Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3138: Goat into the mouth


In a courtyard of the Gu's house, only an old man with a childlike face was seen lying on the chair with squinting eyes.

Behind the two charming maids served by her side.

"Grandpa, everything has been arranged."

At this time, Gu Cheng, the fourth youngest of the Gu family, was standing aside respectfully, cautiously not daring to presume. However, his eyes glanced slightly at the two maids behind the old man, and a ray of greed flashed through his eyes.

"Very well, although you are not of high birth, at least you still have the blood of my Gu family. If this matter can be done well, the old man can consider letting you enter Tianwu Garden for a year."

Tianwu Garden!

After Gu Cheng heard the words, his whole body trembled, and then he showed excitement, and said quickly, "Grandson will definitely not let you down!"

Tianwu Garden, that is the most mysterious place in the Gu family, even the descendants of the Gu family are not qualified to enter. Let alone stay in it for a year!

"Any other things?"

The old man was obviously a little sleepy, but Gu Cheng hesitated a little, and then said, "The grandson is unclear about something, so I don't know if it is inappropriate to talk about it."

The four young masters of the Gu family, who are beautiful outside, are so cautious now that outsiders can't see it naturally.

But if you knew who the old man who seemed nothing special at the moment was, there would be no doubt.

The third ancestor of the Gu family!

It is even one of the three martial emperors of the Gu family!

And Gu Cheng was obviously a descendant of the three ancestors of the Gu family, but he was not a prostitute, but a concubine.

For a large family, after millions of years, there are naturally thousands of children and grandchildren. Unless the blood is pure and noble, it is impossible to stay in the Gu family.

Although Gu Cheng is the fourth youngest member of the Gu family, only he knows that he is nothing at all in the Gu family! Had it not been for the old man in front of him, he would have been driven out of Gu's house and turned into a bereaved dog.


"The grandson is a little unclear."

"Why don't you understand?"

"Yu family, my grandson has already sent someone to inquire about it. The Yu family has fallen into disarray, and even the old ghost of the Yu family has been killed in Huangquan. Today, only the little girl and the disabled old slave are left in the Yu family. Why is it so troublesome?"

If these words were heard by Miss Yu Jia and Fu Bo, they would naturally be shocked and even incredulous.

However, at this moment, there are only the three grandparents of the Gu family and the grandparents of Gu Cheng, and the two pretty maids are even more unlikely to disclose.

"After all, it's not a prostitute, so short-sighted."

The old man snorted coldly, causing the Fourth Younger Gu's body to tremble, and quickly knelt down, "Grandson is stupid."

"Yu's family is indeed broken, but don't forget that Yu's family was once famous. Moreover, the old ghost of Yu's family was really good at it back then. If you rashly start, my Gu's family will become a target."

The old man closed his eyes and stopped talking.

However, the four young masters of the Gu family's eyes brightened, "Grandpa means! Grandson understands! Yu family's alchemy is peeped by many people. If our Gu family takes the lead, let's not talk about the relationship between Gu family and Yu family. I am also afraid that other companies will take advantage of the situation to find excuses! Grandpa is really clever!"

"As long as the girl of the Yu family stays in the Gu family for a day, the others will not act rashly, and we only need to slowly obtain the alchemy of the Yu family step by step. When the time comes, even if the others respond, there will be no choice!"

Who could have imagined that Gu's family, who had a relationship with Yu's family, seemed to have taken in Miss Yu's master and servant, but they were equally uneasy and kind.

Especially Gu's Fourth Young Master and Miss Yu's were childhood sweethearts. However, at this moment, he could not see any affection at all. Instead, he was like a hungry beast, full of greed and viciousness.

"It's not too stupid. Remember, how did you get the identity of the fourth young master of the Gu family? The girl in the Yu family is now close to you. If you can get the trust of that girl, you can be regarded as a great contribution to the Gu family. At that time, the old man will let you enter Tianwu Garden for one year."

The old man's indifferent voice did not reveal any affection between his grandfather and grandson, and the fourth young master of the Gu family seemed to be used to it a long time ago, and nodded after hearing the words.

"The grandson will definitely do her best! Although the girl in the Yu family is a bit savage and willful, she doesn't need to worry about it at all. As long as the grandson does a little bit, she will be able to catch her!"

The fourth master of the Gu family sneered, this matter was like a great opportunity to fall from the sky to him!

Originally it wasn't an accident in the Yu family, he was just a concubine young master in Gu's family, and he had no status. The talent is not high, and it is not reused at all.

Now it is different. As long as he finishes this matter, he can naturally change his position in Gu's family.

"Huh, that woman Yu Xue doesn't have much brains. When I get her body, I won't let me choose at that time!"

He was originally a greedy and erotic, and he was somewhat jealous in the Gu family and didn't dare to mess around, but now he can do whatever he wants for the Yu family's alchemy. And even the third ancestor of the Gu family, intentionally or unintentionally, hinted that he could do whatever it takes.

Beauty and status are almost at his fingertips.

Respectfully withdrawing from the courtyard, the Fourth Young Master Gu's entire expression changed immediately.

"Come here."

"Four Young Master, what's your order."

"The kid who came with Miss Yu Jia before, where is the arrangement now?"

Although he didn't take Li Ye to heart, he was able to live in a family like the Gu family, and the Fourth Young Master of Gu family knew the weakness of Ye Changmeng.

"Back to the Fourth Young Master, that young man was placed in the front yard."

Gu's Fourth Master gave a hum, but tricks flashed through his mind quickly.

Yu's family collapsed, and now the only heir, Miss Yu's family, came to him. I really trust him, but it is not so easy to succeed so easily.

"It seems that that kid is indeed useful."

Suddenly, a trick came to mind.



When he woke up from entering Ding, Li Ye's ears moved slightly, but he did not open his eyes.

"It seems that Gu's family has taken me seriously."

A sneer flashed in his heart, and the Gu family sent someone to stare at him and did not exceed his expectations.

After all, if this kind of aristocratic family didn't have the heart to let others go, they would have been destroyed long ago.

It's a pity that Li Ye didn't have any thoughts about this Gu family. Not to mention an ordinary family in Qingtian City, even the emperor's Taoism like Qingming Tiangong is nothing more than that.

Moreover, the Great Emperor Qingming and him still had a fateful friendship.

Suddenly, a faint scent came into the tip of the nose.

As an alchemy master, Li Ye is particularly sensitive to this kind of smell, opening his eyes in an instant, a ray of cold light suddenly appeared.

At the same time, he even noticed that this kind of strange fragrance came from outside, and it was clear that someone wanted to attack him.

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