Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2925: Eight Hundred Tombs

Outside the hall, several figures were walking back and forth.

Seeing Li Ye appear, someone immediately greeted him.

"Jade Demon Lord."

Seeing the other person, a smile appeared on Li Ye's face. After all, not everyone in the Saint Demon Gate maintained goodwill towards him. But this Jade Demon Venerable was one of several demon Venerables who had a good relationship with him.

"Master Li, what can the emperor give?"

In Shengtianmen, Bingyi the Great is supreme.

Under the premise that the other two great emperors did not come forward now, the entire Saint Demon Gate, Bing Yi Great emperor's word can often change the decision of the entire Saint Demon Gate.


Li Ye didn't know how to answer. After thinking for a long time, he said, "Your emperor thinks that I am the best husband and wife candidate for her only disciple."


Not to mention Jade Demon Venerable, even the other people around almost staggered and fell to the ground.

Yubao Yaozun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "This Young Master Li really likes to joke."

"Do I seem to be joking?"

Li Ye's face was innocent, and finally Princess Saint Demon's face blushed. She gave Li Ye a handsome look, her figure flashed, and she entered the hall.

As for Yubao Yaozun and others, although they have a lofty status, they dare not enter without permission.

Regardless of their reactions, Li Ye has been quite comfortable at the Saint Demon Gate these few days.

And he was comfortable, but he didn't know how much waves were caused by the entire Saint Demon Gate, and even the entire Southern Xinjiang because of his series of actions!

The first genius in southern Xinjiang!

The leader of the new generation of Yaozu!

The most invincible evil spirit in a million years!

Almost in a short period of time, the entire southern Xinjiang knew about one person, breaking a record that no one had broken in southern Xinjiang in millions of years.

Ascended to the supremacy, representing the legendary holy land that ancient sages could only set foot on.

The great emperors have been silent one after another, but some small and medium sects have exploded.

"Have you heard of it?"


"That rumor, rumor!"

Similar rumors are circulating almost everywhere in southern Xinjiang.

The Lord of Yaozu ZTE has appeared! The king of the monster clan in the legend of the monster clan is born!

Especially some small sects did not enter the Demon City at that time.

The so-called fairy fights, the little ghost encounters. Normally people don't dare to get involved in that kind of scene, otherwise it would be fine if one accidentally died on their own, and if the whole teacher was involved in the whole family, it would be a sinner of the ages.

"The legendary genius who appeared in Demon City?"

"Yeah, I really regret not taking a chance to go there. Even if I died in Demon City that day, it is worth it!"

"No, if you have known that such an invincible evildoer will be born, no matter how dangerous it is, you must see the truth!"

Some strong monsters sighed.

Different from those imperial sects, for those small and medium sects, the monster clan has powerful characters born, no matter who it is, it is a flourishing age for the entire monster clan!

For their little sects, let alone damage to their interests, even through the ages, wherever such a powerful figure against the sky appears, there are some powerful opportunities to stand up!

"The last time it was such a prosperous age, was it more than a million years ago, the era of Emperor Gu Shi?"

"Yes, it is true. In the era of the ancient stone emperor, the entire monster clan was at its peak, and it was even more brilliant than the era of the demon sky and the nine demon emperors!"

Many of the older generation of monster clan powerhouses sighed like this.

"The Demon Race has been for a million years, and there has not been such a strong person who is the world's best. Although there have been demon emperors guarding southern Xinjiang in all ages, but if you want to say brilliant, they are no longer there."

Some Yao tribe ancestors crawled out of the ancient coffin and sighed while looking at the distant sky in southern Xinjiang.

"This era is destined to be a prosperous age of blooming flowers and geniuses. I just don't know, now Nanjiang has given birth to several proud children of heaven. For the monster race, it is a blessing or a curse."

Some monsters are happy, and some are worried.

Those who are worried are the elders of some Yao Clan sects, and even the extremely ancient existence.

They have witnessed the rise and fall of the demons in southern Xinjiang

"Several times ago, a similar scene happened."

"Only that time, it was the demon race Tianjiao who suffered both losses due to the fight for the emperor's seat, and some even fell as a result. Perhaps, under this sky, there shouldn't be so many Tianjiao evildoers all at once. This is a flourishing age, and at the same time It's also a big catastrophe of the monster race!"

As for the ancient inheritances of southern Xinjiang, the aristocratic families have fallen into an attitude of waiting for changes.

Somewhere in southern Xinjiang, in an ancient tomb.

Eight hundred tombs of Fu's family!

In Southern Xinjiang, as long as this name is mentioned, it is almost enough to make any demon race scared.

This is a terrifying and ancient inheritance of the Yaozu. Although it is not the Dimen Dao, its influence in the entire southern Xinjiang is second only to the Dimen Dao!

Among the ancient tombs, ghastly sarcophagi can be seen everywhere.

The sarcophagi are arranged neatly, as if this is a cemetery.

But the whole surrounding is thousands of miles away, but no one dares to approach here.

Because here is the site of the Fu Family of Eight Hundred Tombs.

"There is a message back from the Demon City."

"Can you find out the origin?"

If someone is here, they will definitely be scared, because these sounds actually come from those sarcophagi, and each and every one of them is hoarse and broken, like the sound of bones rubbing against bones.

"It doesn't have any origin, but it has a close relationship with the Saint Demon Gate."

"Sacred Demon Gate?"

"But I heard a message from inside the Saint Demon Gate."


"This son is indeed not a monster, but a human."

The voice of the opening was with a hint of uncertainty. Obviously, he was surprised by the news.

Sure enough, the ancient and majestic voice suddenly fell cold, "Human Race? If it's Human Race, how do you get to that place?"

Yeah, it can't be explained.

And this was also the biggest reason why no one in the Demon City doubted Li Ye's identity at the time.

After a long time, there was finally a voice from inside the sarcophagus, "Whether it is a human race, you will know at first glance. Don't forget the rumor that year."

This voice was not as old and hoarse as the previous two voices, but rather like a young woman, but there was a kind of indifference in the voice.


The previous two voices fell silent, and after a long time, one person said, "What about Emperor Hengtian?"

"Since the Great Emperor Hengtian was able to go up, it doesn't matter whether he is a monster."

"But that's just a rumor, no one has ever confirmed it!"

"Regardless of whether it is confirmed or not, since this son has appeared, the few imperial descents will naturally not sit idly by. Now they should be thinking about how to deal with this matter, and we may also need to come out and activities."

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