Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3123: He is the only one in the Three Realms who dare to molest the Jinghong Empress

"If the little friend needs something in the future, he can tell the old man directly, and the old man will definitely spare no effort."

The day of leaving was also the time when Emperor Gu Shi separated from Li Ye and others.

"Old take care."

Li Ye also respected this old man. It's a pity that the Great Emperor Gu Shi is now fully aware, and he has no intention of fighting and other things.

"Senior, do you have any plans after today?"

Princess Saint Demon could not help but ask.

"Haha, you girl is like an old friend of the old man back then. It's a pity, alas!" The Great Emperor Gu Shi sighed. Only Li Ye slightly guessed who the old friend in his mouth was, and just smiled. No words.

"Now, the old man just wants to walk around, be a wild crane and travel everywhere."

Before leaving, Emperor Gu Shi gave Li Ye a piece of gravel, but this gravel was not of any kind that can be seen in the world.

"this is?"

"This is a piece of rubble that the old man dropped after he was transformed into the Tao. It can communicate with the old man. If the young friend needs it in the future, he can use this to contact the old man, as long as the old man is still in the three realms and nine regions. In the middle, you can know it for the first time."

It turned out that this was exactly a piece of sacred stone dropped by Emperor Gu Shi, although it had no other effect, it was the fastest way to communicate with Emperor Gu Shi.


Li Ye didn't plan to take anyone there.

After all, the trip to Dongzhou is unpredictable.

The princesses of the Saint Demon Gate were all left by him, but they were not at the Saint Demon Gate.

Instead, he went to the Central Continent Sanctuary, because during the months when he was trapped in the Ming Demon Ancient Realm, the Saint Demon Gate received news that in the Central Continent Sanctuary, someone had seen the traces of the disciples of Tianwaitian.

This time he went to Dongzhou, while Jian Chen and Princess Saint Demon Gate were going to the Central Continent Sanctuary!

As for the Great Emperor Qingming, he had already broken through the sky a while ago, and Qingming Tiangong was the only way for Li Ye to go to Dongzhou, so he would also go to Qingming Tiangong.

"I'm alone now, should I always come out to see me?"

There was no movement in the void.

But Li Ye was not disappointed, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Sure enough, I don't know when, a figure has already arrived in front of him. It didn't even produce any breath.

"I said, eldest sister, can you not be so scary every time you show up? Do you know that people are scary and scary to death!"

There are only a handful of these Three Realms that have this kind of ability and can conceal Li Yeer's purpose.

"Do you know I will show up?"

The person who appeared was naturally the Empress Jinghong, still so cold, as if owed her a lot of money. Li Ye is now accustomed to it. After hearing the words, he smiled.

"I also tried to shout, but it seems to work."

no Zuo no Die!

For a moment, Li Ye felt that he couldn't breathe, and the terrifying gaze in the eyes of the Empress Jinghong was enough to make people feel heartbroken.

He alone is not afraid at all.

"Just kidding, kidding."

"The next time I will kill you!"

Perhaps only one person in the world would care about the threat of the Empress Jinghong. And that person is in front of the Jinghong Empress at this moment.

"Don't don't don't, my little life is worthless, but there are still things to be done and killed. I'll wait two years."

Li Ye is the only one who dares to be such a hippie smile. Even the Empress Jinghong had nothing to do with Li Ye, and indeed, she couldn't really kill her.

This is what Li Ye knew well.

"looking for me."

"Can't I find you if I'm fine?"

Li Yekou said in a fascinating expression that it was him because of such a flirtatious expression.

Sure enough, the Jinghong Empress turned cold and was about to leave.

"No, no, I do have something."

"If you talk nonsense, I won't appear in front of you again after today?"

This is still the Empress Jinghong who almost scared the Three Realms and Nine Regions 100,000 years ago? If anyone sees it at this moment, they will never believe it!

Even killing a demon emperor didn't blink his eyes, but he had nothing to do with someone.

"Good, good, I really have something."

Li Ye also put away his hippie smiling face. Although he was very interested in watching the anger of such peerless and flawless women as Empress Jinghong, he also understood that haste is not enough.

"what's up?"

"The last time you came back from Death Valley, do you remember?"

Death Valley!

If it were not for Li Ye, the Empress Jinghong would never have left Death Valley.

"Don't remember much."

"Sure enough, you should have at least five hundred years of life, but this is not enough."

Li Ye rubbed his hands, then smiled mysteriously!

In fact, he was very curious about what kind of powerful enemies the Empress Jinghong encountered that could cause her to be seriously injured and even exhausted her life.

Of course, even if he knew it, it wasn't what he could face now. A monster that couldn't even beat the Empress Jinghong, but it was only a dead end.

"Five hundred years is enough."

The Empress Jinghong said coldly, but Li Ye saw the flash of resentment in her eyes.

It's just that this faint resentment made him feel familiar.

"Five hundred years is enough, I have a way to restore you to the top!"

Today's Jinghong Empress is definitely not in her peak state!

"how do you know?"

"Hey, although I am far inferior to you, don't underestimate my other abilities." Li Ye smiled, he had long seen that although the Empress Jinghong succeeded in renewing her life, she could not completely recover to the peak of the year.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Emperor Sun Yao and Cangshui Demon Emperor to survive their first appearance.

"My injury, you can't heal it."

"How do you know I can't?"

A man can't accept someone saying that he can't do it, but he is still a very beautiful woman.


A smile flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Empress Jinghong, although it did not flash, it was caught by Li Ye.

"Your injury is more of a sequelae left by the exhaustion of your Shou Yuan at the beginning! So, as long as you make up for the Shou Yuan vitality you lost at the beginning, you don't have to worry about that injury at all."

Originally thought that Li Ye would have any insights, after listening to it, the Empress Jinghong was a little disappointed.

But Li Ye smiled mysteriously, "You must think that I can raise your five-hundred-year lifespan with the help of the eternal mystery of Death Valley. It's impossible now? Right."

Li Ye smiled, but the Empress Jinghong was silent.

"How about we make a bet?"

If you dare to molested the Jinghong Empress, and even dare to be such a hippy smile, Li Ye is the only one in the world.

However, the Empress Jinghong can kill anyone in the world, but she will not kill Li Ye.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your default?"


Hearing the cold voice in Li Ye's ears, he was overjoyed!

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