Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3517: Emperor Gate is nothing but that


A **** head!

The expressions of hideousness, despair, horror and endless resentment are still vivid!

Obviously before he died, there were countless unwillingnesses!

"This! This is not!"

Someone exclaimed!

Shi Feng Shengjun and others are even more discolored!

Among the crowd, some of the younger generation didn't notice anything. However, the older generation of holy emperors have all changed their colors and shocked them! It's like hell!

"I don't know if this emperor's meeting ceremony, is the little friend satisfied?"

The Great Emperor Dongyue didn't even realize the shock of his gift, and the whole world was quiet.

Even the Huoyunshan elders who had just regarded death as home, all looked dull, as if they had lost their souls.

"Holy Lord of Flames!"

"That's the head of the saint!"


I don't know who finally exclaimed!

Take a closer look, there is still a bright moon faintly above that head! It symbolizes the incomparably powerful cultivation base of the saint!

But now, the holy monarch, who is known as the symbol of invincibility under the emperor, has been cut off from his head, and even given as a meeting gift!

Sage of Flames!

Someone has long recognized that this head is the head of another holy monarch in Huoyun Mountain, the flame holy monarch!

But at this moment, is it here?

Even if you are a fool, you are aware of the seriousness of the problem!

"Holy Lord of Flame, dead?"

"This, how is this possible? Isn't it the fact that the flame sage retreats healing? Why?"

Everyone looked at each other!

Holy King!

Counting the previous Lan Wuyan and Hongyan Saints, this was the third Saint they saw had fallen!

You know, there may not be a saint in ten thousand years!

Now three died one after another!

The more people think about it, the more they think about it!

The three fallen saints seem to be related to one person!

Suddenly, several cry of sorrow and pain sounded!

It is the ancestors of Huoyun Mountain! At this moment they came back to their senses! Seeing the head of the blazing monarch, how can you still not know what happened?

That is the only sage left in their Huoyun Mountain!

It is the hope for Huoyun Mountain to pass on!

Now, but dead?

Even the head was chopped off, as a gift to give to Li Ye?

"Who! Who is it!"

"Who killed me, Holy Monarch of Fire Cloud Mountain! Who the **** is it!"

If it is said that the deaths of Saint Hongyan and the three six-path reincarnation ancestors greatly damaged the strength of Huoyun Mountain, they could barely maintain the dignity of the great religion.

But now, the two holy monarchs have fallen one after another, and the powerhouses at the highest peak of the entire Huoyun Mountain are dead and wounded!

It is almost predictable that the Huoyun Mountain Great Teacher, which was once prosperous for a while, will suddenly collapse!

Seeing the elders of Huoyun Mountain run wild, a colder chill flashed in everyone's hearts.

Li Ye even looked away from the head. Indeed, at that moment, including him, he was slightly lost.

He guessed that the Xiao family would make a choice, but he didn't expect to be so decisive!

He couldn't help but sighed, the great emperor family, after all, there are still smart people.

"Emperor Dongyue! My Huoyun Mountain and the Xiao family have no grievances and no grudges! Why do you want to kill my Huoyun Mountain Saint!"

The head was brought by the Great Emperor Dongyue. What happened and still need to be questioned?

Moreover, killing a holy monarch is not something ordinary people can do!

Not to mention, the Sage of Flame is still in retreat in the Huoyun Mountain Sect to heal his injuries!

If you want to kill him, even Shi Qingtian, Ye Huangji and others may not be able to do it!

A big teacher is not joking! Even if most of the top powers come to siege Li Ye, they can stay behind some ancient existence in the sect, and they will naturally wake up at the critical moment!

In addition, once the guarding mountain formation was opened, even the holy monarch was helpless.

But now, silently, the flames of the holy monarch was decapitated in retreat!

As a gift to Li Ye, he can do all this!

Only the emperor!

Emperor Dongyue!

No one thought that the Xiao family would make such a decision!

Kill the flame sage! Cut off all the back roads in Huoyun Mountain!

The elders in Huoyun Mountain were even more energetic. If it were not for the final suppression of reason, they would have desperately gone forward and desperately!

That's it!

It's all over!

"Huoyun Mountain, the former Great Teacher, seems to be history."

Some people couldn't help whispering, and couldn't tell whether it was pity or greed.

The decline of Dajiao is a major event!

Even the declining Dajiao, like the Huoyun Mountain today, in the eyes of countless existences, it is an extremely plump prey!

"Xiao's family! My Huoyun Mountain will never die with you!"


Without Li Ye's action, a huge hand appeared above the sky and the earth, directly photographing the few remaining ancestors and those holy emperors in Huoyun Mountain into dust.

With a horrible will like a mountain, even Li Ye couldn't help but his heart jumped slightly.

After that, everything fell silent.

Everyone looked at it, but only turned into a basin of desolation, but no trace was seen.


With just one palm, the seven ancestors and more than ten holy emperors of Huoyun Mountain were directly obliterated, instantly obliterating.

This invincible power makes the world afraid!

"This is the will of heaven and earth controlled by the emperor?"

Shi Qingtian squinted his eyes. He was an invincible evildoer from 70,000 years ago. He was only one step away but failed to reach the Emperor Realm. Now, he felt a kind of consternation.

He asked himself that although he hadn't taken that step, but with his incomparably powerful rock magic, even the emperor could compete!

But now, he found himself too naive!

The emperor, that is the existence that truly stands above the heaven and the earth, whether it is him or Ye Huangji, he is still in the heaven and earth after all.

What will happen to Huoyun Mountain? No one cares now.

All they knew was that the Xiao family finally made a move!

Emperor Dongyue was born!

With the momentum of thunder, directly killed the flame sage! Kill the seven ancestors and many holy emperors of Huoyun Mountain with one palm!

Show the emperor's most invincible will!

And all this is just an answer from the Xiao family!

An answer to Li Ye!

"Little friend, do you feel satisfied with this gift from the Xiao family?"

One palm wiped out all the strong people in Huoyun Mountain, but the Great Emperor Dongyue seemed to have done nothing, but his voice was majestic with a softness.

Everyone was shocked.

Only Li Ye frowned slightly.

This was not the answer he needed, but what the Xiao family did in this way gave him no excuse to continue.

"Since the predecessor of Dongyue Great Emperor speaks in person, if the junior is ignorant, doesn't it mean that he will not give the predecessor face."

Although a little disappointed, after all, the Great Emperor Dongyue did this, he couldn't continue to hold on to the Xiao family.

At the same time, an elixir emitting golden light slowly appeared.

Nine transformation **** pill!

Everyone was attracted all of a sudden!

The Wanshou Dan before! Today's Nine Transformation God Pill!

Two great emperor grade golden cores appeared one after another, and even the Great Emperor Dongyue was slightly lost.

Shengjun's head for gold core! He Li Ye did what he said!

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