Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3318: The party is here

"Hey, you guys have forgotten the grievances between King Li Dan and Lin's family."

Lin family! Everyone was stunned, and then suddenly realized.

No one in Dongzhou knows that Washington and Lin's family have always made good friends, and it is naturally impossible for Washington to invite anyone who has offended Lin's family.

"King Li Dan killed the four ancestors of Lin's family one after another, and it can be said to be in the same situation as this Lin's family, but why I heard that Lin's family seems to intend to resolve the grievances between the two sides, and..."

The young man at Tayun Mountain Villa didn't know what he thought of, and his expression was hesitant. Obviously he didn't believe it even after he heard the news.

"It's the rumor. I don't know who came from it. How could a great family like Lin's family choose to bow their heads? Perhaps some people deliberately spread it out to discredit Lin's family."

At this time, on the fairy stage.

But I saw a Qionglou palace, as if I was on the fairy cloud.

This is where the Xianlingtai really is, and it is also the place where the Tianjiao evildoer discusses Taoism once in a century.

Almost all the great emperor family traditions, the outstanding young generation of the great emperor family, now appear here.

Ancient family, Xiao family, Amakusa family, Shi family.

Naturally, because this time is the Fairy Terrace gathering held in Washington, it is natural that everything is dominated by Washington.

"Thank you all for giving me the face of Hua. Hua is grateful here."

I saw a handsome young man with a slight smile, dressed in a beautiful costume, and his eyes flashed across the road from time to time. The aura on his body is strong and powerful, more like a law surrounding it.

None of the people present had a vicious look, and they all showed a touch of jealousy.

"Brother Yunxiong is too polite."

It turns out that this person is the descendant of this generation of Washington, and even the arrogant, Hua Yunxiong, ranked 23rd in the Emperor Ranking.

As a descendant of Washington, the foundation of the great family is enough to see in him!

Just wearing a costume on his body is obviously an extremely rare treasure, at least a treasure of the quasi-emperor soldier rank, even if it is in the posture of a holy emperor, it will be difficult to break in a short period of time.

Who can board the fairy platform, which one is not the proud son of heaven and the proud daughter of heaven.

But it was clear that Tianjiao, who was able to rank on the top of the emperor's list, was the focus of the eyes of many people on the Fairy Spirit Stage this time.

In addition, the geniuses of the ordinary great emperor family and the emperor's Taoist lineage are here. The dragon has to be coiled, and the tiger can only lie down.

After all, he is the descendant of Washington, and Hua Yunxiong has gathered many descendants of the Great Church around him, as if he had the demeanor of the next generation of leaders in Washington.

"It's so stylish."

Gu Lie, as the descendant of the ancient family, naturally came today, but he was not headed by him.

Besides Gu Sanmei, there was another person beside him. His appearance was similar to Gu Lie's six or seven points, except that the eyebrows were less frivolous, and more sedate.

When he appeared here, he also received a lot of attention.

Including Hua Yunxiong, even though he was surrounded by everyone, his eyes occasionally showed a sharp edge and shot towards this side.

"Big Brother, it seems that Washington is not interested in drinking this time."

It turns out that this person is the ancient genius who claims to be the highest in awakening in ten thousand years, and is also a well-deserved heir to the next Patriarch of the ancient family.

Gu Tian ranked 17th in the Emperor Ranking!

The only peerless arrogant and proud of the ancient family!

"Watch the change."

Unlike Gu Lie, Gu Tian seldom appeared, almost always retreating or sharpening his realm during cultivation.

This time, if it weren't for the knowledge that so many things had happened during his retreat, it would be impossible to even appear on this fairy platform.

There were a lot of people on the Xian Lingtai, and all of them were the pride of Dongzhou. But if you really want to say that the attention is paid to, it is nothing more than the few people.

Hua Yunxiong, Gu Tian, ​​Shi Aotian are the proud sons of heaven on the emperor's list.

The others are just as foils, even they know it well.

"The Lin family are here!"

I don't know who whispered, everyone looked up, and they saw a few divine lights stepping into the fairy platform.

Take a closer look, it is the most outstanding young juniors of the Lin family's generation.

The leader is not Lin Yu or Lin Ziqing, but a woman of unparalleled elegance.

"Princess Lin Family!"

"She actually came!"

There were only three people from Lin's family this time. Except Lin Yu and Lin Ziqing, the last one was the proud girl of Lin's family, Lin Zihan, one of the three beauties of Dongzhou City.

Although on the fairy tale stage, there are all outstanding figures of Dajiao and even the emperor's Taoism, and many of them are excellent in appearance and temperament, just like the peerless beauty in the eyes of mortals.

However, with the arrival of Lin Zihan, they were immediately completely suppressed.

Even the preachers of the Great Religion and the emperors of the emperor's Taoism lined up in front of them one by one, flashing a little love.

"Princess Lin's family, it has long been rumored to be one of the three most beautiful women in Dongzhou City. I saw it today and it was suffocating!" A preacher of the Great Sect couldn't help but marvel. He was also of noble background. The teacher has a lot of background. But at this moment, seeing the princess of Lin's family, I feel ashamed of myself.

His reaction like this was not an exception. On the fairy stage, almost all men showed similar changes in expressions. As for those women, some were jealous and dissatisfied, but most of them knew that they couldn't compare with Lin Zihan, so they could only stand aside with a black face.

Even Gu Sanmei is inferior in front of Lin Zihan.

"Tsk, this princess from Lin's family, but she has always been arrogant and tight, how come today?"

Gu Lie smiled, but a trace of doubt flashed deep in his eyes.

The Gu family has heard a lot of wind recently, and because of this, after seeing Lin Zihan's appearance, he couldn't help but chuckle.

At the same time, he glanced at his elder brother Gu Tian beside him. He knew that his elder brother had always been above the top, but he had a soft spot for the princess of Lin's family. If it weren't for the deep grievances between the Gu family and the Lin family, they would be regarded as close friends with their background and identity.

"If that rumor is true, it won't be so good."

Although worried, Gu Lie didn't have a good solution at the moment.

And then he felt relieved, "Anyway, people won't come, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

He just breathed a sigh of relief here, as Lin Zihan's arrival over there, many emperors of the Dajiao descendants, the emperor of the Taoist school, surrounded him.

Even Tianjiao, who was ranked on the emperor's list like Hua Yunxiong, came forward with a smile.

"Sister Zihan came here, but I was flattered by the brother."

Hua Yunxiong's face is full of smiles. Washington has been on good terms with Lin's family, and the two can be regarded as close friends. In addition, as the next generation heir to Washington, he is also a top talent on the emperor list, so he is naturally more confident than other descendants of the great religion.

Seeing the princess of Lin's family, she immediately stepped forward.

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