Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3106: The truth about the curse of immortality

Emperor Qingming and Emperor Gushi have been trapped in the Immortal City for thousands of years, even they themselves have long forgotten.

However, Li Ye knew that these two great emperors were once famous invincible powerhouses in the Three Realms hundreds of thousands of years ago and even more.

The world already thought that they would have fallen a long time ago, or go to a more powerful plane.

But no one knows that these two invincible supreme lords have been trapped in this world forever, suffering from the curse of immortality forever.

Seeing the expectation in the eyes of Emperor Qingming, Li Ye faintly couldn't bear it.

"Little friend Li Ye, has the thing in the City of the Undead been acquired by you?"

The Great Emperor Gu Shi also revealed his expectation, and at the same time he seemed to see that Li Ye's hesitation had stopped, his heart sank slightly.

Although he and Li Ye had hit it off, they could be regarded as a happy friendship. But in the Three Realms and Nine Regions, for millions of years, countless people have faced that kind of powerful temptation and benefits, even if they are brothers, fathers and sons, they will turn against each other.

Besides, how long have they known each other?

The greatest secret of the Undead City!

In their view, it is the kind that can dominate life and death! The mysterious power that reverses the sky!

Or, some ancient artifact of the Undead City!

Only that kind of thing can lift the curse of immortality on them!

And these precious treasures and powers are replaced by them, who can guarantee that selfishness and greed will not arise?

That thing?

After Li Ye heard this, he did not answer. The worries revealed in Emperor Gu Shi's eyes, he naturally knew what it meant.

However, he could only sigh.

"Senior Qing Ming, ancient, the curse of immortality on you is hard to lift."

As soon as these words were spoken, Emperor Gu Shi was still in an uproar, and his expression instantly changed!

"Boy, what do you mean?"

After all, it was a powerful existence that once smashed the Three Realms. Under the anger of Emperor Qingming, the entire hall was full of compulsion and depression, and a strong killing intent was swept out.

However, even Li Ye, who stepped into the City of the Undead, was not afraid of these, let alone now?

Even if he inherited the source of chaos, the soul was weakened by more than 90%! But in this world! No one can threaten him!

Even if it is heaven! In front of him, they can only bow their heads and claim courtiers!

"Qing Ming, why be angry. Xiaoyou Li Ye is not the kind of person who doesn't believe in words. The old man believes that he should have his own reasons."

The Great Emperor Gu Shi was relatively calm. Although he was angry at first, he calmed down quickly.

But the Great Emperor Qingming was not like that. He and Li Ye originally joined forces temporarily because of the powerful enemy of the Moon King, and were not allies in the same boat.

Now it's the key to whether he can get rid of the curse of immortality, how he calms down.

"Huh! Guti! Don't you want to get rid of the curse on your body? Don't forget, you did those things for this curse, even against your bottom line!"

The two emperors were obviously familiar with each other before, and the words of Emperor Qingming immediately made Emperor Gu Shi's face sink.

It can even be said that it is about the pain in his heart.

However, he immediately took a deep breath, and did not shy away, "Qing Ming, the old man does not deny what he did!"

"Hahaha! Don’t deny! How do you deny! Back then, in order to keep your soul from becoming weak, you personally killed those disciples who followed you, even your daughter! Do you now want to show The hypocrisy that I don't care about?"

Killed his own disciple himself! Even the daughter!

Li Ye was also slightly surprised, but he saw this past episode from the face of Emperor Gu Shi, and he was extremely painful! There was a light of regret in the eyes.

"The old man never denies that the mistake has been made and nothing can be changed. Although the old man really wants to get rid of the curse on him, there are some mistakes that the old man will never make a second time."

This is undoubtedly clear, it is impossible to join forces with Emperor Qingming to deal with Li Ye.

Seeing him so determined, Emperor Qingming also grunted in disappointment.

At this time, seeing the two great emperors fighting so fiercely, Li Ye was helpless and could only explain, "Two seniors, the curse of immortality on you cannot be solved!"

After inheriting the source of chaos, he understood what the so-called curse of immortality was!

People are inherently dead! Even if it was the invincible existence of the three worlds and nine realms that used to dominate the situation, it will inevitably end up with the soul returning to the loess when its life is exhausted.

However, although Li Ye didn't know who created the Immortal City, and who first got the source of chaos, he knew that the so-called curse of immortality originated from the source of chaos!

Simply put, all the curse of immortality is the result of being infected with the breath of the source of chaos!

The source of chaos! Before the birth of heaven and earth, the first flame was born! It can even be said to be the source that gave birth to heaven and earth! Is the source of life!

But things must be countered! This terrible flame represents eternity and life! But eventually the person who gets it will die!

Unless there is someone like Li Ye, the primordial spirit breaks through the shackles of the world and is close to the immortal soul!

"Boy, what do you mean? Once the curse of immortality on us is lifted, we will die?"

Whether it is Emperor Qingming or Emperor Gushi, including all those who step into this world, they will be invaded by the source of chaos!

Because this world was originally created with the source of chaos! Anyone breaking in will become a hotbed of the source of chaos! The curse of immortality is that the moment their souls are invaded by the source of chaos, they have been branded with the breath of the source of chaos.

As long as the source of chaos is immortal! They are immortal existence!

Obviously, this kind of ability, which is similar to the sky, is not so perfect.

"The curse of immortality is given by the source of chaos. Although it is equivalent to immortality, as long as the source of chaos is still there. There is a problem."

Li Ye smiled bitterly, "No one's soul can completely bear the source of chaos. Even a breath is enough to make a person's soul gradually go to destruction. In the end, although it does not really disappear, it will lose all memory and even reason. And thinking become part of the source of chaos."

This is why the undead can be resurrected here even if they die! But once you die, you are weak! Even if you don't die once, the soul will become weaker and weaker, and eventually become those walking corpses without feelings! But still can't die.

Because everyone, to the clone that has become the source of chaos! The source of chaos is immortal! They can't die!

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