Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3055: Crush the imperial soldiers with bare hands

Emperor weapon!

What was once the emperor or the demon emperor's personal possessions!

Different from the imperial soldiers, the emperor uses his own essence and blood to feed and refining. The imperial weapons are often in countless years. Under the strong will and power of the great emperor at all times, it produces an invincible and terrible similar to the imperial soldier. the power of!

Imperial soldiers are priceless! Because whether it is a great emperor or a demon emperor, usually only one or two emperor soldiers will be refined in a lifetime!

For millions of years, even the Hundred Soldiers, known as the King of Emperor Soldiers, had only refined 8 Emperor Soldiers in his lifetime! Almost exhausted the 100,000 years of the Great Hundred Soldier!

At the same time, because the Great Emperor Baibing himself is an extremely powerful refiner!

Emperor weapon! It is also known as a one-time imperial soldier! It is even better than the imperial soldier in the power that bursts out instantly!

"Imperial weapon, broken?"

Looking at the three broken fragments of the emperor soldiers, all of them showed expressions of horror.

Liuyin Saint Ancestor sprayed blood directly, and at the same time the imperial weapon was broken, his fate had almost been decided.

The plain figure fell slowly.

However, at this moment, almost everyone retreated involuntarily.

Before, there were many powerful people in the Jiuyao Hall who had been roaring again and again, who had sworn to the death, and now they all went backwards like a ghost.

The light of the three imperial soldiers is still there, but who dares to do it at this moment?

"It's just a waste of imperial tools, and you want to hurt this emperor?"

What is invincible?

Li Ye was deeply shocked!

In an era of invincible existence, perhaps many people dare to arrogantly promote that they are invincible!

The Holy Emperor can be invincible! For those ordinary Wuhuang.

The Supreme Holy Emperor is even more invincible! Because of their supreme posture! Few rivals!

Even some supreme holy emperors can remain undefeated in front of the emperor, even if they are invincible, they can escape safely or have powerful means to protect themselves.

These are all invincible powerhouses!

However, the invincibility of an era really belongs to only one person!

Jinghong Empress!

The invincible emperor of an era! Known as a peerless powerhouse that even the emperor dared to kill!

Finally, let the world see today that the legend is not true!

The body of Emperor Sun Yao!

That is the best proof!

In the Jiuyao Hall, the three emperor soldiers seemed to have been affected by the powerful aura of the Empress Jinghong, and they were awakened one by one without anyone controlling them!


Three stalwart bodies appeared at the same time!

One of them is the Emperor Sun Yao! The other two bodies are three points more terrifying than the incarnation of Emperor Zhiri Yao! No need to guess, it is the grandfather of Jiuyao Hall, the Great Emperor Jiuyao!

Although it is only a ray of will hidden in the emperor's army, it is still like a real demon emperor, king over the world!

That terrible look was enough to make the Holy Emperor burst into death!

A strong will swept out, and ten thousand people surrendered!

"Emperor Sun Yao!"

"Emperor Jiuyao!"

When I saw those two stalwart bodies, it was as if a heart-strength needle was injected into the hearts of many powerful men in the feared Jiuyao Hall.

Even though it wasn't the two demon emperors who really came, but at that moment, it was like an invincible posture! Any enemy who dares to threaten Jiuyao Hall will be wiped out in front of their two demon emperors!


At this moment, it is no longer what ordinary people can intervene!

Three imperial soldiers, three invincible incarnations!

At the same time! Almost with the supreme will, control three imperial soldiers! It's like the real demon emperor is alive, driving the emperor's soldiers to slaughter all living things.

"That's the invincible power that the Imperial Soldiers truly contain!"

At that moment, Li Ye had a clear understanding!

With the Emperor Soldier in hand, he can also feel it!

But even if the last seal in the Seven Star Sword was unlocked by the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor, he still could not exert the true potential power of the Seven Star Sword!

At this time he finally understood!

Only the will and supreme strength that are truly enough for the imperial soldiers to match can truly drive the imperial soldiers to exert their due power.

Three stalwarts, and at the same time shot to destroy the Jinghong Empress.

"Be careful!"

Li Ye couldn't help but blurt out a reminder that although the Empress Jinghong was really the pinnacle of existence in the world, what she faced before her was the three emperor soldiers who truly showed their complete posture!

It is equivalent to facing three great emperors instantly!

"Things without owners, dare to fight for glory!"


What is domineering!

The female emperor Jinghong slapped her hand directly, and the majestic power directly shattered the body of one of the emperor soldiers!

An emperor was destroyed with one move!

Even if it's just after the emperor soldiers unblocked and revealed their true fate, they turned out! However, that short-term invincibility is not weaker than any real great emperor!

"This, this is simply!"

Yunshan Tiejian and the others were dumbfounded!

Even a few of them, who are known by the world as the supreme saint emperor and claim to be able to fight a battle in front of the emperor, are at this moment as if they were slapped in the face, how ashamed and ashamed!

It's hot, and the whole face is flushed!

"Invincible! This is the real invincible existence!"

An ancestor of the demon race took a deep breath, but no one ridiculed or ridiculed his gaffey expression.

Because almost all of them have similar reactions.

"Emperor soldiers, dare to be emperor in this emperor!"


After smashing an emperor body, the terrifying gaze of the Empress Jinghong directly made the remaining two emperor bodies tremble.

Although not the real emperor, the emperor soldier who unblocked his true fate already possessed a trace of spirituality! With similar wisdom!

In an instant, the two emperor bodies made a move that was unexpected to everyone!

Directly transformed into the appearance of the original imperial soldier, turned and turned into two demon lights, fleeing away!


The people of Jiuyaodian couldn't believe it!

The imperial soldiers guarding the Jiuyao Hall! Actually abandoned them and fled?

At the same time, the emperor soldier that was smashed into pieces by the female emperor Jinghong also returned to its original form, and wanted to escape!

However, the female emperor Jinghong waved her bare hand and buckled it directly! Crazy burst of bright light, struggling to get out, but there is absolutely no way.

"The low-level imperial soldiers, this emperor still looks down upon."


A crack appeared on the imperial soldier caught by the Jinghong Empress! And the emperor soldier felt like the end is coming, and wanted to escape even more crazily!

It's a pity that the next moment, she was completely crushed by the Jinghong Empress!

It was an imperial weapon before!

It's the Imperial Soldier now!

The powerhouses in the Jiuyao Hall were still alive, without any blood on their faces.

Liuyin Saint Ancestor still took a breath, but seeing the scene of the imperial soldier being crushed, he finally did not hold back his last breath! He vomited blood and died!

It's more than that!

The two imperial soldiers who fled suddenly seemed to be blocked by some terrible force. They wanted to break through the void, but were directly bounced back.

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