Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2919: Kill the holy emperor with one sword

It was just such a stop, but it almost stopped many strong monsters in the Demon City who wanted to make trouble and fish in troubled waters.

Many people are unable to advance or retreat, especially the group of people who have seen Li Ye and Invincible before, let them do it?

"What? If you don't want to do it, I will do it myself."

Li Ye grinned, and suddenly many demons stepped back subconsciously.

However, one of the demon emperors glared directly and said loudly, "This is a contradiction between the demon clan and the holy demon gate. There seems to be no reason why you want to intervene?"

"Is there no reason? I said that the human race you are looking for is me."

Li Ye smiled slightly and cut out with a sword!

The terrifying sword light made the Demon King terrified, and with a roar, he almost exerted twelve success power, and at the same time offered four or five magic weapons!

The demon king was so embarrassed at the moment, but even so, this sword instantly shattered all his resistance.

In the end, the tip of the sword stayed in front of him.

"A Yaozu died in my hands before, now I don't mind adding a few more lives."

Such a domineering declaration made some other monster races regret it all at once.

"Damn, this kid is crazy!"

"It must be a lunatic, even the demon emperor does not give face, is he really that human race?"

Everyone naturally didn't believe that Li Ye was the junior of the human race they wanted to punish, but at this moment, they were stopped by Li Ye alone.

Many Yaozu powerhouses are a little frustrated for their face.

But not everyone!

A terrible breath directly caused Li Ye to frown slightly, and turned to look at it. After all, an invincible figure was step by step.

"Holy Emperor!"

When everyone saw this, they exclaimed.

"It's a demon from Qing Cangmen!"

Someone recognized the person and whispered.

"It seems that Qing Cangmen wants to do it."

Many monsters dodge quickly, they don't want to be hurt by Chiyu.

If the demon emperor did not take action, the holy emperor was the most invincible figure.

Now that the Saint Emperor Demon Venerables of the Saint Demon Gate are all entangled by the Jiuyao Temple powerhouses, there is suddenly a Saint Emperor level powerhouse at Qing Cangmen. There is no doubt that no one can stop them.

"Give you two choices, surrender or die!"

The strong man said nothing at all, directly with a terrifying aura, step by step closed tightly.

Before Li Ye Yijian severely inflicted the three half-demon emperor elders in Qing Cangmen, he had already let everyone understand that such evildoers, ordinary strong men were just to die in front of him.

So when he shot, he was directly a holy emperor.

"I think there is a third option."

Li Ye smiled, and the Seven Star Sword in his hand murmured faintly. That was a desire of the Seven Star Sword itself! The emperor is alive! Also eager to drink the blood of the strong.


The strong man frowned upon hearing this.

"You die in my hands."

Li Ye answered with a sigh, and everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Holy Emperor!

How can someone be so arrogant to kill a holy emperor himself?

Hearing this, the strong man suddenly showed an angry face! Even if you know the horror of the young people in front of you, as the Demon Sovereign Saint Emperor, unless you are a strong emperor in this world, why should you fear others?

The entire void shattered instantly.

Li Ye's figure also disappeared.

When they reach their realm, if they don't make a move, they will definitely destroy the world.

"Can actually compete with a holy emperor!"

"It deserves to be the invincible evildoer who defeated Guze and Indestructible! How old is he? It's already such a metamorphosis, it will really take decades or hundreds of years, and it is not the entire southern Xinjiang, except for the Demon Emperor. ?"

In a short moment, Li Ye and the strong Saint Emperor Demon Race appeared from the broken void, only to see a trace of blood flowing down Li Ye's forehead.

When everyone saw it, they were even more shocked!

"Not dead! In front of a Saint Emperor Demon Venerable, but not dead!"

The same is the Holy Emperor Demon Venerable, and there are many common demon ancestors present, but all of them refuse in horror.

Because of the same realm, they weren't the opponents of the emperor's orthodoxy.

The gap between the two is even greater than outsiders imagine.

However, a young junior, in front of such a terrifying strong man, hit a tie?

Even if he is injured a little, this is enough to be famous.

"This son is more terrifying than everyone thought! In the future, once he sets foot in the emperor realm, he is bound to become the second ancient stone emperor, even more terrifying!"

Many demon races did not believe that Li Ye was a human race. In their hearts, this was just a way for Li Ye Chongguan to become an arrogant beauty, in order to please the princess of the Saint Demon Gate and let Emperor Bing Yi let go.

Although in the eyes of everyone, there is some impulsiveness and youthful vigor, but who has not been young?

Especially some of the ancestors of the demon race, who have been in the past, can't help but remember when they were still young and vigorous, isn't it the same?

The blood flowed down Li Ye's face, but suddenly the corners of his mouth split, "I said, there is a third result, you die."

Before the words fell, everyone saw in horror that the Saint Emperor Demon Venerable that had appeared before the Qing Cangmen directly lost all aura without warning, and the corpse fell from the void.

At this moment, a group of talents were shocked to discover the confrontation between the two just now! It's not about winning or losing at all!

A demon, the holy emperor, has fallen!

That was a major event enough to make the entire southern Xinjiang earthquake!

Especially, the one who died was a Demon Sovereign of the Emperor's Orthodox Tradition!

Kill a holy emperor with one sword!

Countless monsters took a deep breath!

It also made some monsters dispel all their careful thoughts instantly!

"Oh, that kid is a monster! If you don't get any good, you can lose your life here, it's not worth the loss."

Such a thought emerged in the minds of many demons.

As for Qing Cangmen, many strong people roared!

"Little thief! You are looking for death!"


A half-demon emperor elder was beheaded before, and now another demon elder died!

Even if it is the imperial door, this loss is huge.

Suddenly, a terrible killing intent erupted from Qing Cangmen!

But at this time, it was suppressed by another imperial force.

Baiyun Demon Emperor!

Only he can suppress the many powerful Qing Cangmen who are now full of anger.

Unlike his previous opponent, Li Ye didn't have any confidence in his heart when facing a real Demon Emperor. The previous three moves to block the Baiyun Demon Emperor exhausted almost all of his power.

"Demon Emperor?"

Li Ye's gaze was undaunted, but to everyone's surprise, the Baiyun Demon Emperor did not directly reveal the true body of the deity, suppressing Li Ye with Godless power.

Unexpectedly, the Baiyun Demon Emperor waved his hand, and the remaining strong in Qing Cangmen disappeared in an instant, obviously being taken away by the Baiyun Demon Emperor.

But the Baiyun Demon Emperor himself took a deep look at Li Ye, and disappeared into the void with a hint of meaning.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The Baiyun Demon Emperor actually left! And also took away all the strong from Qing Cangmen!

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