't need it, but it doesn't mean that Xiao family can't use it!

How many descendants of the entire Xiao family? Not counting the branched tribes that have been divided over hundreds of thousands of years, even the current bloodline of the Xiao family is no less than 10,000!

A nine transformation **** pill! It is equivalent to creating an invincible strong man with a golden body of the emperor!

Those powerful people seem to be inferior to the will of heaven and earth like the holy monarch, borrowing the laws of heaven and earth to themselves. But to a certain extent, a strong man with a golden body of the great emperor is more dangerous and terrifying than ordinary holy monarchs!

And this only refers to ordinary people!

What would happen if a strong saint had swallowed the Nine Transformation Pill?

There was a slight strangeness in the heart of the Great Emperor Dongyue. Even though he was a great emperor and detached from mundane things, he could not really cut off everything in the past.

He also has descendants, many of whom are surprisingly talented.

People have selfish hearts, even the existence of Emperor Dongyue is no exception.

"This emperor accepts this love. If a little friend wants something in the future, he can go to the Xiao family."


Everyone gasped!

First there was the Taoist Sage, one of the three elders in the Sea and Sky City, and then the Emperor Dongyue of the Xiao family!

Two peerless powerhouses have left these remarks, and almost all fools have heard that if Li Ye is in trouble or has requirements in the future, the two will definitely help!

Without mentioning the extent to which it can be achieved, just these two favors are enough to shock the world.

"After today, Dongzhou, no! Even in the Upper Three Realms, it is rare to dare to provoke Li Ye."

Someone couldn't help but sigh, unable to tell whether it was disappointment or horror.

After all, when they first arrived, half a year ago, many of them would not even look at Li Ye as such a casual genius.

But in just six months and a few months, these people have discovered that they could overlook Li Ye for thirty years in Hedong and Hexi for thirty years, but now they don't even have the qualifications to look up to Li Ye.

Looking carefully, those great teachers and the elders of the Emperor Sect didn't dare to say that they could talk to and deal with Li Ye now.

Not to mention them?

At least a powerhouse of the Saint Emperor level, or a genius of the Emperor Rank Tianjiao level, may be qualified to contact Li Ye today.

The Great Emperor Dongyue immediately disappeared and left, naturally the nine transformation **** pill he took with him.

Many people are jealous, but they dare not even show it.

Jealous of the treasure in the hands of the emperor?

It's no different from looking for death, this group of people, one by one, cherish their lives, how could they have made such a mistake.

As for Li Ye, it was the only hope in their eyes!

However, Li Ye glanced at the people coldly, and left a sentence before stepping into the pill shop.

"I, Li Ye, will never regret it! Today, the grievances between the Xiao family and me have been wiped out, but the other four factions! Everything Li Ye has endured before will be doubled back!"


Everyone was in an uproar!

But calm down, but no one will laugh and sarcasm.

Li Ye now has this qualification!

Even one of the four factions in his mouth, Washington, is a great family like the Xiao family!

But so what?

"This time, it's really good!"

"Really immortal? Except for the Xiao family, the other four factions, let alone others, can't Washington handle it?"

"Yes, Washington may be slightly inferior to the Xiao family, but not much weaker."

Although the Xiao family gave in, everyone knew that it was not the Xiao family that was afraid.

Today, Li Ye still utters a rhetoric that the grievances between the two parties will not disappear, so naturally, it will spread to the ears of the other four factions!

Huoyun Mountain, naturally it won't last a few days! Without Li Ye's action, someone might have wiped it out.

But what about the other three parties?

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