Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2963: Extinguished the supreme holy emperor

The sudden change, not to mention that Princess Flower Burial was unexpected, even the Great Emperor Jiuyao and others were surprised!

Emperor Bing Yi? !

The first reaction of everyone was that at this time, who could draw Princess Flying Flower with a palm so easily, besides Bing Yi the Great?

But soon everyone discovered that Emperor Bingyi was equally surprised!

Suppressed by the three demon emperors' joint efforts, even though Emperor Bing Yi was not in any danger himself, it was impossible to get out and rescue Li Ye.

Not to mention, that extremely cold and majestic voice is not from Bing Yi the Great!

"who is it!"

The eyes of the Great Emperor Jiuyao burst out with infinite sharpness, as if they turned into sun, moon and stars!

That terrible aura is definitely the same realm as them, even more terrifying existence!

When did such an enemyless object appear in Southern Xinjiang?

As for the Flower Burial Palace, the Princess Burial Flower sprayed a few bites of blood, and the whole person was even more depressed. The imperial weapon in her hand turned into an illusion of a dragon and a phoenix, guarding her in front of her.

"Where is the expert?"

The horror in Princess Flower Burial's heart can be imagined if she can hit her severely in an instant. You know, she is confident to fight the demon emperor even after holding the emperor weapon and the emperor weapon!

But being swept so easily, that kind of panic, for the first time in countless years.

Li Ye escaped from the dead, but his eyes flashed across the lines!

"You just said, if anyone prevents you from killing him, then destroy his body and destroy his soul?"

A cold voice came from the void, and when everyone heard it, it was the owner of the soft drink before. At this time, Princess Flower Burial's pretty face changed slightly, but as the current head of the Flower Burial Palace, even if he faced the Demon Emperor, he would not be at a disadvantage!

"Your Excellency! Do you really want to be an enemy of my Flower Burial Palace?"

Flower Burial Palace! The oldest emperor's Taoism in southern Xinjiang, the inheritance left by the most powerful flower-burial monster emperor of the demon clan, is even more important in the minds of the demon clan in southern Xinjiang.

The Saint Demon Gate didn't dare to tear his face easily with the Flower Burial Palace, it was obvious.

But at the moment.

"Flower Burial Palace?" The voice seemed to make a sneer, and it was so cold that Princess Burial Flower and the others could not help but tremble.

"Naturally is the Flower Burial Palace!"

Under the terrible pressure, Princess Funeral said with difficulty.

At this moment, she felt a little hesitant in her heart, but it was more of a stronger killing intent!

"Flower Burial Palace, what is it?!"


As soon as the cold voice came out from the void, the whole scene suddenly became quiet.

What is the funeral palace?


One by one the inhaling voice sounded!

Even the existence of Emperor Jiu Yao burst into a terrifying edge in his eyes!

Even he is not willing to offend the Flower Burial Palace directly! It's not that he didn't dare, but the cost, even if he was the Demon Emperor, he had to weigh one or two!

No one knows how many things left behind by the Flower Burial Demon Emperor, nor how terrible the background of the Flower Burial Palace is.

It can be said that any emperor's orthodoxy cannot be underestimated. Not to mention the Burial Flower Palace, an ancient place that has existed for millions of years.


Holy Emperor Green Bamboo shouted angrily!

But in an instant, it was as if it was swept out by an invisible force, a mouthful of blood was spouted, the body armor was shattered, and even the whole body banged, directly exploded under everyone's horrified eyes!

A divine light flashed by, and then everyone saw a vague shadow escaping from the blood mist.


That is clearly the spirit of the Qingzhu Holy Emperor, but for the realm of the Supreme Holy Emperor, the spirit has already condensed to the point where it is equivalent to the entity, and is called the soul of the world!

If the soul is not destroyed, it will never die! Even if the body is destroyed, you can survive!

The primordial spirit of Holy Emperor Qingzhu was also in horror at this moment, ignoring other things, and flew away.

Suddenly, a hand appeared from the void, and it was directly photographed!

That's obvious, it is to kill them all!


Holy Emperor Qingzhu didn't exclaim, but some people exclaimed absent-mindedly!

That is the supreme holy emperor, who was beaten to death by a single move, and even the soul will be destroyed by people now?

This is no ordinary demon emperor, or even a half demon emperor!

This is a supreme holy emperor!

The supreme holy emperor who claims to even dare to fight even the demon emperor!

The primordial spirit of Qingzhu Shenghuang turned pale, and he had lived for more than 100,000 years. He had never been so frightened as he is now!

Before a person arrives, he will blow his body with one move! Even his soul has to squeeze in a palm, what kind of existence is this?

"Be merciful!"

Seeing that a supreme holy emperor was about to fall in such a trivial way in front of everyone, Princess Buried Flower finally recovered and exclaimed!

It's just that the terrible existence was completely ignored, and a breeze swept away.

The primordial spirit of the Green Bamboo Sage Emperor didn't even have time to scream, and was directly under the sight of everyone, and his soul was scattered!

A supreme holy emperor was so embarrassed to die.

At this moment, every strong person present had bursts of icy chill from his spine.

Including Emperor Jiuyao!

At this moment, the pupils shrink slightly!

He is the demon emperor! But even if he can kill a supreme holy emperor, he can never be such an understatement!

Without a human being, he would easily annihilate a supreme holy emperor, at least the Great Emperor Jiuyao didn't think that the entire Southern Xinjiang had such a big man who could scare the Demon Emperor.


The disciples of the Saint Demon Clan couldn't help swallowing, the supreme Saint Emperor!

That's the Supreme Holy Emperor!

Just die like this?

Princess Flower Burial could hardly believe her, her delicate body trembled slightly.

anger? Or is it fear?

Everyone wants to know what terrible person it is!

Killing a supreme holy emperor is as random as slaughtering pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep.

The emperor? Demon Emperor? Even the Great Demon Emperor could not be like this!

Emperor Bing Yi flashed his beautiful eyes even more.

In the void, a white jade foot gently appeared from it, like a nine-day goddess, appearing in front of everyone.

"Who the **** is it!"

Emperor Jiuyao! Baiyun Demon Emperor! Cangshui Demon Emperor! As the most peak existence in southern Xinjiang, they all felt a strong sense of danger at this moment.

Being able to make the Demon Emperor perceive the danger, if it were known to the world, it would be absolutely shocking.

Immediately, a beautiful figure appeared in the void.

At that moment, whether it was the Great Emperor Jiuyao or the ordinary disciple of the Saint Demon Sect, there was almost a moment of loss of consciousness.

The beauty is so beautiful that it can't even be described in words.

That kind of beauty, even Emperor Bing Yi, Princess Saint Demon Gate could hardly compare. Not only looks, but also an urge that seems to make the world unable to help but want to bow down.

Goddess descended!

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