Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3322: Lingdong Yujia

All of a sudden, their breathing was slightly stagnant.

King Li Dan!

This name is now very famous in Dongzhou City, even the great teachers from all over Dongzhou have heard of it.

Especially on the Emperor List and Dan List, including them directly, it caused an uproar in the entire Dongzhou!

Emperor list! That was the height that countless Tianjiao evildoers in the entire East Continent looked up to! Not some of the most top-notch peerless geniuses can't appear on it.

Not to mention Danbang!

"Fourth on the Emperor List! Eleventh on the Dan List, that King Li Dan?"

Some people couldn't help but took a sigh of relief. Although they all came from a great sect, even if they weren't from the emperor's Taoism and the great family, at least the division of the division has a long history.

Which one is not the eye above the top, full of arrogance?

Among them, there are some geniuses. At a young age, the cultivation base is unpredictable, enough to stand side by side with the older generation.

But even so, there are only those 30 people in Dongzhou who can really be included in the emperor list!

"Fourth on the Emperor Ranking! This time I came to Dongzhou, and the elders in the lower division once said that it was Dongzhou City that appeared a peerless arrogant!"

The person who asked before frowned slightly, but a slight disapproval flashed under his eyes.

Another preacher nodded and said, "Hmph, the emperor's list is fourth, I am curious, how can this person be able to be ranked in the emperor's list, and still fourth!"

Which of these people is not arrogant and conceited.

Those who can come to Xianlingtai with confidence, all want to pass today's Xianlingtai, completely become famous and make famous.

However, compared with the fourth in the emperor list, such a huge Mount Tai was pressed down, naturally making them feel breathless.

"This person is not only as simple as fourth on the emperor list, but also eleventh on the pill list, second only to the three emperors of Dongzhou and the other seven half-step emperors!"

Lin Ziqing said strangely.

He really couldn't beat Li Ye, and even the Lin family suffered a loss in front of Li Ye. Naturally, he wouldn't be so stupid to shoot himself.

But provoking a bit on one side is naturally under his control.

Even Lin Zihan will come to Xianlingtai today, it is he alone.

If the Dibang is the place where the younger generation of Tianjiao competes, then the Danbang is a supreme honor in the eyes of countless alchemists in the entire East Continent!

Many preachers of the Great Sect have a sullen expression. The Pill List is not compared to the Emperor List, but is compared to the attainments of the pill technique.

Few of them dabble in the realm of the pill, even if they can refine a few pill at hand, they are just the most basic pill, such as blood pill.

Compared with real alchemists, they are not even a beginner.

At this moment, everyone understood why even the arrogant princess Lin Jia couldn't help but want to meet her.

Many of them have heard that Lin's family was suppressed by one person and lost face, but there are still many people in the cloud about what happened.

After all, it is impossible for the Lin family to publicize the scandal everywhere, and people who know it dare not spread it, otherwise, the monstrous anger of the Lin family will not be acceptable to ordinary people.

"Fourth in the emperor list! Eleventh king of Dan! If you really are such an identity, it makes sense for Princess Lin to fall in love."

An elder son of a great family nodded slightly, and everyone looked at it and recognized this person.

"It turned out to be Yu Shizi."

Lingdong Yujia! This is the real family of the Great Emperor! And different from those great emperors who have long since passed away, leaving only a family that has the name of the great emperor family but has long since fallen, the Jade family is truly a great emperor family!

The emperor is still alive in the world!

Even Hua Yunxiong didn't dare to raise the air and discuss with his peers.

"I heard that Lingdong Yu's family is here for the 100-year reshuffle of Dongzhou City. It seems that they are determined to win!"

"This is a real family of great emperors. Although Qingyu Great has not been born for tens of thousands of years, he is still a strong figure in the top 20 among all the great emperors of Dongzhou today. If the Lingdong Yu family wants to compete There is a chance to enter Dongzhou City, but there is great hope."

Hua Yunxiong's expression was even more gloomy. If it were an ordinary person, he would have slapped it out. But his background is not much younger than him, and more importantly!

The Great Qingyu was a figure who was afraid of even the Great Emperor behind the scenes in Washington!

Yu Shizi smiled slightly, his eyes clear, "Since he is such a peerless figure, why doesn't Brother Hua invite you to come today?"

When he asked, the others also pricked their ears.

After all, although the threshold of this fairy platform is very high, ordinary people are not qualified to come. But a peerless genius who is fourth on the emperor list and eleventh on the pill list is definitely qualified to come.

"Hmph, it's just relying on one's ancestors, how can you be qualified to stand on this fairy platform and stand shoulder to shoulder with many Tianjiao."

Before Hua Yunxiong spoke, a preacher sneered.

When everyone saw it, they knew it well.

The teacher behind this person has a deep relationship with Washington. Obviously, the preacher of the great religion can be regarded as the person next to Hua Yunxiong.

"That's, how does an unknown little man compare with the emperor's family and the descendants of the emperor's Taoism."

Some people even sneered, obviously with a touch of sarcasm.

Lin Zihan is the goddess in many people's minds, and they naturally have a bit of resentment towards Li Ye.

All this, in Lin Ziqing's eyes, made him even more proud.

"Li Ye, Li Ye, although you are great, you are the only one, but now you have offended too many descendants of Dongzhou. Let's see how you gain a foothold in Dongzhou!"

Not to mention, with the appearance of Lin Zihan, many people really have a little bit more opinion on the King Li Dan who only heard of his name but never saw him.

Including Gu Tian, ​​this time he left the pass, his cultivation base greatly increased, and naturally he was also informed of the relationship between the ancient family and King Li Dan. But this does not mean that he will truly be convinced by that Li Dan Wang.

Not to mention, he may still become his rival in love now.

Just as everyone looked different, the entire fairy platform was bursting with glory.

"what happened?"

"Is this someone trying to climb the ladder?"

This kind of reaction is not unfamiliar to them, and some casual geniuses with a general background but a strong cultivation base will often use their own strength to climb here.

It's just that Xianlingtai's huge reaction caused many people's pupils to shrink slightly.

"This person has such a strong aura! It can cause such a reaction from Xian Lingtai, and his cultivation is definitely not weak!"

According to ancient rumors, Xianlingtai is a treasure of heaven and earth, and more likely to be an artifact of an ancient god. But for millions of years, countless great supernatural powers and peerless powerhouses have tried, and they have not found anything unusual. As time passed, no one would believe this legend.

However, whenever someone strongly climbs onto the fairy tale platform, the higher the level of cultivation of the passer, the greater the response of the fairy tale platform!

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