Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2964: Who killed him, who I killed

The goddess above the nine heavens is nothing more than that.

This is the thought that flashed in almost everyone's mind at this moment.

It's so perfect, that kind of beauty even makes many people who are women fall in love with it.

Princess Burial Flower is also a woman, and she is also a beautiful woman. But at this time, it looked overshadowed.

It is not that she is not beautiful enough, but that she seems to be missing something compared to the woman in front of her.

"The Flower Burial Palace, in my eyes, is really nothing."

The quiet and cold voice sounded, awakening everyone at once.

However, the one who followed, but inhaled loudly.

If everyone hadn't witnessed the fall of a supreme holy emperor just now, they would definitely think this beautiful suffocating woman was crazy!

That is the oldest emperor's orthodoxy in southern Xinjiang! Even the Great Emperor Jiuyao and others would not say such words that were enough to turn the Flower Burial Palace over.

Princess Buried Flower was even more angry and trembling, coupled with the fall of the Holy Emperor Qingzhu, her originally beautiful and charming face became slightly hideous.

The imperial soldiers in her hand bloomed with extremely bright light!

That is the resonance of the emperor soldiers, more like a kind of high fighting will left by the Flower Burying Demon Emperor!

An invincible and stalwart body appeared!

At that moment, everyone including Emperor Jiuyao condensed their eyes!

"The Flower Burial Demon Emperor! That really is the Red Lotus Sin Wheel of the Flower Burial Demon Emperor back then!"

When seeing that invincible and stalwart figure appear, everyone can feel what terrible will is hidden in that body! It was as if someone who once stood tall in the nine heavens and was in charge of the common people once again awakened from sleep.

Flower Burial Demon Emperor!

There is no doubt that it is the Flower Burial Demon Emperor! Or it was his most original will left by the Flower Burying Demon Emperor in the emperor's army!

Only the Flower Burial Princess, who is the descendant of the Flower Burial Demon Emperor's blood, can truly awaken the invincible and terrifying will!

"The emperor soldier of the Flower Burying Demon Emperor, it's a pity that he is not himself."

With a light wave, the imperial soldiers in the hands of Princess Flower Burial flickered wildly!

At the same time, the seemingly terrifying and invincible body was twisted and roared directly!

The Flower Burial Demon Emperor, a generation invincible! The Monster Race has truly stood on top of that peak for countless years!

Even his will is enough to make any demon emperor bow his head!

"If your deity descends today, there may be a bit of a thin face, but unfortunately, it's just the last ray of thoughts you left in this world."

The void was completely distorted, and then only saw that slender jade hand turned into a white light. In an instant, the invincible body seemed to have been severely injured, and finally turned into an endless starlight embellishment and disappeared.


Princess Burial Flower could no longer support her, her pretty face turned pale, and the emperor soldier in her hand was even more bleak. Although it had not been completely damaged, it would never be possible to restore the former grandeur without hundreds of years.

Easily annihilated a supreme holy emperor!

Now with a wave of his hand, the invincible will left by the Flower Burial Demon Emperor disappeared.

Yubao Yaozun and the others couldn't help but gasp!

"What is the origin of this woman!"

Even the Great Emperor Jiuyao couldn't do such terrible methods!

What the Demon Emperor couldn't do, but suddenly a beautiful and suffocating woman appeared, and she was so terrible?

Only Li Ye actually guessed who it was when he heard that voice.

Because of this, he knew that he had survived the most difficult danger today.

More importantly, the corners of Li Ye's mouth rose slightly. Since she is here, let alone a flower burial palace today, even if the flower burial demon emperor in the flower burial palace is still alive, he would never want to take his life.

"Sister, you are finally here, one step late, today I can explain this little life here."

Li Ye's ridicule made everyone's eyelids jump!

Such a woman who killed a supreme holy emperor without saying a word, and even dared to annihilate the will of the Flower Burying Demon Emperor, even Jade Demon Venerable and others were trembling, and did not dare to speak at all.

However, even a group of people almost stared out. The woman who was terrifying in their eyes, not only did not get angry after hearing this frivolous language, but instead gave a glimpse of her beautiful eyes, slightly angered. One sentence, "Don't you stay in Xizhou, what are you doing here in Southern Xinjiang?"


But at this time everyone's attention was almost all on the terrifying woman in front of them, and they didn't notice this. Only a few people noticed, but they are even more curious about the identity of this woman.

"This, isn't there an important thing."

He came to southern Xinjiang naturally to return to the soul wood, but he didn't expect to cause so many incidents.

Seeing Li Yesan's face, someone probably guessed the reason.

But this is obviously not the time to renew the past.

"It seems that there was nothing wrong with my choice last time."

Li Ye grinned.

At this moment, a terrible voice interrupted Li Ye.

"The Great Emperor of Human Race!"

The eyes of the Baiyun Demon Emperor shone with a terrifying edge. For many years, southern Xinjiang has been a forbidden area. Although the strong human races occasionally set foot, they never take the initiative to clashed with the strong demons in southern Xinjiang.

What's more, an emperor of the human race descended in person! Also killed a supreme holy emperor of Yaozu! He severely wounded an emperor's Taoist suzerain of Yaozu!

This is definitely not a trivial matter!

The Great!

Everyone has recovered!

Only the invincible existence of the great emperor can kill an invincible holy emperor in an instant! Injure the Flower Burial Princess holding the Imperial Soldier!

And more importantly!

Everyone with a discerning eye could see that the great emperor of the human race appeared because of Li Ye!

"Wait, what's the matter? Why did the Great Emperor of the Human Race come forward for a demon genius?"

"I never knew the origin of this kid, could it be that he was from a human race?"

There were people who had doubts about Li Ye's origins in their hearts, but now it suddenly appeared.

"I will kill whoever wants to kill him today."

The cold voice doesn't contain any emotions, just like the emotional fluctuations just now, only for Li Ye's existence.

Whoever wants to kill Li Ye, she kills whoever!


Everyone took a breath!

Including the many powerhouses of the Saint Demon Gate.

Even if they were indeed on Li Ye's side, they were still frightened by these words!

Or, shocked!

A human emperor actually saw countless monsters in Southern Xinjiang as nothing!

Including several demon emperors of the demon clan!

"What a big tone! I don't know which emperor of Human Race is your Excellency! This emperor is not talented, but I want to learn it!"


Amidst the terrifying emperor's might, an invincible body stepped out step by step, and the void was under his feet, like the real world, blooming around him.

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