Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3073: Was this stone stolen from the Demon King? !

I don't know when, a piece of quiet around.

The few people who appeared in front of them, all dressed in barbed armor, were fierce and evil, and their eyes revealed a terrible light.

Just a glance away, Li Ye could feel a few eyes looking towards him, and at the same time the undisguised killing intent made the surrounding air start to condense.

The sloppy old man took a look and said nothing else. Just now he followed him with his face, and now he patted his **** directly, "Boy, goodbye!"

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

But Li Ye was not surprised. With the opponent's Emperor-level cultivation base, he wanted to leave, but few people here had the ability to stop him.

It's just that when he left like this, he left Li Ye alone.

It's not that he can't go, but here he doesn't know where to go.

More importantly, for this group of people, he felt a smell that was not very similar to the other undead.

One of them couldn't see a trace of expression on his cold face, and he waved his hand directly, and immediately the three figures behind him disappeared in place, obviously chasing the sloppy old man.

The few people who remained, looked towards him.

"kill him!"

The leader didn't have any expression at all, took a cold look, turned and disappeared.

After he left, the others appeared in front of Li Ye.

Peak Wuhuang!

With just a glance, Li Ye knew the cultivation level of these people.

In this immortal city, he is indeed a master, but in front of him, he is not enough.

After a few breaths, a few corpses lay on the ground, their bodies were almost intact, but there was no sound. Li Ye twisted his neck directly, shattering his heart.

Of course the undead cannot die, but it obviously takes time to resurrect.

At the same time, wisps of black air floated from the corpse. Li Ye was not polite, and directly waved his hand. Although he could not directly condense into a black spar-like soul fragment like other undead, it was enough for him to take it back. Refining that kind of soul pill.

The next moment, Li Ye disappeared in place.

After he disappeared, before leaving, the cold-faced man who gave the order appeared again.

Looking at his own corpse on the ground, he was obviously surprised. At the same time, you can see that from his eyes, a burst of terrifying light flashed.

"find him!"

His voice seemed to come from hell, and before the voice fell, almost all the strong men wearing barbed armor disappeared.



"Hey, kid, I didn't expect you to have two brushes, and you weren't caught by those people."

At this moment, in a dead end, the sloppy old man who had slipped away alone before seemed not surprised that Li Ye could catch up and found his whereabouts.

Seeing Li Ye's appearance with a smile, he grinned with yellow and black teeth, and his smile was somewhat meaningful.

"The group of people is coming for you."

Li Ye is not stupid, he knew the purpose of the group from the beginning. The reason why he attacked him was because his soul was strong enough to make the undead covet.

But in the end, the reason was the old guy who was pretending to be stupid.

"Hey, the old man just took something in his hand. During this period of time, he was like a grieving woman, always following his ass."

Grab something?

When Li Ye thought of something, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "It seems that you stole the stone from someone else."

"Bah, baah! Boy, you need to have evidence to speak, what is meant by stealing from someone else? Old man, this is taken away honestly!"

The sloppy old man suddenly changed his face.

But Li Ye smiled, "So, don't you deny it?"

"Hey, your kid is indeed shrewd. But if you take the idea from the old man, the old man advises you to consider it. Although you are good at being able to leave unscathed in front of those people, you want It's not easy to **** things from the old man."

"It's really not easy. Although I have confidence in myself, it is really difficult to steal something from a great emperor."

The identity of the sloppy old man was broken with a single word, and he immediately saw the change in his eyes.

The turbid gaze suddenly rose!

"Although I can't take what's in your hand, you can't kill me either."

Feeling a murderous intent surrounding him, Li Ye smiled.

"Interesting little guy, in this undead city, it has been a long time since I saw such an interesting person appear." The sloppy old man suddenly changed his aura, and a breath of horror spread from his body.

The Great!

Li Ye was indeed right!

This sloppy old man in front of him is an emperor!

And it's not the kind of ordinary emperor who casually! He is a pinnacle emperor! Yuanshen Six Apertures!

But in the next moment, the horrible aura disappeared without a trace. In front of Li Ye, the image of that sloppy old man was still the image, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

However, Li Ye would not think so, "The great emperor, who has fallen to such a point, even steals other people's things. To be honest, I am very curious!"

These words silenced the sloppy old man.

A character like the Great naturally has his own pride! What's more, such a pinnacle emperor!

Compared to any great emperor Li Ye had seen before, the sloppy old man in front of him was definitely one of the best! Perhaps only the Jinghong Empress can surpass!

"Boy, if you want this stone, you can exchange it for the corresponding soul fragment! Otherwise, don't interfere."

"Senior, I am really interested in stones, but what I am more interested in now is, what makes you a pinnacle emperor even hiding in Tibet?"

Emperor Pinnacle! Such existence, the entire Three Realms and Nine Regions are not many!

Even the ordinary emperors of Taoism, those great emperors are just ordinary ordinary great emperors! Can't find a few peerless figures like Emperor Pinnacle.

"What does this have to do with your kid?"

"Naturally, it doesn't matter, but as far as I can see, the group of people just now is not so easy to give up. Although senior, you are super strong, but you can really hide for a lifetime? Don't forget the characteristics of the undead!"

These words silenced the sloppy old man.

No matter what the reason, a pinnacle emperor actually ended up like this, but Li Ye believed that the emperor-level powerhouse in front of him would definitely not want to stay in this undead city for a lifetime!

"The group of people before was the Demon King's subordinates. If you don't want to die, don't get involved. The old man is for your own good."

Demon King!

One of the three most powerful people in the Immortal City! The group of people just now were actually under the demon king?

Of course, what made him even more unbelievable was that a pinnacle emperor of the six-aperture realm of the soul! There was a slight hint of fear! When talking about that name.

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