Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3379: Want spirit wine?

You know, Bai Wuhua has a cultivation base and is close to the peak Wuhuang. Although due to the erosion of erysipelas, his strength is only the same as the ordinary high-ranking emperor, but it is so unbearable that he can see the owner of Zuiyueju directly by falling down. The means are terrible.

Before this shot, the breath of alcohol that opened his mouth was enough to instantly fascinate the powerhouse of the peak Wuhuang realm.

If this is a real shot, it is enough to make people extremely jealous.

However, to Li Ye's surprise, even Wuchai fell to the ground instantly, and Fatty Wu, who was slapped and slapped, stumbled, rubbing his **** egg with a wry smile while getting up from the ground with a bitter smile.

"Senior, can you stop spanking me every time?"

In any case, he is a big man, and it's a shame to be so directly.

Unfortunately, the owner of Zuiyueju didn't know where to come from, took out a jar of fine wine, and poured it directly into his mouth.

He ignored Fatty Wu's complaint at all.

"Sure enough it is still the case."

Fatty Wu didn't mind, in other words, he was already used to the other party's behavior.

"Junior Li Ye, I have met seniors."

Li Ye stepped forward, and at the same time, an extra pill was bombed into the unconscious Hundred Wushen.

Although this is not poisoning, such a strong alcohol smell is enough to make people coma for about ten and a half days. Sure enough, with the entrance of the pill, Bai Wuchai soon exuded white mists, and at the same time, the rich aroma of wine was eliminated along the white fog, Bai Wuchai also woke up faintly.

"Thank you Young Master for helping me."

Having lived for tens of thousands of years, Hundred Unbreakable is considered to have encountered various dangers, but the moment just now really made him a little afraid! With his Nine Duan Pill King's methods, he was brought down directly without any precautions.

If the other party wanted his life, wouldn't he have already reported in Yan Luodian at this moment?

The thought of this made him chill.

At the same time, he quickly took out a few pills and contained them in his mouth, just in case.

Regardless of whether the owner of Zuiyueju is an enemy or a friend, there is always nothing wrong in case.

"Alchemist? It really is an unpleasant smell."

Seeing the pill that Li Ye took out, especially the pill robe unique to the alchemist on Bai Wuchai's body, the drunk figure in Zuiyueju muttered a word.

It sounded like there was a holiday with the alchemist.

At this moment, the other party noticed Li Ye.

In other words, in a daze, I noticed that besides Fatty Wu, there were other people.

"Little fat guy, if your boy can't give Lao Tzu a satisfactory explanation today, Lao Tzu will peel your skin and make wine!"

Fatty Wu on one side trembled, and then smiled bitterly, "Senior said and laughed, it's really important to come today."

"Say something quickly, let go if you have a fart!"

It can be seen that the host here is not welcome to the three people.

However, he hasn't done anything yet, and he is obviously not a wicked person.

And Li Ye was looking closely at the so-called senior that Fatty Wu brought him to look for.

If it hadn't been for the horrific power that came out of violence just now, no one in the world would have noticed that the drunk in front of him would actually be a super master.

Hu Zha's face was full, and his vicissitudes of life looked even more haggard.

Just such a drunk who looks drunk and dreams of death is a master who can easily bring down the peak Martial Emperor.

Li Ye did not speak, but Fatty Wu wiped his forehead with cold sweat and smiled. "Senior Zuiyue, I have brought you a special visitor."

After speaking, his eyes narrowed, with a smile on his face.

At the same time, the drunk also looked at Li Ye and Bai Wucha with a dim look, but in the end his eyes fell on Li Ye.

Although Bai Wuhua looked obviously different in identity and was wearing a Dan robe, only Li Ye, a young man, brought him a sense of crisis.

This feeling might make sense if faced with an old monster who has lived for countless thousands of years. But from a young man, it was obviously intriguing.

"Interestingly, this kid is so young that he can't even see through his cultivation."

The drunk frowned, and his drunkenness disappeared by three points.

Although he has rarely paid attention to external affairs in these years, it does not mean that he has completely avoided the world. It's just that he doesn't care about many things, but what he should know will also reach his ears.

"Senior can take a step to speak?"

"Junior, since you were brought by this little fat man, Lao Tzu doesn't care about your sin of breaking in, but Lao Tzu has no time to know what happened to you. Get out of here."

The drunk shook his hand, with a look of sleepiness, and ordered to leave.

But Li Ye didn't leave, just took a deep look at the other party, and then his gaze fell on this Zuoyueju.

You can see that there are messy piles of wine jars everywhere.

Some have already been opened, and the wine inside has been drunk. But there are more, still being sealed.

Even if it is sealed, you can still feel the fluctuations of spiritual power emanating from it.

"A bottle of fine wine here, if you drink a sip for a mortal, it will be enough for them to live a hundred years, and even condense a ray of innate vitality, increasing the chance of entering the path of cultivation."

He was in Wuzhou City back then, but after exhausting his mind, he embarked on the road of cultivation. But in the Three Realms and Nine Realms, in the Lower Realm, even a mortal with no talent, as long as he can obtain such a jar of wine, he can instantly become a genius in the eyes of the world.

Of course, Li Ye just sighed.

After all, the Three Realms and Nine Regions are rare to be able to brew such spirit wine.

Such existence, let alone mortals, even Emperor Wu is not necessarily qualified to see them.

Not to mention, give mortals a chance to make wine to improve their cultivation.

"I don't know the senior, how can I give the junior a chance?"

Li Ye smiled without saying a word. Although the other party issued an order to dismiss the guest, he didn't do anything. Instead, he was looking at him.

"It's very simple, as long as your kid can bring a jar of spirit wine that I don't have here, it can give you a chance."

The drunk burped, and although his face was drunk, the flashing sharpness in his eyes showed that he was not drunk at all.

Spirit wine not here?

Bai Wucha frowned on one side, knowing that spirit wine masters are rare in the world, and there are so many spirit wines stored here that he has never seen them before.

How difficult it is to bring a bottle of spirit wine that satisfies the other party!

The most important point is that spirit wine can only be made by spirit wine masters!

It can't be successful if you just inject some spiritual power into a jar of fine wine! A pot of spirit wine is equivalent to a pill made by an alchemist! The process cannot be forged by ordinary people!

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