Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3319: Who is Princess Lin's favorite?

When everyone saw it, they all gave way with a wry smile.

Although Princess Lin's family is the goal that many preachers want to pursue, compared to Hua Yunxiong, the emperor's arrogant, they naturally seem a little unqualified.

What surprised everyone was that when the princess Lin Jia came, her pretty face and frost were obviously in a bad mood.

Even Hua Yunxiong didn't even take a look, a pair of beautiful eyes swept across everyone.

"What about others!"

Everyone was stunned, and it was obvious that the princess from Lin's family came here today not to reminisce with them.

"Who is Sister Zihan talking about?"

Being ignored by the beautiful woman, Hua Yunxiong's face muscles twitched slightly. In his capacity, many women in this world are crying and crying to follow him.

It can be said that as long as he is willing, the beauty of the world can be tasted, and there is no difference between them.

But those ordinary people are naturally out of his eyes in Washington, and only a woman like Princess Lin is worthy of his pursuit.

"Miss Lin is here for someone today?"

Someone can't help but think of such an absurd idea in his mind, even he himself finds it ridiculous.

But then she saw that Princess Lin's beautiful eyes, without any emotion, swept across everyone, and then her eyebrows flickered, "Lin Yu! Why isn't the person you talking about here?"

Lin Yu, a well-deserved young man in the Lin family! Even if it doesn't help, they are the overtime workers of the next generation of the dignified Lin family. Who dares to shout to him like this?

But by the way, this Lin family had nothing to do with his sister, and when he heard that, he smiled bitterly, "I don't know about this."

Lin Yu was extremely pampered in the entire Lin family, but no matter how pampered he was, he couldn't compare with his sister.

Because he knew very well that if Lin Jia had to give up one of them, that person would definitely not be Lin Zihan! But he Lin Yu!

"Sister Zihan is looking for someone?"

Everyone was curious, but Hua Yunxiong reluctantly asked with a smile.

Think of him as a dignified successor to Washington! To be so disregarded by Lin Zihan, if it were not for the pursuit of beautiful women, he would have turned his face long ago! However, his face was not as smooth as before, obviously with a hint of dissatisfaction.

The others were even more curious. As the princess of Lin's family, coupled with the rumors about her temperament, many people showed a touch of weirdness.

"I have long heard that the princess of Lin's family is arrogant and has high eyes, and ordinary geniuses can't be seen by her. Even the heirs of the Dajiao, the emperor of the emperor's Taoism, it is difficult for her to take a high look. Who is it that made her come here so much?"

"Weird, does Lin's princess have a sweetheart?"

Everyone saw that Princess Lin seemed to be looking for someone, and various weird speculations followed.

Gu Lie even looked at his elder brother, and then shook his head.

Sure enough, Gu Tian hesitated and asked, "I don't know who Junior Sister Zihan wants to find?"

Gu Lie sighed in his heart. Is this still his elder brother who is unsmiling and even calm in his impression? How do you feel a little excited at this moment?

It's a pity that neither Hua Yunxiong or Gu Tian, ​​the two Tianjiao on the emperor's list, did not attract Lin Zihan's attention.

Even if the two of them came home like this, the others had given up their thoughts, otherwise they would just lose face, so it's better to watch the development on the side.

After all, he is one of the three beauties in Dongzhou City. Although Lin Zihan is frosty, he can't stop the scorching eyes of those suitors.

"Miss Zihan, here is the true disciple of Tongtianmen..."

"Underneath is the Fire Cloud Palace..."

Some people don't believe in evil, but all of them are going down.

Finally, when the rest of the people saw it, their curiosity became more vigorous.

"He is not here!"

Lin Zihan clenched her silver teeth, although everyone had misunderstood at first, but at this moment, she found something wrong with her expression.

Gu Lie even noticed that Lin Ziqing, who had been silent, had a sneer on his face. Based on his understanding of Lin Ziqing, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Damn, something is not right, this little girl from Lin's family is not an easy master, is there any reason for coming here suddenly?"

He glanced at Lin Ziqing who sneered, and the bad feeling in his heart became stronger.

Just when he was puzzled, Hua Yunxiong's slightly startled voice came from the other side.

"Sister Zihan, who are you talking about?"

Everyone saw that Hua Yunxiong's expression was particularly wonderful at this time. It can be said that he was three-point consternation, seven-point jealous, and his handsome face was slightly distorted.

Gu Lie suddenly sneered, "Big Brother, this Hua Yunxiong has been fighting against you all these years, and has always been scheming against the girl from Lin's family, but she doesn't know how high-sighted the woman from Lin's family is, even the big brother. Can you still see him Hua Yunxiong if you don't?"

Although these words seem a bit biased, after all, Gu Tian is his eldest brother, Hua Yunxiong has a bad relationship with the Washington and Gu family behind him. But another point, Gu Tian is the seventeenth on the emperor list! It is six places higher than Hua Yunxiong!

Gu Tian said nothing, but his expression was quite useful. Now the ancient family has fallen, but there is a him, and his bloodline has awakened the nine bloodlines, and he is a leader in the entire Dongzhou City!

Now it is ranked seventeenth in the emperor list! In the future, it is possible to prove and proclaim the emperor! At that time, the ancient family will naturally be able to reproduce its glory.

"I am here only for one person today!"

Lin Zihan had a pretty face, but Hua Yunxiong misunderstood him. The expression on his face was even worse, and his expression sank, "I don't know who Sister Zihan wants to find?"

In his opinion, the entire Dongzhou City is worthy of Lin Zihan, and he is definitely one of the best!

Even if it is Gu Tian from the ancient family, although he is overwhelmed, he does not care about it! After all, the grudge between the Gu family and the Lin family is absolutely impossible to compete with him!

But Lin Zihan ignored him several times, and he was overjoyed when he appeared on Xianlingtai, thinking that it was a beautiful woman who came for him, but he did not expect it to be for others.

How to make him not angry.

Everyone is even more curious.

"This Lin family princess actually came for someone. I really don't know who is so lucky."

"This is the princess of the Lin family, a descendant of the great emperor's family, and this Lin Zihan himself is the arrogant of the emperor's list. He is even more powerful than Hua Yunxiong and ranked nineteenth on the emperor's list! Such a beautiful and talented woman , I really don’t know who can take her heart."

Emperor list nineteen! The princess of Lin's family!

Regardless of her identity, she is the proud woman of heaven who is held in the sky by everyone.

"Who is it?!" Hua Yunxiong's voice was cold, he wanted to see who had the courage to fight with him! His eyes subconsciously looked at Gu Tian!

After all, among the people present, only Gu Tian threatened him the most!

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