Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2967: He is the descendant of the two holy places?

Seeing that Emperor Bing Yi was about to take action against the Empress Jinghong, at this moment, Emperor Bing Yi shook his head and looked at Li Ye.

Li Ye opened his eyes when he felt the gaze of Emperor Bing Yi.

If there is really someone present at the moment who can stop the Empress Jinghong, then there is only one person!

That person is Li Ye.

Someone immediately reacted, yes, since the Empress Jinghong shot for Li Ye, naturally there is a certain connection between the two.

And Li Ye finally said at this moment, "I am not the one to kill. If Princess Flower Burial wants to find the murderer, it will undoubtedly be a waste of time for me."

"Since you weren't killed! Why do you have my soul-returning wood from the Flower Burial Palace!"

The eyes of Princess Flower Burial were filled with endless hatred. In her opinion, even if the Empress Jinghong shot, she couldn't kill Li Ye now. But this hatred is absolutely impossible to end there!

"Someone sent the Returning Soul Wood to my hands."

Li Ye's voice was unwavering, he knew from the beginning that someone deliberately did this. What he didn't expect was that the other party actually killed the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace!

Do you want to blame him at this price?


Li Ye's eyes flashed.

Emperor Jiuyao?

Or Baiyun Demon Emperor?

It is obviously impossible for ordinary people to kill a descendant of the imperial door. And it's still unaware of it, and you won't find a few people in this world if you have the strength of cultivation.

Princess Funeral Flower didn't believe it at all, and even sneered, "This kind of explanation, do you think this palace will believe it?"

Not to mention Princess Burial Flower, even the many powerhouses of the Saint Demon Gate, there is actually a hint of doubt in his heart.

You know, Li Ye had just fought against the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace before, and because of the princess Saint Demon Gate, the two had a lot of grievances. If you really want to talk about the motive of the murder, it obviously makes sense.

And more importantly, the Soul Returning Tree fell into Li Ye's hands!

Yubao Yaozun and the others are even more aware that Li Ye's original purpose for coming to Southern Xinjiang was to find the Returning Soul Tree.

Everyone smiled bitterly, and Yubao Yaozun and others were actually a little skeptical.

"Hahaha, this emperor feels that this matter is also weird. A descendant of the emperor's Taoism has died so unclearly, the Saint Demon Gate must always give an explanation."

As Emperor Jiuyao sneered, everyone could see that he was clearly warning Saint Demon Gate and Emperor Bingyi not to continue to interfere in this matter.

"Even if he kills people, he deserves to die!"


Empress Jinghong suddenly spoke quietly, but almost everyone took a breath.

Princess Buried Flower was trembling almost in anger, but she didn't dare to do anything.

Even the Great Emperor Jiuyao opened his mouth, but he did not dare to confront the Empress Jinghong.

At this scene, Li Ye couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"This is truly invincible in the world. Even if I kill all the people in the world, in the face of absolute strength, the weak can always only surrender to the feet of the strong, and even their words, deeds and will will be affected by the strong. "

The overbearing of the Empress Jinghong is so cruel in the eyes of everyone, and it can even be said to be quite unreasonable.

But at this moment, no one dared to say a word!

Even if you fart, dare not!

Not for any reason, just because she is the Empress Jinghong!

"What a damn! Empress Jinghong! Even if you are invincible in the world, this palace is not your opponent, but this hatred, the Flower Burial Palace will never give up!"

Princess Burial Flower knew that today's matter must not be violated, and her eyes fell on Li Ye, "The soul-returning mummy is an ancestor's thing! It must not fall into the hands of others!"

Return to the soul wood! That is, the innate treasure is an imperial weapon!

But since everything is in Li Ye's hands, it is naturally impossible for Li Ye to return it like this. You know, his biggest purpose in coming to southern Xinjiang is for this thing.

How can it be handed over now?

"The princess's words are wrong. I will not return the flower burial palace when returning the soul tree. I hope the princess will forgive me."

Princess Buried Flower's delicate body trembled, her full chest undulating, but she was frightened by the presence of the Empress Jinghong, biting her silver teeth. This time, the Flower Burial Palace has suffered heavy losses! Not only did he lose the innate supreme treasure-level imperial artifacts like Returning Soul Wood, but also two ordinary imperial artifacts were consumed, and more importantly, a supreme holy emperor and a descendant died!

"Today's revenge will never be forgotten by this palace! He will surely return it a hundred times later!"

Regarding this unwarranted disaster, Li Ye knew that no amount of explanation was in vain. Faced with the threat, he just smiled casually, "Li is waiting for the day to see the princess again."

In the entire southern Xinjiang, perhaps only Li Ye was the only one who dared to offend an ancient emperor's Taoism by himself. At this point, even Yubao Yaozun and others couldn't help but feel admiration and a wry smile.

On the one hand, I admire Li Yechu's calf for not being afraid of tigers. On the other hand, in this way, there is no doubt that even if the Saint Demon Gate does nothing, this time it is undoubtedly completely torn with the Flower Burial Palace.

The ancient covenant that has been maintained for millions of years no longer exists.

Emperor Jiuyao didn't say a word, but slightly sneered.

The break between the Flower Burial Palace and the Saint Demon Gate was a good thing for him. The only thing beyond his control was an unexpected factor like Li Ye.

What's more, the emperor Jinghong brought out a lot of influence on his overall plan.

"The people of the monster race actually lost the face of the monster race to worship the human emperor as their teacher!"

The Great Emperor Jiuyao smiled coldly. Everyone thought that Li Yenai was a descendant cultivated by the Empress Jinghong, although it sounded incredible. But when I think about it carefully, such a demon, even an ordinary emperor can't cultivate it.

Only the Jinghong female emperor who is the best in the Three Realms has that kind of ability.

But what everyone didn't expect was that when the Empress Jinghong heard the words, her expression was slightly strange, and she said straightforwardly, "He is not my disciple."

Not your disciple?


At that moment everyone flashed this thought.

But immediately after that, I didn't know who it was, as if thinking of something, "By the way, why does he have the War God Order and the Medicine King Gourd on him?"

This reminded everyone that the Medicine King Gourd suddenly appeared on Li Ye's body before, and Wushenling two tokens that rarely appeared in southern Xinjiang.

"Yes, this is something from those two holy places, can't, he is the heir of those two holy places?"

"Haha, that is absolutely impossible. You said he is a disciple of Wushen Mountain, maybe there is still some possibility. After all, if this is really a disciple trained by Wushen Mountain, it would still be said to be so heavenly. But the Palace of Medicine King, no Possible! Impossible!"

The name of Wushen Mountain has been passed down by many demons in southern Xinjiang for a long time, even with a trace of yearning.

It can even be said that the two holy places have long been wrapped in countless legends and become mythical places.

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