Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3004: Break the world!

How noble and arrogant is that disciple of the Dimen Taoism?

However, these orders were passed down from the highest point of the Emperor's Taoism, representing the supreme will!

However, for those geniuses of the imperial sect, even the highest will can not let them suppress the arrogance in their hearts.

Even more so, the more it makes them curious about some recent happenings.

Even more people left the sect directly!

Of course, that's a story.


Southern Xinjiang.

"The next heavy catastrophe, he will definitely die!"

This is not the first time someone believes that Li Ye will die under the catastrophe. But this time, few people would refute it.

"The Seventy-Three Heavenly Tribulation is already an endless sky thunder created by the addition of the previous seventy-two Heavenly Tribulations. Today, the seventy-fourth Heavenly Tribulation, there are only a handful of people in the entire Three Realms who can survive?"

More people speak directly.

"Little friend, you have survived the 72nd Heavenly Tribulation, and the entire world is considered to be the top class! Why do we need to risk the 81st and Nineth Heavenly Tribulation!?"

The ninety-nine calamity of the world is a kind of awe and fear that countless powerful people have for the eighty-one calamity for millions of years.

Before Emperor Hengtian, no one even thought that anyone could get through!

Even now, the world still believes that, with the exception of Emperor Hengtian, there is no second person in the world that can do this.

Emperor Danwu did not complete, nor did the Empress Jinghong!

"Able to survive the seventy-two reincarnation calamity, it is also regarded as an evil spirit unparalleled. In this era, it may be impossible to find a single hand."

The Seventy-two Great Tribulation is again known as the Tribulation of Reincarnation!

It is the most terrifying tribulation after the ninety-nine world destruction.

The Emperor Jinghong, Emperor Danwu, and other legendary emperors, it was through the reincarnation catastrophe that the primordial spirit was so powerful, and the ordinary emperor was far crushed.

Li Ye now stands in a position comparable to them.

It's just that after the same reincarnation, there are also strong and weak points!

For example, Li Yecai had gone through the Tribulation of Reincarnation and attacked the Tribulation of the Nine and Nine Destructions. At this time, the failure was comparable to that of the Empress of the Jinghong.

However, even if it was a bit weak, when Li Ye stepped into the emperor realm, it was almost impossible to find an opponent in this world!

The Nine Tribulations of Heaven is a watershed.

The first nine-fold emperor's calamity and the three-nine holy emperor's calamities were all in the upper three realms, the most common heavenly calamity.

And above it, it is the Four Nine Divine Tribulations that claim to be able to prove and gain Tao!

Although it does not really make people shatter the void and prove the emperor's way, it is equivalent to possessing a powerful primordial spirit that matches the emperor's realm!

But that is just the most basic emperor realm soul!

Above that, is the watershed that truly distinguishes the strong from the imperial realm, the strong from the weak.

Fifty and nine small weeks of heaven! Six or Nine Weeks of Heavenly Tribulation! Seven or nine are invincible! Eight or nine reincarnations! Nine-Nine World Tribulation!

"Either he flies to annihilation under the calamity of the ninety-nine worlds, or he will become a legend."

"Whether this son can change his fate against the sky, perhaps under this tribulation, we can see exactly!"

The nine-nine-nine world-destroying catastrophe, even the Jinghong Empress did not survive.

Seeing that Li Ye was about to survive this nine-nine world-destroying catastrophe, the Empress Jinghong also had a look. It was obvious that even she didn't know how likely Li Ye was to succeed.

"Boy, this nine-nine-nine world-destroying calamity has only been passed through for countless thousands of years. How sure are you?"

At this time, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor also felt a little vacant. If Li Ye died, it would not be a good thing for him. Even though Li Ye is dead in his current state of awakening, as long as the Seven Star Sword still exists, his remnant soul can't die. But if you want to find another seedling with the same talent as Li Ye, it is not something you can find for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

"Old ghost, you want to listen to the truth?"

"Nonsense! Boy, how sure are you?"

"To tell you the truth, I am not even sure of this nine-nine-nine world destruction."

As soon as these words were spoken, Emperor Tianjian almost exploded his hair!

"Smelly boy! You are not sure what the nine-nine-nine world-destroying catastrophe you will survive!"

It's rare to hear Emperor Tianjian's angrily and depraved tone, Li Ye also smiled, but then became serious, "Old ghost, although I'm not very sure, but if I don't try, how can I know that I can't?"

"Smelly boy! This is not a joke, this emperor was not as crazy as you back then! Nine and Nine Worlds' Tribulation, you know how many heavenly prides and peerless arrogances have been lost for countless thousands of years. Life, ashes and annihilation?"

I wanted to scare Li Ye, but he didn't expect that these words would arouse Li Ye's eagerness to compete.

"If this is the case, then I should give it a try! If I can't even survive this nine-nine world-destroying catastrophe, what can I say about Broken Void going outside the three realms? How can I go to Dongzhou and step on his Ye family gate?"

"You bastard! With your current five elements, Dongzhou Ye Family is no longer a place you can't set foot on! After you truly take the emperor's life, even Dongzhou Ye Family will not be able to stand you!"

At this moment, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor slightly regretted it. If he hadn't told Li Ye about the origin of the nine-nine-nine world-destroying catastrophe, Li Ye might not have tried to take this risk.

And Li Ye just smiled.

The calamity of the Nine and Nine Worlds can be seen literally just how dangerous it is.

But he was not at all unsure of what he said, he was already prepared before facing the calamity of the nine-nine worlds!

After reincarnation, his soul is now strong enough!

The power of the five elements formed a circle of the sky in his body, and it made him truly create his own world!

Five Elements World! Completely composed of the power of the five elements, evolved, and even gave birth to the most primitive laws of heaven and earth!

It's just that the law of heaven and earth inside is too hazy, as if something is still missing.

That is an unopened world!

"Perhaps, this time the catastrophe is also an opportunity for me to open up my own world."

A ray of brilliance was born from his body and turned into a little bit of starlight into his world.

Behind him, an ancient chaotic world appeared, and it looked like a strong man who had just stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu, was gestating his own small world.

"What's the matter? Why is his world so weak?"

Although I saw the scene of Li Ye fighting against the Tribulation of Reincarnation with a side of the world before, it was even more strange when everyone saw it!

It's too weak, or in other words, too primitive!

It's like Li Ye was just born and created.

"Heaven and earth are beginning."

The robbery is rolling! It's like a real **** destroying the world! In an instant, he was swallowed directly by the world of the five elements of chaos!

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