Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3217: Is it bluffing or full of confidence?

"What the **** is this ancient family making!"

"I don't know. Although the ancient family has been refining Shou Dan for so many years, they have no way to start."

"Yes, this longevity pill is nothing like an ordinary pill. There are very few pill kings in the world who really have the ability to refine longevity pill. Which one is not enshrined as a treasure by the major powers, if this ancient family refines Shoudan came out, that's amazing!"

Everyone talked a lot, especially the strong people of some big forces, the demand for Shoudan is far from those of casual cultivation.

Even the other ancient families in Dongzhou City who secretly followed the Lin family's struggle with the ancient family were slightly moved.

Lin's family remained silent, and at this moment they were not allowed to understand the ancient family's ideas.

But Lin Ziqing smiled and said, "I have always admired the ancient pill. But this life pill, it is better to show it to everyone. If it is of high quality, my Lin family is naturally willing to bow down."

As soon as these words came out, the elders of the Lin family frowned slightly, but they did not object.

Although Lin Ziqing is not a direct descendant in the Lin family now, because of his talent and city government methods, he has already had a lot of influence in the Lin family.

Naturally, they would not speak out against it at this time, and they did not believe that the Shoudan in the hands of the ancient family could threaten the Lin family today.

"Shoudan, my ancient family naturally has it."

An elder of the Gu family laughed, and then they were directly presented.

At this moment, almost because of the invitation of the Lin family, all the people who came here were people with good looks in Dongzhou City. There are also powerhouses from all major families, who originally came to build momentum for the Lin family.

But now, it has become a point that the ancients can use.

A pill was taken out by a maid of the ancient family and suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

When everyone saw it, they all showed surprise.

Especially the few Pill Kings, the original disapproval on their faces suddenly became serious.

There are also some alchemists of various schools who are staring at the pill, with a kind of suspicion in their eyes.

"This is the ancient life pill? But I don't know how effective it is."

Lin's side hasn't spoken yet, but someone can't help but sneer.

Everyone saw that it was Lord Burning Sword that day.

Originally, when he wanted to ask the Gu family for a great pill, he was flatly rejected, so he had a grudge. Now that he has been loyal to Lin's family, naturally he will not let this opportunity go.

Lin's family won't be torn apart with the Gu's now because of face. However, he was unafraid, and even at this time, he had the opportunity to let the Lin family look upon him.

"Yes, Sword Master Tianzhuo is right. This life pill is also divided into grades. If it is an ordinary life pill, it is the holy product in the eyes of those ants in the lower realm."

"Ordinary life pills, not to mention Emperor Wu, even the powerhouses of the Venerable Realm, will not have much effect. Normally, they can increase lifespan by three to five years, which is pretty good."

Many people are suspicious.

An elder of the ancient family smiled slightly, "Everyone's concerns are naturally clear to my ancient family. It just so happens that today several seniors in the alchemy world are there, and there are peerless geniuses such as the alchemy king and Danxuanzi. If it were my ancient family King Dan admits that maybe you don't believe it. It's better to let these few people tell what to do."

How many Dan Kings present to personally distinguish?

This is indeed a way!

Moreover, everyone at the scene knew that the few Dan Kings who came here today with names and surnames were all invited by the Lin family. No matter what, it is impossible to favor the ancients.

Even Lanxian Weng, as the King Pill of Qinghong Palace, everyone knows his temper.

"This is indeed a good proposal. If there is King Zhendan, Lan Xianweng and other seniors to distinguish, no one will raise objections."

Among the crowd, an old man nodded slightly, and most of the others had no opinion.

On Lin's side, several elders hesitated and nodded towards Lin Ziqing.

They also want to see what the ancient life pill is like.

"How about several Dan kings?"

Gu Lie smiled, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, but it didn't make people notice.

At this moment, there are at least several nine-duan pill kings present, plus several other pill kings in the list, naturally there is enough weight.

"Hahaha, the old man naturally has no problems."

King Zhendan laughed, and Lan Xianweng nodded silently.

Most of the other alchemy kings did not object, and only the cod alchemy king and the alchemy king were left.

The former hesitated and finally nodded his promise, "Although I am not proficient in refining longevity pills, I am fortunate to be able to see it."

As for Dan Xuanzi, he sneered slightly, which was a tacit acquiescence.

But at this moment, another person appeared directly, "Since it's a Shoudan, the old man might as well take a look."

An old man wandered over and saw him. Even the King Zhendan and several nine-duandan kings quickly showed a surprised expression.

Obviously, the identity of the visitor is not ordinary, and at this moment someone exclaimed.

"Master of Diversity!"

It turns out that this old man is the nine-duandan king of Tiancaotang, the master of Duoyuan!

When everyone saw him, including the emperor's disciples like Dan Xuanzi, they all got up and bowed slightly, "Master Duoyuan, why are you here?"

The old man nodded slightly, his eyes fell on the people of the ancient family, "The old man has heard that someone has refined the Shou Dan, so naturally he wants to take a look."

When he said this, many people showed a wry smile.

Lin Ziqing couldn't help saying, "Master Duo, if you talk about refining longevity pills in this Dongzhou city, you are always a well-deserved holy hand. If you are to distinguish longevity pills, the younger generation should think that there is no one. There will be objections."

"Yeah yeah."

Everyone nodded subconsciously. After all, the multiple masters of Tiancaotang have been well-known for a long time, especially the refined first-hand life pill, which even the major ancient families want to get at any cost.

Several pill kings naturally did not object, perhaps in other pill, they each have their own unique skills and self-confidence. But in terms of Shou Dan, even a famous Dan Dao such as Zhen Dan King and Lan Xian Weng, he thinks he can't compare with Multi-Master.

The few pill kings and the peerless geniuses of the alchemy, their eyes were faint, but obviously the pill that the ancient family took out was not any kind of longevity pill they had seen.

"You said, the Shoudan of the ancient family is really as boastful?"

"Hey, it's hard to say, and the ancient family didn't say the specific effect of this pill, but looking at the expressions of the ancient family, it should not be a bluff."

"Bluffing, now several Dan kings are present, and even the Shoudan masters like Master Duoyuan are alarmed. If it is bluffing, this ancient family will lose face!"

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