Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3122: Son-in-law of Saint Demon Gate

Three Realms and Nine Realms! What is the most precious!

Everyone has their own answers.

But only, for those invincible powerhouses who once stood on the top of the Three Realms, there is only one!


In order to continue their lives, they can do nothing! Even annihilate human affection!

Even a character like Gu Shi Great, who was trapped in the Immortal City back then, killed his own disciples and biological daughters to continue his life!

It can be seen that in order to continue to live, for those invincible strong, how much temptation is in the end.

"Little friend, your gift really makes the old man not know how to accept it."

After all, Xuzu was not an ordinary person. Faced with such temptation, he could barely maintain his composure, and he had to make Li Yejing admire him, and he also understood why the Saint Demon Gate had not stood for millions of years, not just because of one sect and three emperors.

No matter how invincible the emperor is, it is impossible to protect the sect from life to life!

It was the existence of Xuzu that allowed the Saint Demon Gate to stand tall even in the most declining period.

"This can be regarded as a little bit of caution from the younger generation, how can I say, the younger generation can be considered half of the Saint Demon Gate, isn't it?"

Li Ye blinked slightly and smiled.

And Xuzu laughed blankly when he heard the words, he naturally understood Li Ye's joking, and because of his relationship with Princess Saint Demon Gate, he was indeed half himself.

"The old man is disrespectful."

water of life! It is also the only elixir that can make Xu Zu a wave of life.

"Junior guards the law for seniors."

It is not easy to absorb the water of life. At the time, Emperor Qingming and Emperor Gushi spent three days and three nights before they truly integrated. And Xuzu's cultivation is not as good as the two ancient emperors, if you directly absorb it, it will not be successful if it is not a year or a half. But with Li Ye's help, it only took half a day!

The terrible breath almost broke the seal of the tomb!

But even so, that terrifying shock appeared directly above the Saint Demon Gate!

In an instant, the entire Saint Demon Gate panicked!

Countless strong men appeared, and the disciples looked at each other.

"This breath!"

Jade Demon Lord appeared in the void, then his complexion changed slightly!

Several other Demon Venerables also appeared, and they all reacted with Jade Demon Venerable.

"this is!"

"Xuzu! This is the breath of Xuzu! There is absolutely nothing wrong with it!"

One of the gray-haired old men was extremely excited! He has a very high status in the Saint Demon Gate, far above the younger generations such as Jade Demon Venerable, but at this moment he is like a child, excited and happy.

"Old Yin, is this really Xu Zu?"

"Can't be wrong! Back then, the old man had practiced under the seat of the Patriarch for 30,000 years, and he would never admit his mistake with this breath! God bless the main school!"

A fool could see that this breath was so exuberant that it was definitely not something that a dead person could release.

However, ordinary disciples don't know about Xu Zu's situation, but the ancestors who are Saint Demon Gate know best!

"What happened, did Xuzu have an adventure?"

Everyone looked at each other.

The reason they want to confuse the Great Ancient Stone to stay is for the consideration of the sect.

Emperor Bing Yi has been very indifferent for these years, and even they doubted whether they would leave with Li Ye this time.

If this is the case, the Saint Demon Gate will definitely be strong outside, and it will be difficult to secure the throne of the first emperor of the Southern Border Demon Race.

"All go back."

A misty voice came out, and several ancestors of the Saint Demon Sect and Demon Venerable hurriedly saluted them respectfully.

It was the will of Bing Yi the Great.

Although he was still puzzled and worried, it was obvious that no matter what, this matter was a great thing for the Saint Demon Sect.

at the same time!

"Holy Demon Gate! This familiar aura!"

"That old thing is not dead yet! How come the blood is still so strong!"

Countless pairs of terrifying eyes are staring at the Saint Demon Gate!

Some of them are even the most invincible existence in southern Xinjiang countless thousands of years ago. But after feeling that breath exploded, everyone fell silent.

"Hundred-legged insects die but are not stiff, the Saint Demon Gate still has a deep foundation after all."

Qing Cangmen, Jue Wuliu opened his eyes, stared at it, and finally shook his head.

Now Qing Cangmen and Saint Demon Sect have a good relationship, so he is not worried.

As for other Yaozu sects, they naturally reacted differently.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse!

Li Ye didn't know the reaction of the outside world, but he could almost guess it. And this is exactly what he and Xuzu want to see.

In the end, in the tomb, Xuzu's breath was reduced, and the whole person looked ten years younger, full of energy!

"The water of life is nothing but the so-called three-world immortal spring, and the effect of this work is just like the legend."

"Judging from the current blood energy of the predecessors, at least for a thousand years, there will be no fear of exhaustion. If the blood energy is sealed, it can be at least 150,000 years without worrying."

Li Ye smiled slightly, Xuzu's strength is naturally not as strong as the Great Emperor. But if such an ancient existence is holding an imperial weapon, even the emperor must weigh it!

And the Saint Demon Gate, naturally there is no shortage of emperor soldiers and emperor weapons!

"My little friend is kind, the old man has nothing to do with it."

"The predecessors are serious, and with the guardianship of the predecessors in the future, although the Saint Demon Gate cannot control southern Xinjiang, it is still strong enough to defend itself."

There is no doubt that Li Ye's words are a pun.

Xu Zu is not stupid, and he sighed, "My little friend really doesn't consider one or two? If the little friend is willing, the next Sovereign of the Saint Demon Sect is what you have in your bag."

If someone heard about it at this time, he would definitely look shocked!

How many years has the Sect Master of Saint Demon Gate been vacant! One family and three emperors, the suzerain of the emperor's Taoism, that is a symbol of identity and status.

Now, Xuzu obviously intends to let Li Ye stay, and even offers such conditions.

It seems that the Saint Demon Gate has suffered a big loss, but Xu Zu knows better than anyone, if Li Ye is willing, this matter is the Saint Demon Gate taking advantage of it.

Unfortunately, Li Ye didn't take the bait at all.

"Senior's kindness, junior's heart. Juniors are free and comfortable wild cranes. If you are the master, it is not necessarily a good thing."

But he also said immediately, "Moreover, the Saint Demon Gate has established the next successor?"

Xuzu was taken aback, and then laughed.

"You little slippery head, don't force it. But promise the old man and take care of the future suzerain."

The future sovereign of the Saint Demon Gate is naturally the Princess of the Saint Demon Gate! Li Ye's move also wanted to tell Xuzu that even if he did not stay at the Saint Demon Gate, the relationship between him and the Saint Demon Gate would not change.

Leaving the tomb, as to how Xuzu explained today's changes in the world, it is not within his consideration.

And as he expected, before long, the ancestor of the Saint Demon Gate, Yao Zun had almost all understood the truth, and he was naturally very excited! It was just that he was a little disappointed when he learned that it was impossible for Emperor Gu Shi to stay.

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