Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3378: Zuiyueju

Although Yuetianqi didn't say it clearly, he revealed a vital secret!

"It seems that although Na Nizi is highly valued in the Yue family, she is still very restrictive."

Li Ye rubbed his brows, and it was completely normal when he thought about it.

The Yue family, an ancient family of great emperors, can be passed down for millions of years, and naturally there is a reason for its existence.

Especially the importance of the ancient bloodlines is the most important thing.

Originally, in his opinion, it was only a simple pill fight, but now it seems that the Jiujue Mountain and Yuejia Dongzhou are involved in a transaction between the two major forces.

However, he has become an uncertain factor in the transaction between the two big powers.

"Master, this time pill fight?"

Bai Wuhua hesitated slightly on the side, although he didn't know the specific relationship between Li Ye and the arrogant girl of the Yue family, Lian Ye. But just as the outside world is rumored now, the meaning behind the pill fight this time is intriguing.

At this time, he took the place of Li Ye, and instantly made the nine-duandan king who had lived for tens of thousands of years, all Alexander up.

But now everything is a foregone conclusion, everyone in the outside world knows about this pill fight, and Li Ye rejected Xiao Danjun's pill fight.

"It seems that I need to go to Yuejia."

Originally, he was not prepared to have too many entanglements with the Yue family.

But now obviously everything has exceeded his expectations, and Yue Tianqi even revealed that there are still different opinions within the Yue family regarding the conditions for the marriage of Jiujue Mountain this time.

And this is his only chance.

"I hope the Yue family will not make a wrong decision, otherwise I don't mind taking Na Nizi away directly."

In other words, Shao Yueling is his family, no matter how she becomes the current heir of the Yue family, but if he really wants to, he can immediately take people away from the Yue family.

"King Li Dan is going to visit Yuejia?"

A voice came from one side, it was Fatty Wu.

He hasn't left, his eyes lit up when he heard Li Ye talking to himself.

"Some things must be resolved."

For him, Li Ye took a deep look.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, this last-generation descendant of the nine-generation family has long been reduced to a third-rate. But there are some things that can be kept from others, but not from him!

However, as long as there is no threat to him, he will not reveal it.

Everyone has their own secrets, Fatty Wu does, and he does the same.

"If King Li Dan wants to go to the Yue family, there may be someone, and King Li Dan can meet up in advance. Perhaps it will be helpful to King Li Dan's trip to the Yue family!"




Looking at the sloppy, crooked three words, Li Ye's expression was a little weird.

This is not an ancient secret realm in Dongzhou, nor is it a spiritual place in the cave.

It seems that it is just an ordinary restaurant.

It even looks deserted.

Only some intoxicating aroma of wine wafted out of it.

"These are spirit wine?"

The aroma of the wine smelled like nothing special, but Li Ye found a trace of spiritual power in it.

Of course, those spiritual powers are very weak, even hard to be noticed.

How can I say that the spirit wine master is also a branch of the alchemist, although for millions of years, few people have set foot on the peak of the world because of this way. Over time, there are fewer and fewer spirit wine masters in the entire Three Realms and Nine Regions, and even now it is almost here. A state of severance.

But it is still a very simple matter to distinguish the sommelier.

"King Li Dan really has eyes like a torch!"

Fatty Wu on one side smiled, it was he who took Li Ye here.

There are still no cracks that come along.

He was also accompanied by a strange color in his eyes, but then he shook his head, "Unfortunately, although the Spirit Sommelier is easy to enter the Tao, it is harder to take that step than to climb to the sky."

This is why the inheritance of sommeliers is becoming less and less.

For millions of years, there are only a handful of people who have truly entered the Tao from a spiritual sommelier and then stepped out of their own way!

In the impression of the world, there is only one person!

"Jiujian Great!"

That legend flashed in the minds of several people at the same time, and he was the only one known in the world to step out of his own avenue as a spirit wine master.

It's a pity that rumors about Emperor Jiujian flashed through Li Ye's mind.

Although the one who finally took that step, there are legends that it was not because of the Spirit Brewmaster, but because the Emperor Jiujian was a Spirit Brewmaster, and at the same time, he was an extremely powerful sword repairer!

He took that step because of his own supreme kendo!

A few people did not stay long, and went directly to Zuiyueju.

The entire Zui Yue Ju looked like it had been a long time since no one had arrived.

Dirty and messy, only the aroma of the wine told the world that there are wines that even cultivators can't resist.

As soon as he entered, Li Ye's brows moved.

Because he found that the entire Zuiyueju, there is actually another cave!

Although the outside world looks shabby, it's just a barrier.

"The master here is absolutely not low in his formation."

Being able to conceal his eyes from the beginning shows that the opponent's attainments in the formation are not as good as him, at least not far away.

Crucially, Li Ye couldn't even tell whether there was anyone in Zuiyueju.

There is no trace of breath.

"Little fat guy, didn't you tell me not to bring outsiders to Lao Tzu casually?"

At this moment, a slightly silly rough voice came from the depths of Zuiyueju.

At the same time, a swaying figure that looked like a hangover appeared in front of several people.

Seeing each other, Fatty Wu stepped forward with a smile on his face, "Senior is really here."

"Fuck off! You kid knows to cheat! Lao Tzu told you last time, if you want to drink the wine here, please show a little sincerity."

The man didn't see who Fatty Wu was, so he slapped it out.

At that moment, Li Ye's pupils shrank slightly!

"The power of the avenue!"

A seemingly simple palm, but what a terrible power it contains.

However, the shooting on Fatty Wu didn't cause much damage. It just shot him flying out, and at the same time opened his mouth to spit out a strong scent of alcohol. In an instant, everyone felt a little drowsy, as if drinking several jars of strong alcohol. .

"What a strong alcohol! This is the power of this person's cultivation?"

Li Ye can be regarded as the most sober. Before the alcoholic gas enters his body, his physical strength can withstand more than 70%. Even if the remaining 30% of the alcoholic gas, it is difficult to affect his body much. It will be resolved in less than a breath.

But he was okay, he couldn't bear it, his old face was flushed, drunk and confused, he swayed a few times and fell directly to the ground.

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