Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3321: It was him!

"Li Ye, who is this?"

"Princess Lin's family actually came for this Li Ye, is she the one she loves?"

Many people's expressions have become a little subtle. You must know that Lin's family belongs to the great family, and the Canglin Great is one of the families that deservedly stands at the top of the world.

As the princess of Lin's family, if Lin Zihan can be admired, even some preachers of the great religion can't help but be extremely moved.

However, to many people's surprise, the person who made Princess Lin's admiration appeared to be a little silent.

"This name is familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere."

A preacher of the Great Faculty couldn't help frowning. Although he was extremely jealous, what was even more curious was the origin of the person in Lin Zihan's mouth.

"Sister Zihan, are you here for him?"

Hua Yunxiong is regarded as the one with the most ugly expression on the fairy platform now. The world knows that he has been pursuing Lin Zihan for many years, and the two sides have long been regarded as a match made in heaven by many people.

He himself had thought so for a long time, but he didn't know that Lin Zihan actually didn't shake him in front of countless geniuses in Dongzhou, and asked to see a strange man.

How does this make him not angry?

Gu Lie on one side was still holding anger in his heart just now. The Gu family's position in Dongzhou City is now relatively subtle. Many great teachers and even the Emperor's Taoist line are watching consciously or unconsciously, wanting to see Gu family jokes.

But at this moment, he spit out Chinese wine with a strange expression.

He couldn't help but looked at his elder brother Gu Tian, ​​and patted his forehead.

"Well, big brother's temperament, but watch him carefully."

With Lin Zihan's cold voice, the entire fairy platform was silent.

Only Shi Aotian had a slight smile, undoubtedly this scene that happened before his eyes was a good show in his eyes.

"Li Ye! Who is this person!"

"Princess Lin's family actually appeared for this person in person, if you let me know who it is, you won't even be able to recognize him unless he is beaten!"

Some great geniuses are filled with righteous indignation. Although they are not qualified to pursue Princess Lin's family, it does not mean that they are happy to see others take the lead!

If it was Hua Yunxiong or Shi Aotian, who were born in the great family, and were a perverted emperor Tianjiao, it would be fine. They asked themselves not qualified to compete.

But now there is a person who has hardly heard of everyone, and it seems that they are such a group of genius and evildoers who are famous in Dongzhou, even a kid who doesn't know where the mountains and the wild pop up?

Hua Yunxiong's face was completely black, but still resisting the anger, a smile appeared on his face, "Brother Wei didn't invite him, but he was just a villager. I wonder why Sister Zihan mentioned him? "

"I have something to see him!"

Lin Zihan's pretty face is cold, and his heart is full of anger!

She naturally knew what the ancestors of the family meant, but she was not prepared to sacrifice herself for the family. How arrogant she is, how can ordinary people do it if she wants to match her.

It's just that everyone doesn't know the thoughts of the Lin family princess. In their eyes, Lin Zihan's face is blushing, as if a little shy.

In an instant, many people felt as if something was broken in their chests, and almost no blood spurted out!

Hua Yunxiong's eyes went dark even more, and he gave a strong breath, but could no longer maintain his demeanor.

"He is not qualified to appear on Xian Lingtai. If he wants to see him, Sister Zihan will be disappointed today."

After he finished speaking, he took a breath and left.

Although Lin Zihan is his favorite beauty, as the heir to Washington, he has such a status that he does not need to sullen himself in front of a woman.

"Huh? Why did Brother Yunxiong say this? Does this Li Ye, Brother Yunxiong recognize?"

A young man from a big sect nearby couldn't help but ask, and his cultivation was a standout on this immortal platform, and the aura of the pinnacle martial emperor was not concealed at all.

You know, at his age, even some descendants of the great emperor family and the emperor's Taoist lineage, rarely can cultivate to this level.

The Three Realms and Nine Regions are considered juniors under the age of 500, and they are the foundation for attacking the Emperor Realm to lay the foundation! Those who can cultivate to the top of the martial emperor can be regarded as outstanding, and the genius of ordinary sects can be regarded as extremely good at this age.

"Yeah, where does this person have heard of, is it a new genius who has recently emerged from Dongzhou City?"

People are even more curious, after all, the princess Lin's loftiness is well known, and it is definitely not an ordinary person who can make her so concerned.

Unfortunately, there have been many rumors about Li Ye in Dongzhou City recently, but few people mentioned Li Ye's true identity.

In addition, most of these geniuses have only recently set foot in Dongzhou City, so naturally the news is not so well informed.

Only a few geniuses from the great family of Dongzhou City had their expressions changed slightly at this time.

They hadn't reacted before, but seeing Hua Yunxiong's changes after hearing it, a person suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Hmph, a kid who relies on his teacher to do whatever he wants and doesn't know the height of the sky!"

Hua Yunxiong snorted coldly, and didn't explain too much.

But the more he was, the more curious everyone was.

"Oh? Someone made Brother Yun Xiong give such a low evaluation. Could it be someone from a great emperor family or a descendant of the imperial family?"

It is also the great family of the emperor and the emperor's Taoism, but Washington has a powerful family of the emperor!

Even those other emperor family traditions and great emperor families who came to Dongzhou City must be polite.

Just when everyone was puzzled, a strange tone of yin and yang came from the side, "Have you never heard of it, recently Dongzhou City, but a lot of things have happened."

"Oh? Anything?"

Everyone saw that it was Lin Ziqing who came with Lin Zihan.

"It turned out to be Brother Ziqing of the Lin family. I have long heard that in addition to Princess Lin Zihan, there is also a genius in the Lin family. Although he is not on the top of the emperor list, he has a high level of cultivation that is equivalent to that of the emperor. Rumors are even better."

Lin's family also has a great emperor living in the world, and everyone naturally doesn't stingy with their flattery.

"You guys have praised, compared to the eldest lady, it is of little importance to the next."

Although he said so, Lin Ziqing's eyes flashed with a trace of contentment.

Gu Lie on one side sighed, "Shameless, compared to the Emperor Tianjiao, he will not be able to be on the list of Gods after three or five hundred years of cultivation!"

"I don't know who Ziqing brother is talking about?"

Some preachers of the Great Religion from all over the East Continent became curious.

They are not stupid, they can make Hua Yunxiong's face dark, and the princess Lin Jia personally named the person to see, naturally, the background is not small.

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed, as if thinking of something.

"Li Ye? Could it be that what everyone said was the one who just ranked fourth on the emperor list not long ago, Li Ye, King Li Dan?"

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