Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3139: Don't know good people

A sneer crossed the corner of Li Ye's mouth.

Not to mention a small Gu family, even if the three Martial Emperor ancestors from the Gu family came together, there are only three dead souls in front of him.

"Interestingly, this Gu family does not seem to be a good bird."

With Li Ye's alchemy, it was naturally judged in an instant that this strange scent was not highly toxic. Although it was also a strange poison, it could not pose a life threat to those above the Venerable's cultivation.

But soon, he realized the origin of this strange fragrance.


Li Ye was a little strange. This strange fragrance was just a special poison he knew, but it was not for killing people, but for other purposes.

And that use is what makes Li Ye the strangest.

"This bliss incense is an aphrodisiac that induces desires in the cultivator. What is the use of bliss incense to deal with me?"

To him, Gu's family is just a passer-by, even he didn't plan to stay long.

But at this moment, Gu's family used the incense of bliss to deal with him, which immediately made him slightly angry.

You know, although this bliss incense is not fatal, once it is hit, even if it is caught off guard, even Emperor Wu may not be able to resist it.

In the unlikely event that you hit the incense of bliss, no matter how high you are, you will be controlled by desire and make some mistakes that cannot be returned.

Fortunately, his cultivation base is not afraid of such strange poisons at all, and his physical body is extremely abnormal, not to mention that the real poison is not invaded, almost 90% of the poisons and drugs in this world are not too big for him. The role of.

"I have to see what conspiracy this Gu family wants to engage in."

Since Gu's family did it, Li Ye didn't rush to leave.

He wanted to know if Gu's family came to deal with him, whether he learned of his identity or other reasons.

Obviously, the former is unlikely. If he knew his identity and gave Gu family 10,000 courage, it would be impossible to move him.

There are only other reasons.

Suddenly, Li Ye's mind flashed across the modest and gentle face of Gu Family Fourth Young Master.

"how is it?"

"It should be almost the same. Even the king and the strong can't resist this amount. This kid is not hundreds of years old. No matter how powerful he is, he will inevitably be recruited."

"How long will it take to work?"

"Hey, it's about the time of a cup of tea, and the effect will inevitably appear."

The two faint voices had no idea that their whispers were completely in Li Ye's ears.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, but Li Ye pretended not to know.

After a few breaths.

There was a knock on the door, and at the same time a respectful voice came from outside the door.

"The villain has been ordered by Miss Biao, and would like to invite Li Gongzi to go there."

Miss watch?

Li Ye once again showed a weird smile, and it was obvious that the so-called Miss Cousin from the Gu family outside the door meant Miss Yu Jia.

And he probably already guessed what Gu family wanted to do.

But he didn't point it out, but opened his eyes directly.

Outside the door, I saw a servant of the Gu family waiting aside, and seeing Li Ye come out, hurriedly stepped forward, looking respectful but obviously looking at Li Ye's face.

At this moment, Li Ye's face was slightly red, and he shook his head, while frowning and said, "Lead the way."

Such a straightforward answer made the gangster a little surprised, but he smiled coldly, but quickly made a gesture, "Please follow the villain."

Unlike Li Ye, Ms. Yu's family is obviously highly valued in Gu's family. She has a detached house and even a maidservant, as if she is in her own home.

"The young lady has been waiting for the son for a long time, so the villain can't go in."

The servant led Li Ye to the place and left directly.

Li Ye didn't say much, and pushed the door directly in.

As soon as I entered, I saw Fu Bo with a broken arm coming out, and Li Ye was obviously a little surprised.

"Young Master Li?"

On the way, Fu Bo was quite polite to Li Ye, but after arriving at the Gu family, his attitude changed obviously. But on the surface, it's pretty polite.

"Fu Bo."

Before Uncle Fu spoke, Miss Yu Jia's voice came, "Uncle Fu, who is here? Is it cousin?"

However, she saw that Miss Yu Jia had already changed her clothes, sweeping away the dust on the road, and she was even more beautiful. But when she saw that it was Li Ye, she obviously got colder.

"What are you doing."


Li Ye sighed secretly in his heart. In fact, he almost guessed the whole story when he noticed that someone from Gu's family performed bliss on him and then let him come here.

Moreover, he even discovered that there is also a faint smell near here. Although not as strong as he had encountered before, it was already in the air.

Uncle Fu didn't know the reason. After his expression flickered slightly, he actually said, "Miss, it seems that Young Master Li has something to talk to you, so the old slave will go down first."

It does not mean that Miss Jia reacted, and Fu Bo left.

Although Miss Yu Jia was a little puzzled, she was a little annoyed when she saw that Li Ye was still there, "What are you doing while standing? If you want to ask for compensation for this journey, I will talk to my cousin tomorrow, absolutely I won't treat you badly."

The corner of Li Ye's mouth raised, revealing a hint of irony.

"What are you laughing at! Don’t you think it’s not enough?" It’s just that, in the eyes of Miss Yu Jia, Li Ye’s smile slightly reveals a kind of evil, and is even more contemptuous. If you want to threaten this young lady with this, I advise you to die! This is Gu's family, no matter how good you are, it is not the place where you go wild."

After the headless contempt, Miss Yu Jia seemed to have lost interest, "If there is nothing else, please leave."

Li Ye did not leave, but looked up at the surroundings. At the same time, the strange fragrance in the air gradually began to grow stronger.

Although it had no effect on him, Miss Yu Jia's face was flushed, her eyes were a little blurred, her breathing was even more rapid, and her full chest was up and down.

Although Miss Yu Jia is arrogant and domineering, Li Ye still shook her head, "I will leave Gu's house today, but before leaving, I just want to remind you."

"Huh, you are self-aware. Remind? Remind what?"

Looking at Miss Yu Jia's guarded eyes, Li Ye couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, "Be careful with your family."

Be careful with the family, he can be considered as benevolent. After all, the Yu family is now ruined and he can't bear to see a weak woman into the mouth of a tiger.

But obviously kindness doesn't necessarily pay off.

This sentence immediately made Miss Yu Jia angry, "What do you mean by this! Be careful with your family! Gu Jia and my Yu family are even friends, how can it be detrimental to this lady! If you have nothing else, please leave. "

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