Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2966: This is the real invincibility

Jinghong Empress!

There is only one person in this world called the Jinghong Empress!

A truly invincible symbol of an era!

A peerless powerhouse who can make the emperor retreat or even escape the world!

Jade Demon Sovereign, the many powerhouses of the Saint Demon Gate, all seemed to have ears that could not believe their own.

Princess Flower Burial spouted a mouthful of blood again, this time even a dark red color appeared in the blood, and the whole person was weakened to the point of crumbling.

"Jinghong Empress!"

In fact, everyone should have thought of it from the moment the Holy Emperor Green Bamboo fell!

A dignified and supreme holy emperor, even if he is not defeated by the demon emperor and other peerless existence, at least he has the power to fight! Even if you step back ten thousand steps, even if you lose, you can at least escape safely!

Who can destroy a supreme holy emperor in an instant?

The emperor? Demon Emperor?

There was resentment across Princess Flower Burial's eyes, but it was more of a kind of unwillingness!


She is the supreme holy emperor! It is also the master of the Flower Burial Palace!

Even in front of the demon emperor, you can neither be humble nor humble!

However, when I heard that the peerless woman who easily killed the Holy Emperor Qingzhu, it was actually the rumored female Emperor Jinghong who even many great emperors would retreat and dare not provoke her, Princess Flower Burial's whole body collapsed!

Coupled with the old wounds that had been severely wounded just now, she was almost completely confused.

"Jinghong Empress! Really is Jinghong Empress!"

Yubao Yaozun took a deep breath!

Southern Xinjiang has been xenophobic since ancient times!

But 100,000 years ago, the prestige of the Empress Jinghong spread throughout Shenshengzhou! Nanjiang is no exception!

It was a peak era in which no one could compete with it, and it was also a helpless era in which countless strong people lamented that they were born in the wrong era.

The Baiyun Demon Emperor shook his head. He knew that everything today was lost after the Empress Jinghong appeared.

Cangshui Demon Emperor glanced at Emperor Jiuyao. At this time, Emperor Jiuyao's expression changed several times. He was as arrogant as him, and he did not dare to arrogantly stand up in front of the Jinghong Empress.

He is the Demon Emperor, one of the true pinnacle existences in this world, invincible!

But now the person in front of him is the only existence he doesn't want to provoke!

In this world, only a handful of people can shock a demon emperor like him!

The Empress Jinghong in front of her was one of them.

"Do you roll yourself or let me do it."


Everyone took a breath!

But no one was surprised, because that person was the Empress Jinghong!

Only the Empress Jinghong could tell the three demon emperors this almost humiliating threat!

"Since it was the Jinghong Empress who made the shot, today this emperor will save face and bid farewell!"

Baiyun Demon Emperor, as one of the few demon emperors who have lived for the longest time in Southern Xinjiang, although not the strongest, he is the veteran emperor who knows the best that heroes do not suffer from immediate losses. He directly smiled and turned and disappeared into the void.

Just kidding, there was a great emperor who fell in the hands of the Jinghong Empress. His Baiyun Demon Emperor was a symbol of invincibility in the eyes of the world, but the demon head in front of him was enough to kill him, so it was naturally impossible to stay.

When the Baiyun Demon Emperor left like this, the Cangshui Demon Emperor also swayed instantly.

A word to scare away a demon emperor, how many people can there be in the entire Three Realms?

"This is the Empress Jinghong!"

A group of people, especially the juniors who have not experienced the peak age of 100,000 years ago, feel a passion!

"This is the real invincible powerhouse!"

The Yaozu hates the human race!

But to the point of the Jinghong Empress, even if she is a human race, it is enough to make most monster races awe and worship.

The Great Emperor Jiuyao was a little unwilling, and said in a deep voice, "Jinghong! You obviously disappeared 100,000 years ago, and now you are born into my demon clan's private affairs? It seems that there is something wrong with your identity?"

Indeed, as soon as the Empress Jinghong appeared, she could calm anyone, and the Demon Emperor was no exception.

But the Great Emperor Jiuyao is a generation of heroes after all, and he was not born 100,000 years ago. Although the Empress Jinghong was one enemy three, and even suppressed their three demon emperors from joining forces, at this moment, he suddenly thought of something. , His expression changed, his tone changed.

"Yes, the Empress Jinghong is a human race, and she is indeed a bit wrong to intervene in this way."

"Shhh, don't say anything, this is not something we can talk about."

Everyone talked a lot, but when the Empress Jinghong heard the words, she just glanced coldly. The look made the Great Emperor Jiuyao almost angry, but it was still suppressed after all.

The three of them were defeated by the team just now. Now that the old fox, the Baiyun Demon Emperor, sees a bad situation and runs away, he will naturally not be impulsive.

"I'm not interested in Yaozu's affairs, but he, no one can touch him."


Everyone was taken aback, and then each expression became even more weird!

Li Ye!

The Empress Jinghong was referring to Li Ye!

It's just that everyone is more curious!

"The Empress Jinghong actually maintained this son like this. Is it the invincible emperor who was 100,000 years ago behind him?"

"His pedigree is that the Empress Jinghong failed?"

Some people think of this, naturally they took a breath!

You know, although the Empress Jinghong has nothing to do with the Yaozu, she has no inheritance, but her heir status is more deterrent than the identity of any emperor Taoist heir!

This is a peerless existence stronger than any great emperor!

Emperor Jiuyao's eyes were terrifying, and his face was even more ugly.

But at this time, Princess Flower Burial was slowing down, even if she knew it was impossible to contend with the Empress Jinghong, but the vengeance of killing her son was not shared!

"Jinghong Empress! In order to kill him, this palace will not hesitate to pay for the entire Flower Burial Palace!"

What a resentment this is!

Lose the entire flower funeral palace?

What if you are invincible the Empress of Jinghong! The Flower Burial Palace is so ancient and inherited for hundreds of years. The Taoism of the Emperor is really going to fight you hard, even if it is the Great Demon Emperor, it will take a detour!

No one knows how many old monsters are still hidden in the Flower Burial Palace, how many imperial weapons and even imperial soldiers remain.

It is absolutely terrifying to work hard.

Empress Jinghong's eyes condensed, and the terrifying killing intent broke out!

Who is she? !

One hundred thousand years ago, even the same emperor had to take a detour! A mere supreme holy emperor can be wiped out in her eyes!

Actually threatened her?

With that endless killing intent, even the Great Emperor Jiuyao couldn't help but chill in his heart!

Princess Burial is like falling into the ice cave! But he was clenching his silver teeth.

At this moment, Emperor Bing Yi couldn't help but sigh faintly.

After all, she is still a member of the Monster Race, the Supreme Demon Emperor of the Monster Race. Naturally, it is impossible to watch Princess Funeral Flower be killed by a human emperor at her Saint Demon Gate, even if it is the Empress Jinghong.

"You can't stop me."

The cold voice of the Empress Jinghong exudes an incomparably domineering aura. There are indeed not many existences that can stop her in this world. At least at present, absolutely not.

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