Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2924: Turned out to be an old acquaintance

Li Ye was speechless for a while, and indeed the so-called one day as a teacher and a lifelong father is a joke in these three realms and nine realms.

Throughout the ages, many pinnacle figures have visited more than one school or even the strongest in their lives.

However, he still shook his head, "The younger generation has decided on this matter, and the older generation should not make it difficult."

"It's hard for a strong man! Isn't it hard for a strong man to take away the only disciple of this emperor?"

Emperor Bing Yi snorted angrily, and Li Ye smiled bitterly.

Yes, he wants to take away Princess Saint Demon Gate!

Even if he didn't say it, everyone could guess it.

Since he was unwilling to worship the Saint Demon Gate, and now his relationship with the Saint Demon Gate Princess, it was naturally impossible to ignore it.

The only way is to take her away.

It's just that Princess Saint Demon Gate is not an ordinary disciple, so she can take it away if she wants to.

"Senior, I can compensate the Saint Demon Gate."

"Compensation! What do you think you can come up with to compensate the emperor for many years of hard work?"

"This one……"

Li Ye was speechless again, if it weren't for him to be ashamed, he wouldn't swallow so much.

Seeing Li Ye's embarrassment, Emperor Bing Yi's eyes flashed a smile, but it flashed away and no one noticed.

"The emperor does not embarrass you, nor asks what you saw on it. The emperor has only one request!"

"Senior, please say!"

A request? Li Ye is not stupid either. This seems to be a concession from the Great Bing Yi, but if it is a condition that he cannot fulfill, he will take people away even if he breaks a blood path today.

"The girl, you can go with you, but you must agree to a condition."

It really isn't that simple!

Li Ye didn't easily agree, but just asked, "What are the conditions?"

"It's very simple. One day, when you step into the emperor realm, you will never be an enemy of the Southern Frontier Demon Race! Let alone the Saint Demon Gate!"

Emperor Bing Yi's voice was extremely serious, and even said to be extremely cautious.

But this surprised Li Ye.

It's not that this requirement is so difficult, but in his opinion, it is completely beyond his expectations.

"How? Can't it be done?"

Seeing Li Ye's silence, Emperor Bing Yi's voice suddenly fell cold.

"No, no, no, seniors misunderstood, but juniors didn't expect seniors to make this request."


Do not!

This is definitely not easy!

It seems a simple condition, but Li Ye is not stupid!

The Great Emperor Bing Yi naturally knew who he was, and knew that he was not actually a monster.

"The emperor knows what you are thinking in your heart. With your talent, it will not be difficult to set foot in the emperor's realm in the future. Even in the future, you will have a chance to set foot on the Wushen Mountain and the Palace of Medicine King. But no matter what your future is, you can never interact with Nanjiang and the Saint Demon Gate. Enemy!"

These words show how much Emperor Bing Yi valued Li Ye's talent.

In this world, who can say that it is not difficult to set foot in the Emperor Realm? Even set foot on the Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace?

"Okay! I can promise!"

Li Ye hesitated, but nodded.

However, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor was anxious, "Smelly boy, you can't easily agree to this request!"

It was just too late, and the Great Emperor Heavenly Sword emerged directly from the Seven-Star Sword, and suddenly saw Great Emperor Bingyi's phoenix eyes condensed!

"Old Ghost Sword! It really is you!"


The terrible Emperor Prestige directly put the entire hall in danger, but the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor was not surprised at all, frowning slightly, "Bing Yi, do you really think so, can you avoid it?"

Obviously they are old acquaintances.

Although Li Ye guessed it, he was able to confirm his guess at this moment.

"Heavenly Sword, I didn't expect that you didn't die in Beidou's hands back then, but with your current appearance, it is just the last ray of remnant soul."

"So what, even if it's just a remnant soul, this emperor has a chance to see the sun again! It's you, because of that ancient vow, never dared to step out of southern Xinjiang, so why bother."

The conversation between the two made Li Ye frown.

Emperor Bingyi was silent, while Emperor Tianjian looked at Li Ye and said, "Boy, don't listen to her nonsense. No one can predict what the future will be. You don't have to be an enemy of the Saint Demon Gate, but the whole Nan Jiang? Hey, don't agree to it so easily. There are some things, but you can't tell."

It seemed that it meant something, but Li Ye shook his head, "Old devil, a gentleman, give it a whip."

"Holy shit, you kid, the emperor still doesn’t know? No, nothing. Since you can do this for a woman, the emperor can only recognize it. But there are some things that the emperor wants to remind you that Nanjiang is not that simple! It's not what you see, the Saint Demon Gate is not the real master of Southern Xinjiang!"

After speaking, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor disappeared directly. After all, he only had the remnant soul left, and he could not stay outside for too long.

South Xinjiang is not that simple?

Saint Demon Gate is not the master of Southern Xinjiang?

Li Yegang wanted to ask, but Heavenly Sword Great entered the Seven-Star Sword, and he didn't respond no matter how he called.

"The emperor has always doubted your ancestry, but he didn't expect to be Tianjian's disciple."

The Great Emperor Bing Yi sighed slightly. The Tianjian Great Emperor's reminders did not stop her, but it was obvious that she had misunderstood something.

Li Ye didn't explain much either. His ancestry was too complicated, and Heavenly Sword Great and him were both teachers and friends.

"This emperor will not stop you. But the Holy Demon Gate is not the emperor's ability to decide. Whether he can take that girl away depends on your own ability."

In other words, Emperor Bing Yi had acquiesced.

But apart from her disciple, Princess Saint Demon Gate is also the contemporary heir of the ancient inheritance of the Three Emperors, Saint Demon Gate.

It is not so easy to take people away easily.

Li Ye naturally understood, and smiled after hearing the words, "Junior understands."

"The emperor's proposal is actually valid. If you worship the Saint Demon Gate, everything is easy to talk about."

"Senior loves, but the younger generation has decided."

"Is it because of the Heavenly Sword?"

Emperor Tianjian? Li Ye shook his head for many reasons. Looking at the several sects he worshipped, the first Heavenly Sword Sect, later Heavenly Sword Sect, and even the Shen Dan Sect, he himself didn't know whether it was his bad luck or the lone star of Heavenly Evil.

In short, the sect he entered will always encounter some crises, just like this time at the Saint Demon Gate, although the bottom line is not him, he is a fuse.

More importantly, he is bound to be an enemy of Dongzhou Ye Family in the near future!

At that time, his school will naturally become the enemy of Dongzhou Ye Family.

Even if the Saint Demon Gate had an extremely ancient background, one Sect and Three Emperors, but facing one Sect and Five Emperors, the Dongzhou Ye Family, who was one of the pinnacles of the entire Upper Three Realms, was also stretched.

"Perhaps, when my five elements are completed, it will be when I go to the Ye Family in Dongzhou."

After Li Ye left, Emperor Bingyi did not make a sound for a long time. The entire hall was extremely silent, but the Great Emperor Bingyi took out a piece of jade from his body, and looked at it for a long time, as if he was lost in a moment.

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