Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3074: ancient

"This thing belongs to the Demon King?"

Of course Li Ye knows who the Demon King is!

Stepping into the Immortal City, almost no one will not know who the Demon King is!

Zhuo Lie and Xuelian, both of the Saint Emperor's cultivation base, when talking about the Three Kings, the fear came from the heart!

Nowadays, a pinnacle emperor in Lian Tangtang, when talking about one of the three kings, that touch of jealousy makes Li Ye sigh in his heart, this time he wants to find the Bingyi emperor and even take her away, perhaps more than he imagined Among them is even more difficult.

"Hey, kid, why? Scared?"

The sloppy old man smiled coldly. Although he was a pinnacle emperor, but now he does not have the majesty of any emperor at all, more like a beggar and cunning fox.

"You stole something from the Demon King, one of the three kings, and you dare to blatantly take it out to exchange top-grade souls with others?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, kid, you don't understand this. In this immortal city, there is nothing that can't be traded! Even if it is the Three Kings, do you think their things are legitimate?"

A sneer flashed across the face of the sloppy old man, and Li Ye was noncommittal after hearing the words.

However, knowing that the things in the hands of the sloppy old man came from such a way that made him even more curious. Before, it was just his own intuition, which made him feel that this thing was not so ordinary. Now, it made him want to know the true face of this stone.

"Those people just came for the stone in your hand, right?"

Since the demon king's subordinates can find the door, it is naturally impossible for the demon king's face. So Li Ye turned to think about it, and suddenly got an idea.

"Hey, this is not your kid's nosy."

"How about this, this thing is left in your hands, and no one will trade with you, let alone the demon king's men are still chasing you everywhere. Why don't I use these elixirs in exchange for the things to me, and Not only can you get rid of the entanglement of that group of people, but you can also have these soul-tonifying pills, why not do it?"

Dare to bargain with a peak emperor like this, even digging holes to let the other party jump in, that is, Li Ye has the guts.

Although it was a scam, Li Ye was not completely fooling each other. The few pills in his hand all have a certain color, even Zhuo Lie Xuelian, after receiving the pill given by him, they looked surprised!

So Li Ye is very confident.

However, he was wrong. After seeing the pill in his hand, the sloppy old man was indeed moved, but in the end he took the stone back.

"Why? You don't have enough heart to swallow an elephant, senior, you have to think carefully."

As Li Ye smiled slightly, he showed a faint smile, "If I'm not wrong, even though you stole this thing from the Demon King, Senior, but what is the origin of this thing, and what it is? No clue?"

With that said, Li Ye stared at each other tightly, and he saw a touch of surprise in the sloppy old man's eyes.

Obviously, he guessed it right.

"Cunning little guy!" I only saw the sloppy old man grinning, but didn't deny it, and then fell into thinking.

Li Ye is not in a hurry, but obviously this is not a long stay.

The sloppy old man also realized this and nodded, "Boy, come with me!"

The immortal city area is endless, not only the ruined city that Li Ye had seen before, but now this seemingly prosperous but revealing splendid area surrounded by life, it is also confusing.

The sloppy old man took Li Ye and almost spared countless numbers. Even the cultivator's memory is amazing, it is absolutely impossible to remember the route, and finally he reached a place that seemed relatively quiet and remote.

As everyone knows, Li Ye has already remembered the route. With the strength of his primordial spirit and the strong spiritual consciousness, let alone this path, even if it is more than a hundred times more complicated, he can't help him.

"Boy, it's still safe here, let's talk, how many pill of this powerful soul fragment do you have?"

The sloppy old man seemed to be a different person, from his previous wretched and cautious appearance, he instantly transformed into the monstrous and majestic Supreme Emperor!

That terrible breath was enough to make the Holy Emperor stand unstable and prostrate on the ground.

Unfortunately, the other party underestimated Li Ye.

Emperor Pinnacle? Although the Great Emperor Baiyun and his ilk were much stronger than the Sun Yao Great Emperor that they had encountered before, it was not enough to frighten Li Ye today.

"Senior seems to be interested in this transaction?"

Seeing that Li Yeruo had nothing to do, his face was calm, and the sloppy old man was slightly surprised.

Although Li Ye had broken through his realm before and made him aware of the weirdness of the young man in front of him, now he can still be so calm and relaxed under his unabashed pressure, but it makes him look admired.

"You kid is interesting. If it wasn't for the old man, he might be interested in accepting you as a disciple."

A pinnacle emperor! Being able to say this is enough to show his appreciation for Li Ye.

It's just that after he finished speaking, a flick of helplessness and sigh flashed deep in his eyes.

What about Emperor Pinnacle, now he is just one of the countless undead in this undead city. Even though his strength is overwhelming, he is still tortured by the curse, and there is never a day to leave.

"Senior kindness, younger generation's heart."

Li Ye also had a solemn expression. After all, this person in front of him, but the Great Emperor, is definitely a resounding existence in the Three Realms and Nine Realms.

"Fine, nothing, you don't have much interest in your boy. If the old man was in that year, how many talented handsome men and peerless evildoers would beg the old man to accept them as disciples."

With a sorrowful face, as the pinnacle emperor, he naturally has a glorious past.

On the contrary, Li Ye smiled slightly after hearing the words, "I don't know how seniors are called?"

Since it is the pinnacle emperor, it is impossible to be silent!

The Three Realms and Nine Regions, any great emperor is definitely the pinnacle task. The sloppy old man in front of you definitely has a lot of background!

"The old man has long forgotten who he is. If you don't dislike it, call me old."

From the eyes of the other party, Li Ye could see that this was not a evasive word. But it made him feel even more embarrassed that even a character like the Great Emperor could not resist the invasion of the Immortal Curse, and gradually forget the past, all memories and feelings will disappear.

"Ancient, as you are now, shouldn't you have a special need for soul fragments? Even if you need it, with your strength?"

Li Ye was very curious, and it was too simple for a pinnacle emperor to kill people. Those undead were not opponents at all. It was easy to seize soul fragments.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the old words, a trace of anger flashed across his face!

"Boy, I don't want to hear this a second time!"

Obviously, the Emperor Peak, who had forgotten his origin and identity, even his name, had his own secrets.

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