Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3005: Five-row giant

Swallow the catastrophe with a small world!

This is not the first time it has appeared in millions of years. In the past tens of thousands of years, too many powerful people have peeped into the heaven-opening supreme power contained in the tribulation, and want to use this to enhance their strength.

"He is desperate?"

Seeing that Li Ye was so crazy, everyone took a breath.

"The small world swallows the heavenly catastrophe. Once it can't bear it, even the soul and soul will be damaged after the collapse of the small world!"

"At least it's better than flying ashes and annihilation directly under the tribulation of heaven! It's just that it's the tribulation of the Nine and Nine Destructions. This type of tribulation is difficult even for the emperor's realm to bear?"

No one knows why Li Ye chose this way.

Only the Emperor Tianjian knew what Li Ye was thinking!

"Boy, do you want to use the power of Heavenly Tribulation to open up your Five Elements World?!"

A world is not so simple that it can be bred and completed.

Even if you step into the realm of Emperor Wu, you can give birth to your own small world. However, it takes countless years for a small world to evolve to the extreme, or even into a complete world like the Three Realms and perfect laws of heaven and earth. accumulation!

At least a thousand years! More than tens of thousands of years are nothing to say.

After Li Ye's five-element body was fully developed, he opened up his own small world, but his small world is different from anyone's!

"My side of the world was not born in this world, nor did it have the most original power in this world. It takes at least hundreds of thousands of years to evolve, and it may not be successful!"

Invisible and invisible, the chaos has not opened!

It was a chaotic world without any breath. Except for the most basic five elements of heaven and earth, even the most basic laws of heaven and earth had not been completed.

"The calamity of the ninety-nine world destruction, but for me it is the best way to perfect my small world!"


Heavenly Tribulation! That violent power is even enough to crush the small world of any strong man.

Li Ye's small world couldn't bear it, it began to collapse and gradually split.

However, just as everyone secretly sighed that Li Ye could not bear the calamity of the nine or nine worlds after all, he was shocked to discover the amazing changes in that small world!

I saw the small world that was gradually collapsing. After the collapse, I don't know if it was because of the world-destroying power of destruction in the tribulation, which directly tore a piece of chaos from it!

"Open the world! That's it! He actually wants to use the heavens to open up his own world!"

Someone exclaimed!

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized, why Li Ye's world, just like a new born, just formed?

"Wait, why is this little world just a rudimentary form!?"

"Does his side of the world just opened up?"

Everyone exclaimed, you know, stepping into Emperor Wu can open up your own small world, and Li Ye's previous strength is obvious to all! Even the Supreme Holy Emperor is not necessarily his opponent.

If Li Ye had just stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu at this time, who would believe it?

But seeing is believing!

"He! Unexpectedly, the Society has never stepped into the Emperor Realm before!"

The sound of gasping was heard repeatedly, who would have thought? Who would dare to think that way!

There is even the supreme holy emperor of the demon race. He took a breath and exclaimed again and again, "This son's defying sky has been countless for millions of years! Perhaps, really only such characters as Hengtian Great Emperor can interact with This one is quite!"

The Great Emperor Hengtian was the first person in millions of years, and the countless powerful sects in Shensheng Prefecture would not deny this.

Everyone was amazed, but at this time Li Ye had reached the most critical moment!

His world is collapsing!

Although with the help of Heavenly Tribulation, this chaotic world was faintly opened up, even as in myths and legends, the ancient gods created the world and created this vast world.

I saw that chaos was divided into two, half turned into a clear stream and turned into a sky of stars! The other half descended, forming a vast and boundless continent!

The world is beginning!

Li Ye sprayed a mouthful of blood!

However, this mouthful of blood was sprayed directly on this nascent world, and countless blood and essence merged into this world like the essence of nurturing.

"It really is a world just opened up!"

"Opening up a world with the robbery, this kid is simply a madman!"

Most of the strong people present have experienced this scene, but none of them dare to open up their own small world in this way! It's easy to lose your soul and never exceed your life!

"It is indeed arrogant! But if he succeeds, his small world will far exceed the world's imagination!"

The so-called small world is just a world bred by a strong man with his own power! The strength of the small world is closely related to the cultivation of the strong! It can even become a source of continuous power for a strong man!

If you say that under Emperor Wu, the power of the cultivator is determined by the level of the true energy stored in the body! Then after stepping into the realm of Emperor Wu, what you compare is the strength of each small world!

The stronger the small world, the higher the body strength!

Even, you can evolve your own legal power!

Can Li Ye succeed?

Everyone is very curious!

The chaotic world at this time has been split apart! But then, the incomparable power of Heavenly Tribulation almost turned this nascent world into scorched earth!

Everything ceased to exist under that day!

It's like the robbery is about to destroy this new born world, destroying everything crazily!

"Sure enough, it is a delusion, and relying on the robbery itself is an evil choice! This child still needs to pay the corresponding price for his arrogance."

Seeing that the small world is about to be completely destroyed, at this moment!

A ray of brilliance appeared from the small world, a closer look, it happened to be the five divine lights!

These five divine lights directly formed an incomparably ancient formation, even so old that even Li Ye had never seen it.

Obviously, this formation method existed in this world long before the Heavenly Sage Sect appeared.

A huge five-star array appeared directly on the fragmented continent, and the five most original elemental powers of heaven and earth turned into five huge giants at this time!

As soon as the five giants appeared, they became the target of the catastrophe!

However, the extremely violent Heavenly Tribulation had nothing to do with these five giants, and even the terrible power caused continuous wounds on the bodies of these five giants, but these five giants stepped on the ground, constantly making up for the deficiencies in their bodies.

At the same time, five giants threw a punch at the same time!

Without any moves, it turned into five invincible lights!


Heavenly Tribulation was directly smashed by five giants!

Countless exclamations suddenly came out!

What a terrible power is this? Even the calamity of the Nine and Nine Worlds can be shattered?

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