Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3054: Three imperial soldiers! A dozen imperial artifacts!

A dignified demon emperor, the most supreme powerhouse in the demon race.

At this moment, it was just a corpse.

There is no temperature, only ice cold.

Everyone couldn't help taking a breath, and even suspected that there was a problem with their eyes!

"Then, is that Emperor Sun Yao?"

The corners of Jade Demon Zun’s mouth twitched slightly. For tens of thousands of years, the ancestors of the Saint Demon Sect had always been a major concern, and had always been the greatest enemy of the Saint Demon Sect.

A demon emperor has fallen!

This is enough to shake the entire southern Xinjiang!

Do not!

It's a great change that even the entire Shenshengzhou is enough to overwhelm the river!


Sorrow came from Jiuyao Hall! Whether it is the ancestor of the holy emperor or the ordinary disciple elder, after seeing the corpse of the sun, the expression of sadness and fear was revealed!

Liuyin Saint Ancestor is full of endless demon light! At that moment, the majestic blood energy that I had accumulated for many years was even more powerful, and it burst out!

Emperor Sun Yao has fallen! It means that Jiuyao Palace truly began to decline directly from the emperor's Taoism guarded by the incomparably powerful emperor realm.

"Who! Get out!"

This roar even made the mountains tremble and the earth cracked!

It was the roar of an ancient supreme holy emperor, and it was mixed with the bloom of invincible will!

In an instant, three terrifying treasures appeared behind Liuyin Saint Ancestor!

"Emperor weapon!"

As soon as he saw the three treasures, Li Ye's pupils shrank slightly, and he naturally saw that the three treasures that exuded the supreme will are imperial artifacts! What was once worn or used by a strong emperor for a long time!

Although not as immortal as the imperial soldiers, it is enough to live in a short burst and show invincibility!

Not only the ancestor of Liuyin, but all the powerhouses in Jiuyao Hall, almost all erupted with monstrous fighting spirit and anger!

At that moment, the entire Jiuyao Hall seemed to wake up from a deep sleep.

The momentum was so grand that even Li Ye couldn't help backing slightly.

Finally, above the void, stepped out an incomparably beautiful and peerless figure, that perfect face barely sees any flaws, just like God's most outstanding handwriting, drawing the most perfect picture.

The beautiful figure gently stepped out of the void, without any clouds, but accompanied by an invincible breath that surpassed everyone, the supreme king over the world.

Seeing that beautiful figure, everyone except Li Ye showed a weird look, and even looked at the reaction of everyone in Jiuyao Hall.

Sure enough, when the incomparably beautiful figure stepped out of the void, the roar and fighting intent of the entire Jiuyao Hall seemed to be instantly poured down by a basin of ice water.


Liuyin Saint Ancestor also changed his expression several times! However, his body became stronger and stronger, and at the same time the three imperial artifacts behind him had even begun to bloom with terrifying light.

"With your little blood, how many times can you hit the emperor explosion?"

The soft but icy voice made everyone shiver, and Liuyin Saint Ancestor's face was even more ugly.

"Jinghong Empress!"

It almost burst out from between the teeth! Liuyin Saint Ancestor was full of anger.

That beautiful figure is the Empress Jinghong!

Only the Empress Jinghong had that monstrous power to kill a demon emperor with her own hands!

How many times can I play Emperor Burst?

Suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of Li Ye's mouth. Liuyin Saint Ancestor is indeed a terrifying ancient existence. Although he is not even a strong emperor, his existence who has lived for so long really has to work hard, even the ordinary emperor will avoid it. Edge!

What's more, he was equipped with three imperial weapons!

Owning an imperial weapon has only one effect!

Play the emperor explosion! Destroy the world!

That was the only reason for the existence of the imperial weapon.

"Jinghong Empress! I have never had any grudges with you in Jiuyao Hall!"


There was no change in the expression on Empress Jinghong's beautiful face, and the indifferent eyes were enough to make the Holy Emperor Yuanshen freeze.

"so what!"

so what?

Yunshan Tiejian and others were shocked when they heard the words. They thought that the Empress Jinghong would answer any reason, maybe because of Li Ye, or because of other reasons.

But no one thought that there would be such an answer!

But Liuyin Saint Ancestor trembled all over!

It even made many powerful people in Jiuyao Hall anger and roar!

"Holy Ancestor!"

Liuyin ancestor laughed furiously, and said coldly, "Jinghong Empress! Even if you were once the invincible emperor, do you really think that the old man and Jiuyaodian, but you can't succeed!"

After speaking, shout out!

"Please Emperor Bing!"


Only in the depths of the Jiuyao Hall, three strong rays of light rose directly into the sky.

That invincible will can even faintly see the stalwart body that has turned out!

Emperor soldiers!

And it's three pieces!

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other, sighing in their hearts. After all, it is an ancient heritage of the two emperors, and many of them are beyond ordinary people's imagination!

At the same time, as the three most dazzling rays of light appeared, more than a dozen rays of light rose into the sky! It's just that it's weaker than the previous three rays, but it's equally shocking!

"Those are the imperial artifacts still kept in the Jiuyao Hall?"

Three imperial soldiers! A dozen imperial artifacts!

In this battle, it is hard to come up with some ordinary Taoism of the emperor!

Jue Wuquan is also a descendant of the Emperor's Taoism, but Qing Cangmen is definitely not so profound!

This is the gap!

In the same way, Jiuyao Hall is a double emperor! Two demon emperors have been born. Naturally, there are more imperial soldiers and imperial weapons.

Seeing Jiuyaodian was like a battle, Li Ye also looked cold.

In the next moment, the soul refining lamp in his hand gradually brightened. Although a holy emperor's soul was placed just now, it was really about to fight. In his hand, there were several holy emperor's souls being suppressed and sealed!

It’s just that Li Ye won’t use this trick as a last resort. After all, these souls are the strong men of various sects. Even if they ignore their self-esteem and their teachers, they are now treated in front of the strong sects. God has sacrificed, after all, it is not the best policy.

"It's a big deal, I sacrifice 30% of my soul!"

The only way to light the soul refining lamp is to sacrifice the strong soul! The stronger the primordial spirit sacrificed, the more terrifying the power of the soul refining lamp!

In the same way, Li Ye can also sacrifice his own soul just like Helan sacrificed his own soul before Yuanming!

However, when he sacrifices to the soul, he will definitely not lose his strength like Helan Yuanming! Because his primordial spirit is the most perfect primordial spirit of the world! Even if you sacrifice 30%, you can repair yourself!


There was a crisp sound that interrupted Li Ye's thoughts, but he saw three imperial artifacts gently broken into pieces by a pair of bare hands in the void.

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