Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3216: The Lin family doesn’t have it, the ancient family has

"There seems to be something going on in the ancient house."

"Yes, that Dan Jie just now, it's better to go take a look."

At this time, many people noticed the movement of the ancient medicine pill shop and came with a hint of curiosity.

By coincidence, the pill shop on the ancient family's side was already deserted, but an elder of the ancient family appeared.

"That's not the elder of the ancient family."

At first glance, everyone was surprised.

But the elder of the ancient family didn't say a word, and started out loudly, "Everyone, although Lin's pill is good, even my ancient family is a bit envious. It's a pity that there is only one flavor among Lin's pill. There is no pill."

This elder's words immediately made everyone interested.

Some smart people immediately understood that this ancient family was finally going to fight back.

"It seems that the Gu family finally can't sit still, but at this time, what does the Gu family compare to the Lin family?"

"The ancient family still has a great pill."

"Hmph, the Dacheng Pill is indeed good, but who can guarantee that the Dacheng Pill will not be poisoned to death! Compared with Lin's Po Tian Pill, the advantages and disadvantages can be seen at a glance."

"That's not necessarily true. After all, there is a pill emperor in the ancient family. Maybe there is still a pill that hasn't been born. This time I was pressed by the Lin family and I will finally take it out."

Everyone speculated, but on Lin's side, the old man before hearing the words sank.

"Huh, the pill that I don't have in Lin's family? The old man will want to see, what is the pill that your ancient family doesn't have in Lin's house, anyway!"

You know, this time Lin's family took out a lot of medicines. Although the Potian Pill was the best, there were also many high-quality medicines in it.

"Yes, what pill do you have in the ancient family? If you took it out long ago, why wait until now!"

"Hey, maybe it's just the people from the ancient family bluffing."

Among the crowd, several alchemists sneered. Undoubtedly, they have already been bought by the Lin family or take this opportunity to show their favor to the Lin family! A few of them, even alchemists who had been loyal to the ancient family, are now mocking the ancient family in turn.

However, the old patriarch was not angry or happy, and glanced at the few people blankly, and the few people who were watching avoided their gazes in a slight embarrassment.

The reason why they left the ancient house is because the conditions in Lin's house are better!

"People go to high places, and water flows to low places. You want to leave the ancient house. No one will stop you! But saying that there is no one in my ancient house is a big joke!"

Gu Lie sneered loudly. As soon as he appeared, the elder before stepped aside.

After passing the few people coldly, Gu Lie's eyes fell to Lin's side, and a slight sneer appeared, "Lin's pill, there is indeed a good way. But I don't know why he missed the Shou Dan?"


Everyone was stunned, and the expressions of the elders of Lin's family changed even more.

"Shou Dan! Yes, most of the Lin family's elixirs are used to heal injuries and improve cultivation, but I haven't seen the longevity pills that increase longevity."

"The Lin family probably did not have the pill king who refined longevity pills. After all, this longevity pill is not an ordinary pill. Even if it is a pill king, he may not have the ability to refine it!"

Everyone talked a lot, but Lin's face was full of iron.

It is true that the Lin family is coming this time fiercely, but it can be avoided on Shoudan!

Because there is indeed no one in the Lin family who can refine those longevity pills that are enough for the big sects and aristocratic families to get at any cost.

The expressions of the famous alchemy realm who had been invited to have changed at this moment.

Among them, King Zhen Pill laughed loudly, "There is indeed no longevity pill in Lin's pill, but that longevity pill is a very special kind of pill, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary alchemists to refine it. Even an old man can hardly refine a better-quality longevity pill."

A nine-duandan king laughed at himself so much that many people nodded one after another.

"Yeah, even King Zhendan and other nine-duandan kings don't talk about refining. Lin's family already has that pill, so naturally they won't get involved in life pills."

Gu Lie smiled slightly, "Lin's family doesn't have Shoudan, but my ancient family does!"

As soon as this remark came out, the scene fell silent instantly.

Many people showed unbelievable expressions, but someone in the ancient household made a pill of life?

"Is that right, someone in the ancient home refining life pills?"

"Impossible, the Gu family has never heard of this for so many years."

Not to mention everyone's unbelief, even some disciples of the ancient family were a little bit unbelievable. The elders were also in the clouds, but they had obviously been told in advance that they were silent at this moment.

"Oh? There is a Shoudan in the ancient home, the old man is very curious."

King Zhendan laughed, but his eyes were not so kind. Although he is alone, he has been closely related to Lin's family recently. This time I was invited here to create momentum for the Lin family.

Lan Xian Weng frowned slightly, and cast a glance at King Cod Pill on one side. It was the pill Xuanzi, but he smiled, "I have heard of the name of the pill ancestor of the ancient family, and he is the honor of the pill emperor with the same teacher, and the younger Dan Xuanzi has never been seen. In this case, the rumors that the Danzu predecessors have reached the limit should not be true."

With Dan Xuanzi's words, many people nodded slightly. To say that anyone in the ancient family can refine a longevity pill, it is undoubtedly not Dan Zu. Just carefully comprehending these words will make people realize that there is something in these words!

Especially, the person who has always doubted whether the Danzu from the ancient family is still alive, is now aware of it!

"It seems that the Danzu from the ancient family is indeed unable to sustain it!"

"Once the Danzu of the ancient family returns to the west, what fear does the ancient family have!"

A sneer flashed in many people's hearts! The Danzu of the ancient family has always been the key to making countless people dare not act rashly. It's not because of Dan Zu's own cultivation base, but because of the influence of a Dan Emperor!

Now, the ancient family's Danzu is about to die, which is equivalent to breaking the ancient family's arm!

Li Ye frowned slightly, Dan Xuanzi didn't seem to be inclined to the Lin family on the surface, but these words undoubtedly make people realize that he is not on the side of the ancient family, and even pushes the ancient family to the forefront, intentionally or unintentionally.

The people in the Lin family are not stupid. The old man laughed and said, "My Lin family really can't make high-quality longevity pills, but it is the ancient family. If there are good longevity pills, it is better to show them to you."

After speaking, smiled coldly.

They naturally don't believe that the ancient family has such a skill, otherwise, why wait until now! You must know that the superior Shoudan is almost rare in this Dongzhou City.

"The ancient family is a family of pill medicine. It is not surprising if someone refines the life pill, but I am a little curious at the bottom. Would you be lucky enough to see it."

Dan Xuanzi smiled slightly, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

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