Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3107: Tens of thousands of years have passed

"The source of chaos! I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that the legend is true!"

Although Emperor Qingming had previously suspected that Li Ye wanted to cross the river and demolish the bridge, he was shocked and somewhat lost after hearing the truth.

As for the ancient stone emperor, he nodded, "Indeed, according to the ancient legend, the source of chaos was born in chaos, even before the heavens and the earth were opened, before the gods were born! It was the first flame, everything Fire, the origin of life."

There are many legends about the source of chaos and various theories.

However, for millions of years, no one has actually seen it.

Over time, they have long been recognized as a fictitious existence.

Now they are placed in front of them, even if it is the Great Emperor Gu Shi and the Great Qing Ming, they are a little embarrassed.

"This world was born from the source of chaos. From this point of view, some legends still have traces to follow."

"Yes, in this way, it is understandable why the curse of immortality on us is so overbearing. The source of chaos is born in chaos. I have never heard of a way to extinguish it."

Great Emperor Qingming's expression sank, "Boy, if what you say is true, then there is no way to untie it if it is not the curse on us?"

Although they are equivalent to the eternal existence of immortality, that is the ultimate pursuit of how many invincible powerhouses for millions of years?

But this eternity is not what they want!

Even if they can live for hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, but one day they will consume their souls and souls excessively because of the source of chaos, and eventually become thoughtless walking corpses.

The two great emperors would never want to see that kind of result.

"Little friend should have found a way?"

It was also the great emperor Gu Shi with a careful heart, and his eyes revealed a hint of wisdom.

Li Ye's words before, obviously meant something! Emperor Qingming also reacted all of a sudden!

What Li Ye said earlier is not that the curse of immortality cannot be solved! It's just that, I can't help them untie it!

This is a world of difference!

"Old is really smart, indeed, I know how to lift the curse of immortality."

Nodded, Li Ye did not deny it either.

Suddenly, Emperor Qingming frowned, with a slight dissatisfaction, "Since you know, why don't you help us untie the curse?"

However, the ancient stone emperor on one side pondered and asked, "Since this curse was born from the source of chaos, if you want to remove it, unless it is to extinguish the source of chaos, could it be that you have found a way to deal with the source of chaos? "

The so-called immortality is because the source of chaos is eternal burning! A flame that will never go out.

This allows them to live forever.

If you want to get rid of it, you can only start from the source of chaos.

"Ancient, this curse is indeed born from the source of chaos, but once the source of chaos disappears, it is not a good thing for this world and for all the people in the undead city."

Li Ye shook his head. If it were that simple, he wouldn't be so hesitant.

"What's the answer to this?"

"Don't you forget the ancient times? This world was born from the source of chaos. If the source of chaos disappears, this world will collapse and be destroyed!"

Needless to say, Emperor Gu Shi and Emperor Qing Ming were both shocked, and Emperor Qing Ming was even more stunned, "This world collapses! And all the undead who have been cursed will disappear with the source of chaos. !"

After all, it is the invincible existence of the Three Realms, it is naturally impossible to know such a simple calculation.

"Boy, in that case, do you know other ways?"

Other ways?

After hesitating, Li Ye nodded, "Indeed, there are other ways. Not only can we preserve the integrity of this world, but it can even release the curse on the undead."

The Great Emperor Qingming, who had already fallen into despair, suddenly became excited!

But at this moment, the Great Emperor Bing Yi seemed to have recovered from the soul wandering into the sky, and suddenly said, "When the curse disappears, it will be the day you fall."

Even Li Ye was taken aback, because the current Emperor Bingyi looked so unfamiliar, the hollow voice even made him shudder!

Not to mention Emperor Gushi and Emperor Qingming.

"What do you mean?"

The Great Emperor Bing Yi did not explain, but looked at him with an incomparably strange look in Li Ye.

That gaze was not owned by Emperor Bingyi at all!

Just as his heart moved, Emperor Bing Yi suddenly said, "After all, you still can't put it down here, you are back."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Bingyi fainted without waiting for everyone's reaction.

Li Ye's figure flickered, and he hugged Emperor Bing Yi's soft body directly, but frowned slightly, because he clearly felt the change of Emperor Bing Yi.

"Is it really related to the woman in the crystal coffin?"

He didn't know who the creator of the immortal city was, and who the woman in the crystal coffin was. But there is one thing he can be sure that Emperor Bingyi must have something to do with this immortal city!

If it weren't for the woman in the crystal coffin to really exist, he would have to doubt whether the Great Bing Yi was the reincarnation of a certain powerful person in the Undead City.

Emperor Bingyi's strange reaction and those words also made Emperor Gu Shi and Emperor Qingming extremely puzzled.

"Little friend, what is she talking about?"

Emperor Qingming was not as calm as Emperor Gu Shi, and he was furious, "Untie the curse and we will die. What does this mean!"

Suppressing the many questions in his heart, Li Ye hesitated, he still told them all, and said, "Two seniors, let the younger ones dare to ask, do you know when it is now?"

The two emperors were stunned, and they didn't understand why Li Ye asked like this.

However, Emperor Gu Shi frowned slightly, but shook his head, "The old man has been here for countless years, and he has forgotten how many years he has been here."

When Li Ye looked at Emperor Qingming, after the latter hesitated, he shook his head slightly, "What does this curse have to do with?"

What does it matter?

Li Ye smiled bitterly, this relationship is big!

"Two seniors, did you ever know that you are already ancient people for the current Three Realms and Nine Realms?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two emperors changed again and again.

Great Emperor Qingming couldn't help asking, "Can Qingming Heavenly Palace still exist?"

Qingming Tiangong was the sect created by Emperor Qingming. He and Emperor Gu Shi were not stupid. Li Ye's various reactions made them realize something at once.

"Senior Qing Ming, don't worry, Qing Ming Heavenly Palace still exists today, but..."


"It's just that after the disappearance of the senior, he was in a slump. Although he still bears the style of the emperor's orthodoxy, it is no longer the same."

Hundreds of thousands of years! That was not a short day! Even if it is prosperous for a while, there will be a day of decline.

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